Haseeb Qureshi on software bootcamps and software career development on the Yellow Duck Podcast

Haseeb Qureshi is one of the kind. His history of getting from playing poker as a teenager earning $100,000 to becoming involved in software development is well known. So instead of rehashing old history we are going to more generally speak in this podcast about: software boot-camps, software development techniques, career development and more.
In this episode Marcin Kraszewski talks with Haseeb Qureshi. At 21 Haseeb quit poker to study software development at App Academy. While attending the renowned boot-camp he quickly rose to the top of the class, and was hired, eventually being promoted to Director of Product. After his time at App Academy he started looking for work. After many rejections, he was able to negotiate a great salary package at AirBnB.
In this podcast you will find out Haseeb’s point of view on:
- How important (in success as a software developer) is the ability to be a self-starter and self-learner?
- What is the difference between programming and software development?
- How essential is knowledge consumption (news, hackernews, stack overflow etc.) vs. talking to people in business trying to solve real problems?
And many many more…
Find out more about Haseev and follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/hosseeb
Enjoy our next episode on the Yellow Duck Podcast: