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SQLite interview questions 

DevSkiller’s expert team prepares SQLite interview questions to assist recruiters looking to hire the best SQL developers. Our tests are accurate, measured and specially designed to find the right candidates for the job. We have tests tailored for all levels of experience, screening each candidate’s skills using a series of SQLite interview questions and tests.

All DevSkiller SQLite interview questions are powered by the RealLifeTesting™ methodology. This newly developed means of testing replicates real-world scenarios and presents candidates with realistic problems to solve within a controlled environment. Find the right candidate with Devskiller SQLite interview questions.

Recommended roles for SQLite interview questions

  • Data analyst
  • Database administrator
  • SQL-Entwickler
  • Database engineer
  • Database specialist
  • Junior SQL developer
  • Middle SQL developer
  • Senior SQL developer
  • Data entry technician
  • Data quality specialist

How DevSkiller SQLite interview questions work

What sets DevSkiller SQLite interview questions apart from traditional algorithmic testing is that we implement the RealLifeTesting™ methodology . This allows recruiters to analyze an applicant’s knowledge of SQLite, their coding ability and their problem-solving skills.

Using RealLifeTesting,™ DevSkiller can offer you a holistic view of the precise skillset of each candidate that applies to work for your business. Exact areas of strength and weakness, measured accurately and fairly.

Wesentliche Merkmale

  • Test each candidate’s coding skills and not just their academic knowledge
  • Option to monitor candidates in real-time, anywhere in the world
  • RealLifeTesting™ offers a unique test experience where users can opt to work on their own IDE and clone to Git, run unit tests, and access resources like Stack Overflow/GitHub/Google for research
  • Strict anti-plagiarism procedures implemented
  • Automatically generated results that are simple to understand
  • SQLite interview questions available for all levels of seniority

Skills covered in our SQL interview questions

  • Datenanalyse mit Python
  • Datenwissenschaft
  • Python
  • SQL
  • SQLite
  • .NET 5
  • .NET Core
  • C#
  • SQLite
  • T-SQL
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Rubinrot

What to look for in a SQLite developer

SQL is the most popular 4GL (Fourth Generation Programming Language). SQL accesses data from central databases and is embedded in other, more general-purpose programming languages like Java.

In your search for a SQLite developer you will be looking for someone well-versed with the technicalities of SQL. Your candidate should possess the design skills associated with SQL and a demonstrable knowledge of relational theory. In addition, SQL refactoring skills can prove quite useful in larger teams where the SQL is more complex.

Like what you see but want more?

Maybe you want to look at expanding our SQLite interview questions and tailoring them to suit the exact needs of your company? No problem!

The DevSkiller online task wizard has been designed to allow recruiters to fully customize our SQLite interview questions. This feature will allow you to control which languages you choose to assess, to allocate specific time limits if required and to define the scope of your SQLite interview questions. Each applicant’s progress can also be monitored in real-time and anti-plagiarism features are implemented to ensure you can trust the result of each test.

Finding your next SQL developer is made easier than ever.

Want proof that our SQLite interview questions work?

Don’t worry if you’re apprehensive. It is understandable to be cautious when it comes to your company’s finances. At DevSkiller, we are confident that our online tests will enhance the recruitment procedure of your business, so allow us to prove it. Check out the following case study of one of our previous clients:

Ada Health

Ada is a global health company which aims to connect medical knowledge with intelligent technology. The aim is to help people manage their health and for medical professionals to deliver the most effective care.

Ada’s recruitment of new developers requires candidates to have knowledge of a wide range of technologies, including SQLite, but also Kotlin, Java and many others. Ada assessed candidates for the required skills and their recruitment process was slowed by the need to screen applicants using on-site tasks and team interviews. When turning to DevSkiller, Ada’s biggest objectives were to save time on screening applicants and an improved interview experience.

DevSkiller automated Ada’s screening process and because our testing takes place online, reduced the need for on-site tasks. Ada’s recruiters are now able to gain a broad understanding of each candidate’s skills using an initial technical task, followed by interviews with only the most qualified candidates. Saving recruiters countless hours of time.

"DevSkiller hat uns geholfen, kostbare Zeit vor Ort für Bewerber einzusparen, die wahrscheinlich schon geeignet sind. Wir sparen 3 Stunden pro Bewerber - das war die Zeit, die wir vorher mit Bewerbern für eine technische Aufgabe verbracht haben."

Micha Gerwig – Engineering manager at Ada Health

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Muss ich ein Programmierer sein, um DevSkiller zu benutzen?

Our expert team has designed our Devskiller SQLite interview questions to be as simple and as automated as possible. Our tests are ready-to-use and designed to allow non-technical users to effectively verify the skills required for even the most technical of roles. This means our testing is easy to implement and to understand, with the really technical parts being assessed automatically. If required, you can even design your own SQLite interview questions.

What do you do about plagiarism?

Our clients need to be able to trust the results of their SQLite interview questions, so at DevSkiller we implement various procedures to eliminate plagiarism and leave only verified results. Screen recording tools are used which assess whether or not the candidate is looking at a second screen when undertaking a test and a range of social listening tools can be implemented. Our automatic plagiarism detector also crosschecks the code entered by the candidate, against answers previously provided in our tests. Any duplicates will flag up. If required we can then eliminate that candidate from the test.

What do candidates think of DevSkiller SQLite interview questions?

The regular feedback DevSkiller gets from developer candidates who have taken our tests, is overwhelmingly positive. Developers who are used to tests to prove their skills, usually encounter the same old algorithmic tests. This can be tiresome for a developer who feels these don’t accurately reflect the work they do, or their actual skills. By contrast they love the structure of our SQLite interview questions. They like being able to demonstrate their actual software development skills, rather than having to simply recite algorithms they haven’t touched in years.

Developers also like the fact that DevSkiller tests use normal coding tools and conventions like unit testing, and cloning to GIT from a personal IDE. It seems most candidates find our approach to developer testing refreshing and relish being offered a chance to prove their skills in a fair setting.

What’s the test duration?

The duration of our SQL interview questions varies and is flexible depending on your preferences. You have the option to use our default settings or with our customized tests, you can set your own test duration. It is even possible to set time limits for individual questions within a test.

Ruby on Rails
Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
106 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Rubinrot, Ruby on Rails


Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Rubinrot, Ruby on Rails

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

Ruby | Ruby on Rails | Suchmaschinenanwendung mit Rails - Hinzufügen eines Endpunkts zur Filterung von Bestellungen, Tags, Preisen und Namen für eine Online-Shop-Anwendung.

Ruby on Rails
Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
37 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Rubinrot, Ruby on Rails


Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Rubinrot, Ruby on Rails

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Leicht

Ruby | Ruby on Rails | Search-Engine Application with Rails - Add simple price and name filtering endpoint for online shop application

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
81 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Ruby on Rails


Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Rubinrot, Ruby on Rails

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Leicht

Ruby | Ruby on Rails | Simple API Student Class App - Implement a background for a virtual class register for a local school. Add validation rules and implement endpoint to expose some JSON data.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
120 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Python

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

Python | Fahrzeugverkaufsbericht - Implementierung einer Anwendung zur Erstellung von Berichten auf der Grundlage des Data Warehouse für Fahrzeugverkäufe.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
115 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über .NET, C#

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

.Net | .Net Core | Movie Repository - Implement missing repository methods for movies asp.net app. Task requires knowledge of sqlserver query language and usage of direct connection to database without ORM.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
115 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über .NET, C#, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, MVC

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

.Net | SQLite | Movie Repository - Implement missing repository methods for movies ASP.NET app. Task requires knowledge of sqlserver query language and usage of direct connection to database without ORM.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
90 Minuten maximal.


Complete a movie collection application that includes SQL queries and is built using Django


Prove your knowledge of JavaScript fundamentals by following a few simple instructions.


Prove your knowledge of Javascript functions by creating functions as directed.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
119 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Rubinrot, Ruby on Rails

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

Ruby | Ruby on Rails | Cookbook - Add validation rules and implement recipies searching functionality using SQLite3 database.