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Improve employee retention with personalized career paths

Help your people become their best selves with skills-based approach to employee development.

Career paths hero image

Was Sie bekommen

Improve retention by giving employees what they value the most: learning.

Discover what makes career pathing with DevSkiller different

Career paths: Skill details

Empower your talent to become their best selves

Attract top talent

Make learning part of your employee value proposition to attract and retain top performers.

Remove bias from all talent decisions

Make objective hiring and promotion decisions based on skills and performance. Set clear expectations for every role and promotion.

Build a culture of collaborative learning

Increase knowledge sharing through mentorships, on-the-job training, external learning courses,  certifications, and more.

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Career paths: Skills manager

Keep your skills relevant through employee development

Skills inventory

Get a panoramic view of the skills in your organization to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Visualize each and every advancement opportunity

Give employees full visibility into their growth opportunities with personalized career paths.

Continuous skill audits

Keep an eye on current and emerging skill shortages and address them before they become blockers.

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Career paths: Employee status

Close skill gaps through concerted career paths

Personalized career paths

Help employees master their current skills and get ready for the future as new in-demand skills emerge.

Design goal-specific learning initiatives

Align talent development with your business objectives to ensure learning bridges your present and future skill gaps.

Enhance your internal mobility

Keep your talent engaged through enticing upskilling and reskilling programs.

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Career paths: Employee fit

Design measurable promotion milestones for all roles

A fair promotion system based on merit

Remove bias from promotion decisions by creating transparent Skill Point tiers necessary to get promoted.

Give actionable skill recommendations

Spark initiative with guided growth toward the areas you need to capitalize on.

Multidimensional career paths

Create personalized career paths focused on skills, performance, and experience goals.

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Career paths: Skills overview

Strengthen career paths with employee assessments

Get a better understanding of learning effectiveness

Continuously monitor employee progress and help identify critical areas that need more improvement.

Guided hands-on development recommendations

Clearly define and recommend skills for your employees to acquire based on their prerequisites and your business objectives.

Give a sense of accomplishment

Empower your employees to select career paths and determine the steps they need to take to reach their dream job.

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Was unsere Kunden sagen

  • Orangefarbenes Logo
  • Bilenium
  • The aim of our Kompetenzmanagement project is to provide the skills needed to deliver on our digital skills strategy. By doing so, we want to maximize the potential of our employees, as well as increase their job and development satisfaction.
  • We recommend DevSkiller to every company focused on effective skills management. It helps us build better project teams while providing value to both our employees and customers.


DevSkiller is a digital and IT skills platform for skills management and assessment. The platform can be used to identify and develop a wide range of technical and digital skills. 

The platform consists of two solutions: DevSkiller TalentScore for technical skills assessment, and DevSkiller TalentBoost dedicated to skills management. 

TalentBoost helps employers; align learning with business objectives, inspire employees to develop their skills with advanced career path features, map and visualize the skills inventory on the employee, team, and company level, identify skill gaps and design action plans to bridge them, and create engaging upskilling and reskilling programs
As employees embark on the skills development journey, they collect points which makes the whole process very easy to track.

What is more, a point system is also used for promotion programs to make them more engaging. Having concrete, tangible milestones an employee needs to reach to master a given skill or be promoted helps build a culture of learning and trust. It also limits favoritism and improves employee satisfaction with their achievements.
TalentBoost rating combines 3 sources of skills related information; technical assessment results, self-assessment, and manager assessment ratings. 

This increases the objectivity of the overall score and removes bias, making the employer more transparent and trustworthy in terms of how decisions are made.
Career paths (or career pathing) is the process of planning the steps necessary to take in order to progress into more advanced or different roles at work. Career paths aim to align growth opportunities with organizational business objectives, as well as fulfill current and future talent needs. 

Career paths help employees be more engaged and typically reduce turnover.
The “My career” dashboard is available in the employee profile. In there, employees can explore their opportunities, as well as get skill recommendations with the breakdown of core, additional skills, target, and preceding skills. Employees also get invites to rate their skills, which can be retested once the training is complete to evaluate its effectiveness.
Designing career paths starts with skills mapping which serves as the groundwork for all the skills development planning. 

Without mapping the skills of your employees, there’s no way of designing personalized, meaningful training focused on helping your employees close their own skills gaps and those of the organization.
TalentBoost is backed by 10+ years of experience in the area of skills assessment. Since launching our technical assessment platform TalentScore, we’ve been working with clients all around the world which means we understand the challenges related to the talent shortage and skill perishability. 

We’re much more than a software provider – we’re your strategic partner. Our team of experts can provide you with; ready-to-use paths for transitioning to the skills-based organizational model, proven skills management methodologies to help you reach your business objectives , and strategies to manage employee expectations as you adopt the skills-based operating model/