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Angular forms API online tests

DevSkiller Angular forms API online tests are specially designed to help in the recruitment of

Angular developers of all levels of expertise. Tests are uniquely structured to accurately screen candidates and assess their skill level through a series of challenges and interview questions.

Our Angular forms API online tests are powered by the RealLifeTesting™ methodology, which aims to test developers by replicating the real-world scenarios they would usually face, in a controlled test environment. DevSkiller testing makes finding your next Angular developer easier than ever.

Recommended roles for Angular forms API online tests

  • Développeur frontal
  • Développeur Angular
  • Développeur JavaScript
  • Junior Angular developer
  • Middle Angular developer
  • Senior Angular developer

How DevSkiller Angular forms API online tests work

DevSkiller Angular forms API online tests are different to regular algorithmic tests in that they are powered by the RealLifeTesting™ methodology. RealLifeTesting™ simulates an Angular developer’s ordinary workday and offers them a chance to demonstrate their coding ability, problem-solving, and time-management skills within a controlled test environment. In turn, recruiters are offered a detailed breakdown of the skillset of each candidate, while still in the initial screening stage. Tests are then evaluated automatically and easy to understand reports generated.

Caractéristiques principales

  • Analyser la capacité de codage et pas seulement la capacité académique
  • Gagner du temps et de l'argent grâce aux tests à distance
  • La méthodologie RealLifeTesting™ offre une plus grande expérience utilisateur où les candidats peuvent utiliser leur propre IDE, cloner sur GIT, exécuter des tests unitaires et accéder à Stack Overflow/Github/Google pour la recherche.
  • Des outils anti-plagiat rigoureux pour garantir l'exactitude des tests
  • Observer les tests en temps réel
  • Des résultats automatisés que les recruteurs non techniques peuvent comprendre
  • Tests available for junior Angular developers, middle Angular developers & Senior Angular developers

Skills covered in our Angular forms API online tests

  • NG CLI
  • Composants
  • Lifecycle hooks
  • Templates,
  • Tuyaux
  • Form,
  • Form validation
  • Project configuration and automation
  • Change Detection
  • Injection de dépendance
  • RxJS
  • Event management
  • TypeScript

What to look for in an Angular developer

Angular forms API is used when users of an application need to enter data such as to log in. It can also be used for users to update profiles and various other data-entry tasks.

When searching for a good Angular forms API candidate, be on the lookout for a few things. Firstly you will want your Angular forms API candidate to possess a very good understanding of the Angular framework itself, as well as Angular dependencies like RxJS- the library providing reactive streams, which Angular uses a lot. Other dependencies to Angular include TypeScript, which is used to find errors that developers might otherwise miss, and JavaScript, especially Asynchronous JavaScript, the browser programming language which Angular apps run on.

A good Angular developer will need to show a good understanding of design patterns. Design Patterns apply to computer science in general, rather than referring specifically to Angular, but they are especially important in Angular because Angular is perfect for large projects and design patterns help to easily manage large amounts of complex code. They also make it easier to add new functionalities.

Your ideal candidate will also have hands-on relevant experience, ideally commercial experience building web applications using Angular. Further practical experience using open-source, JavaScript, TypeScript, or any of the Angular libraries is also desirable.

Want to build your own Angular forms API online test?

If you like what you see, but want to be able to get more from DevSkiller, then you can custom- build your own Angular forms API online test. DevSkiller tests come with default settings, but if you have someone technical available, then you can easily amend these settings and build your own custom tests. You can choose the allotted time-limit, the language tested and the range of questions tested.  You can even monitor tests in real-time.

How do you know our Angular forms API online tests really work?

Deciding how best to invest your company’s money can be daunting, particularly if you have never encountered DevSkiller tests before. So don’t take our word for it, read what some of our satisfied customers have to say:

Victoria Cyczewska - Spécialiste de l'acquisition de talents à Stepstone Services

"Nous disposons désormais d'un outil qui nous permet non seulement de collaborer pour créer des tests évaluant les compétences techniques dont nous avons besoin pour nous développer, mais aussi de communiquer en interne et en externe (avec les candidats). De plus, notre processus de recrutement technique est désormais plus structuré. Par exemple, nous utilisons les résultats de nos tests techniques pour amorcer la conversation lors des entretiens techniques".

Sabu Pappu - Responsable de l'acquisition de talents chez Veriday

"Nous avons réduit le nombre de rejets techniques, ce qui est très bien. Nous avons constaté une amélioration de 25% à ce stade après la mise en œuvre de DevSkiller. La plateforme nous aide vraiment à évaluer les compétences en programmation des candidats et à fournir une approche logique des compétences en résolution de problèmes des professionnels de l'informatique. DevSkiller nous a fait gagner beaucoup de temps pendant la phase de montée en charge et nous a aidés à inviter des candidats de bonne qualité ayant obtenu de bons résultats au test, ce qui a finalement permis d'améliorer les critères de sélection."

Olga Berger - Recruteur principal et spécialiste du sourcing chez CodeValue

"DevSkiller est facile à utiliser et convivial.

Questions fréquemment posées

Combien de temps faut-il pour mettre en place DevSkiller ?

DevSkiller comes ready-programmed with tests and default test settings, meaning setting up DevSkiller can take as little as 5 minutes.  Our Angular forms API online tests are already programmed with coding questions and Angular based challenges, meaning you can get started testing candidate’s straight away.

How do candidates take an Angular forms API online test?

The great benefit of Devskiller’s Angular forms API online tests is that testing is carried out remotely. This saves a great deal of time and expensive man-hours when it comes to recruitment. Instead, test invites can be sent to each candidate and they can get started at a time most suited to them. The recruiter can set time-limits on how long the tests last, and if required, the test invites can be made active for only a certain amount of time.

During the test itself, each candidate has the option of using our state of the art in-browser IDE or they can choose to complete the project on their favorite IDE and then clone the project to GIT. Candidates can also run unit tests to make sure their solutions work the way they are supposed to.

Once the test is completed or the time expires, each test is automatically evaluated and an easy to understand, a non-technical report is sent back to the recruiter.

How are Angular forms API online tests get evaluated?

With DevSkiller, test evaluations are carried out automatically, meaning that once a candidate has finished a test, the Devskiller platform gets to work automatically evaluating the solution. Candidates are evaluated on whether their solution would run, if there are any errors in the code they have provided, and on the quality of the code itself, as well as how their solutions work in edge cases.

Dois-je être un programmeur pour utiliser DevSkiller ?

No, Devskiller tests are made to be as simple to use and as automated as possible. Our ready-to-use tests are prepared by IT experts but designed to allow non-technical users to be able to screen the technical skills of each candidate.

Compétences testées
La durée
101 minutes max.
Aperçu du test

Questions à choix

l'évaluation des connaissances Angulaire, JavaScript

Lacunes du code

l'évaluation des connaissances Angulaire, JavaScript

Tâche de programmation - Niveau : Moyen

JavaScript | Angular | Reactive forms - Préparer un formulaire d'inscription avec Reactive forms

Compétences testées
La durée
72 minutes max.
Aperçu du test

Questions à choix

l'évaluation des connaissances API Angular Forms, Formulaires réactifs Angular, Angular2+, Modèles Angular, Sécurité Angular

Tâche de programmation - Niveau : Moyen

JavaScript | Angular 2+ | Formulaire d'inscription - Connecter HTML/CSS à Angular et ajouter la validation appropriée.