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[WEBINAR RECORDING] ジェネレーティブAIがデジタルワークフォースの展望をどう変えるか


What’s happening at DevSkiller? #April2016

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This year has already been very busy, we do feel that we are really going global! Each month we start working with customers from new countries and our Month-over-Month for […]
Marek Kaluzny |

Code review in IT recruitment – why and how you should use it?

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  • コーディングテスト
One of the most important but still ignored aspects of hiring a software developer is verifying how candidate is dealing with the code and whether is able to express their […]
Jakub Kubrynski |


10 sourcing tools that help IT recruiters in sourcing technical talents

10 sourcing tools that help IT recruiters in sourcing technical talents

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IT sourcing takes a huge chunk of a recruiter’s time. Of course, as a technical recruiter, you have your tips and tricks, proven methods and techniques that work. They are what […]
ケイト・カンデファー |
Uses for coding tests

5 uses for coding tests

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  • コーディングテスト
There are a lot of uses for coding tests, beyond IT recruitment. Thanks to the flexibility of our system, programming assessments at DevSkiller can be used to meet various company […]
トム・ウィンター |

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37 best articles from 2015 on recruiting programmers and tech talents

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As recruiting programmers is getting more and more challenging, IT recruiters want to stay up to date with all the valuable information that can help them in hiring best tech talents. […]
トム・ウィンター |