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Mapeamento e validação de entidades Teste para Programador Java intermédio | JPA, Hibernate

Nível global de antiguidade
Duração do ensaio
110 minutes
Competências testadas:

Resumo do teste

Test is combined from various tasks. Programming task, Code review and Choice questions.

Tipos de tarefas

Tarefa de programação

Java | JPA/Hibernate | entities mapping and validation - Make the classes from the com.devskiller.model package JPA/Hibernate entities with Bean Validation API validations.

Nível: Fácil

Competências testadas: Hibernate, Java, Java 11, JPA

Revisão do código

Java | Revisão do código da lógica empresarial - Efetuar uma revisão do código, prestando atenção à qualidade do mesmo.

Nível: Médio

Competências testadas: Java

Perguntas de escolha

Perguntas de escolha múltipla para avaliar os conhecimentos de Java

Nível: Fácil

Competências testadas: Java

Perguntas de escolha

3 choice questions assessing knowledge of Hibernate, Java, JPA

Nível: Médio

Competências testadas: Hibernate, Java, JPA

Avaliação manual

Pontuamos automaticamente testes de escolha múltipla e tarefas de programação e avaliamos o código candidato candidatos quanto à correção lógica, eficiência temporal e qualidade do código.

Java online test for a Middle Java Developer and interview questions

This Java online test for a Middle Java Developer is an essential Java programming test with Java interview questions. The key to its success is our RealLifeTesting™ methodology.

If you look for a Java programming test, you will probably find an algorithmic one. Our tests, on the contrary, give your Middle Java Developer candidates an online programming test which tests their actual Java developer skills.

You can give your Middle Java Developer a Java online test which reflects the kinds of tasks they will do from their first day at work. In addition to the Java interview questions you ask them, this is the best way to gain insight into the Java skills of your Middle Java Developer.

Ideal for Middle Java Developer roles

This Java programming test is the perfect way to test a Middle Java Developer on their Java developer skills. It is ideal for a Middle Java Developer who has three to five years of Java skills and experience. Of course, the experience of different Middle Java Developers can vary so it’s important not to rely only on their CV. This is why it’s essential to give your Middle Java Developer candidates a Java online test to check their Java developer skills.

This Middle Java online test is useful for screening candidates for the following positions:

  • Programador Java intermédio
  • Programador Java intermédio
  • Engenheiro de software Java intermédio
  • Programador de software Java intermédio
  • Programador de software Java intermédio
  • Programador Java de backend intermédio

Why you should use a Devskiller Middle Java online test as a Java skill test

A number of companies including large enterprises now use a Java developer online test to determine the Java skills of their Middle Java Developers. The reason why? They’ve seen huge gains in terms of the time they’ve saved by inviting only qualified Middle Java Developer candidates to in-person interviews. Additionally, they have seen their Quality of Hire raise incredibly.

Why you need a good Java online test if you are a tech recruiter 

This particular Middle Java Developer Java online test uses RealLifeTesting™. This is because when you hire a Middle Java Developer, you don’t simply want someone who has coding skills. You want a Middle Java Developer who has business logic to complement their Java developer skills. Test that uses RealLifeTesting™ gives a Middle Java Developer candidate a task that mirrors the actual work they will do for you. This way you can see how they solve business problems.

Devskiller customers can see their IT recruitment process improve by:  

  • decreasing their Time-to-Hire by 60%
  • reducing the number of unnecessary interviews by 65%
  • screening candidates faster and more accurately