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Spring online tests for interviewing and screening developers

Select a Spring online test from the following to test, assess, and analyze the skills of applicants. For Junior, Middle, and Senior developers, you can give these Spring framework tests to your applicants to gauge their strengths and weaknesses. This means that you, the recruiter, can be sure that you’re hiring the best Spring developer for the job.

Spring online tests are powered by the RealLifeTesting™ methodology. This advanced methodology is designed to replicate real-life work and provides a clear insight into the candidate’s skill set. Finding your next Spring developer has never been easier with DevSkiller and our Spring online tests.

Other related coding tests:
Perguntas da entrevista sobre programação Java
Spring Boot online coding tests & interview questions
Spring – Dependency Injection online coding tests

Competências testadas
57 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Java, Spring Boot

Lacunas no código

avaliar o conhecimento de PostgreSQL, SQL

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Médio

Java | Spring Boot | Microsserviço de recuperação de itens - Implementar um microserviço para recuperar itens do sistema de compras.

Competências testadas
45 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Java, primavera, Hibernar

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Fácil

Java | Spring, Hibernate | Aplicação de pimenta mais quente - Implementar métodos dentro da classe PepperDao usando Spring e Hibernate.

Competências testadas
35 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Java, primavera

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Fácil

Java | Spring | Currency Exchange Service - Create a currency exchange rate service. It should allow users to fetch information about currency exchange rates and calculate the amount of money they will get after the exchange.

Competências testadas
35 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Java, primavera

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Fácil

Java | Kafka | Flight tickets reservations - Implement the service for validating data quality which is received from the travel agencies.

Competências testadas
101 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Java, primavera, APP

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Médio

Java | Spring, Hibernate | RESTful Blog - Implementar uma funcionalidade de comentários numa aplicação REST simples para servir um blogue.

Competências testadas
36 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Java

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Fácil

Java | Spring Boot | Discount microservice - Implement microservice using Spring Boot features.

Competências testadas
108 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Java, primavera, APP

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Médio

Java | Spring, Hibernate | Legado RESTful Blog - implementar comentários para posts de blog - Criar uma aplicação REST simples para servir um blog. Observe que este projeto está usando a estrutura legada.

Competências testadas
61 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Java, APP, primavera, Spring - Injeção de Dependência

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Médio

Java | Spring Boot, JPA, REST API | Aplicação de blogue - Adicionar uma funcionalidade de comentários a uma aplicação de blogue Spring Boot REST simples.

Competências testadas
42 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Java, primavera, Spring - Injeção de Dependência

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Difícil

Java | Spring Boot, MongoDB, REST API | Aplicação de blogue - Adicionar uma funcionalidade de comentários a uma aplicação de blogue Spring Boot REST simples.

Competências testadas
44 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Java, CleanCode, primavera, Hibernar, APP

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Fácil

Java | Analisador de filmes | Encontrar os filmes mais vistos entre amigos - Implemente um método que devolva um conjunto de quatro títulos de filmes mais vistos pelos amigos de um determinado utilizador.

Competências testadas
50 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

Verificar o conhecimento de Java: API padrão, concorrência, injeção de dependência, AOP, Hibernare Variáveis de entrada

Tarefa de programação

Implementar ForexEngine.update e o método método.

Competências testadas
42 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

Verificar o conhecimento de primavera: Contexto, Injeção de dependência, hierarquia de contextoe injeção baseada no construtor

Perguntas de escolha

Verificar o conhecimento de Java: Prompt de comando, Singletonse Mapas simultâneos

Tarefa de programação

Implementar todos os métodos do ItemRepositório classe

Estrutura da primavera
Competências testadas
56 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

Verificar o conhecimento de primavera: injeção baseada no construtor, hierarquia de contextoe Contexto, Injeção de Dependência

Perguntas de escolha

Verificar o conhecimento de Java: Colecções, Mapas simultâneose Tratamento de ficheiros

Tarefa de programação

Implementar o ParserService#parseString num método primavera aplicação

Estrutura da primavera
Competências testadas
75 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Estrutura da primavera e Hibernar princípios básicos

Tarefa de programação

aplicação com JPA/Hibernate entidades, o candidato precisa de implementar duas DAO métodos através da utilização de primavera classes auxiliares para Hibernar

Recommended roles for our Spring coding tests

  • Junior Spring developer
  • Middle Spring developer
  • Senior Spring developer
  • Programador Java
  • Java Spring developer
  • Core Java developer
  • Java SpringBoot developer

How our Spring interview questions and online tests work

DevSkiller coding tests are powered by our proprietary RealLifeTesting™ methodology. What makes this methodology special, is that it requires candidates to undertake coding tasks, questions, and challenges that mirror real-world work. Unlike outdated methods such as whiteboard testing or algorithmic puzzles, our Spring online tests will provide clear and objective insight into the candidate’s Spring coding ability. Best of all, with DevSkiller Spring coding tests, you’ll see the candidate’s critical thinking ability and time-management skills in action as they undertake their tests.

Características principais

  • Determinar a capacidade de codificação do candidato e não apenas os seus conhecimentos académicos
  • Remote testing means tests can be taken anywhere in the world, anytime
  • The RealLifeTesting™ methodology offers a unique testing platform where candidates can opt to use their own IDE, clone to Git, run unit tests, and access Stack Overflow, GitHub, and Google for research.
  • A string of anti-plagiarism tools to ensure test accuracy and fair results
  • Observar testes em tempo real
  • Automatically generated results that are non-technical friendly
  • Spring interview questions and online tests available for junior, middle, and senior-level positions

Skills covered in our Spring online tests and interview questions

  • Hibernar
  • APP
  • Maven
  • Actuator
  • CleanCode
  • Gradle
  • Microsserviços
  • Monitoring
  • Spring Boot
  • primavera 4
  • Spring Boot 2
  • MongoDB
  • Spring – Dependency Injection
  • API

Ver mais Java skill tests

What to look for in Spring developers

Spring is an application framework that came into being in 2003. Spring simplifies the process of creating Java enterprise applications. It affords everything a developer would need to embrace the Java language in an enterprise environment.

Build your own custom Spring coding test

Like the look of our Spring online tests and interview questions but want a little more? Sure! Using our online task wizard you can build your very own custom Spring coding tests and best of all you can even upload your own codebase. Fully customizable, you can choose the test difficulty, duration, and scope of the questions. Finding your next Spring developer has never been easier with DevSkiller and our Spring online tests.

What do people say about Spring online tests and interview questions?

Like the look of our Spring coding tests but need a little extra nudge? We understand that company financial decisions must be well thought out before coming to any conclusions. Instead of listening to us, take a listen to what one of our happy customers has to say:

Criteo is a leader in commerce marketing that allows B2B companies to construct and personalize ad campaigns across multiple sectors. Every year, Criteo hires roughly 100 technical professionals worldwide to handle its operations. Before switching to DevSkiller, they would send a take-home case study to filter out interview candidates, however, this came with many challenges. Firstly, it was difficult to keep track of progress or insight into how the work was completed (including whether any plagiarism was involved).  There were also problems with candidates dropping out in the early screening phases. Overall, the hiring process was delayed due to inconsistent results and several unnecessary interviews. After successfully implementing DevSkiller, Criteo overhauled their tech recruitment process and introduced DevSkiller technical screening tests prior to the first interview. On average they’ve saved between 2 and 4 days per every hire.

“Per every hire, we’ve saved on average 2 to 4 days which is significant given that we hire 100 people using DevSkiller every year. We’ve certainly improved the conversion rate between the first and second interview with fewer candidates dropping at test stage and hiring managers interviewing with the most skilled candidates,” – Julien Gautiez – Talent acquisition manager at Criteo

Perguntas mais frequentes

O que é o RealLifeTestingTM?

The RealLifeTestingTM methodology is the basis of all DevSkiller coding tests. It goes beyond old formats such as whiteboard testing or algorithmic puzzles and instead tasks candidates with real-world problems to solve. At its core, The RealLifeTestingTM stems from the belief that the best way to evaluate a developer’s development skills is with a work sample test that mirrors the actual development work they’ll do. Our Spring online tests require candidates to build full project apps or add features to existing apps, just like they’ll be doing after being hired. To do this they will need to show their knowledge of coding, in stack resources, resources like Stack Overflow to find solutions and decision making to find the best way to solve the problems they encounter. The results not only offer insight into the candidate’s academic knowledge but also their coding skill, code-cleanliness, critical thinking, decision making, and time-management skills.

How do candidates take a Spring coding test?

DevSkiller Spring coding tests can be sent to candidates all over the world. It’s as simple as setting up your account and sending a test invite. These invitations can be set to a certain amount of time to ensure there is no delay. Candidates can choose to undertake the test at a time that suits their needs and they have the option of using our state of the art in-browser IDE or completing the project on their favorite IDE and then cloning the project to Git. Throughout the test, candidates can run unit tests to make sure their solutions work the way they are supposed to. The test lasts for a set amount of time. At the end of the time limit, the test is automatically evaluated and the report is sent to the recruiter.

Quanto tempo leva para configurar o DevSkiller?

Setting up DevSkiller takes as little as five minutes. Once you’ve registered your account you can choose from our extensive range of predefined Spring online tests that vary in length and difficulty. Start testing your candidates right when you set up your account, no other work required.