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썸네일: 교육 및 성장 목표

교육 및 성장 목표 소개

썸네일: 교육 및 성장 목표

데브스킬러는 조직 내에서 지속적인 학습과 개발 문화를 조성할 수 있도록 돕는 것을 사명으로 삼고 있습니다. 최신 기능을 소개합니다, 교육 및 성장 목표는 전문성 개발 목표를 설정, 추적 및 달성하기 위한 체계적인 접근 방식을 제공하여 직원, 관리자 및 HR 전문가에게 권한을 부여하도록 설계되었습니다.

교육 및 성장 목표 는 목표 설정, 진행 상황 추적, 성과 평가 프로세스를 간소화하여 직원의 성장을 일상 업무의 필수적인 부분으로 만듭니다. 이 기능은 기업이 직원 개발에 참여하는 방식을 혁신하여 개인의 열망이 조직의 목표와 일치하도록 보장합니다.

For Employees: Setting Clear Pathways to Growth

교육 및 성장 목표 enable employees to define and pursue specific development targets. With a focus on actionable, measurable steps, this feature helps employees take charge of their career trajectories, ensuring their efforts contribute directly to their personal and professional growth.

Key Features:

  • Goal Setting Interface: Employees can easily navigate to the “My Growth” section within TalentBoost and set new training goals using a guided form that captures goal descriptions, expected outcomes, timelines, and required resources.
  • Progress Updates: Employees can update the status of their goals as they complete learning activities and milestones, keeping their progress visible and on track.
  • Personal Growth Hub: TalentBoost creates a personalized space for employees to manage their training plans, reflecting their evolving skills and achievements.


  • Focused Development: Clear, structured goals enable employees to prioritize their learning and growth efforts.
  • Motivation and Engagement: Regular updates and feedback keep employees motivated to continue their professional development journey.
  • Career Advancement: Goal tracking provides employees with a tangible way to demonstrate their skills and progress to supervisors, aiding in career planning and advancement.

For Managers: Guiding and Supporting Team Development

교육 및 성장 목표 provide managers with a powerful tool to oversee and support the professional development of their team members. By reviewing and approving goals, managers can ensure that individual aspirations align with broader team and departmental objectives.

Key Features:

  • Goal Review Dashboard: Managers receive notifications when team members submit new goals. They can review, approve, request modifications, or reject goals based on alignment with strategic objectives.
  • Progress Monitoring: Managers can track employee progress through detailed updates on completed activities and milestones, providing feedback or additional support where necessary.
  • Resource Allocation: Managers can identify and allocate the resources needed to support employee growth, such as training programs, courses, or mentorship.


  • Strategic Alignment: Ensures that employee training efforts support broader departmental and organizational goals.
  • Enhanced Communication: Facilitates ongoing dialogue between managers and employees about professional growth.
  • Resource Optimization: Helps managers allocate training resources effectively, maximizing the impact of development efforts.
Training and Growth Goals 2

Turning Insights into Company-Wide Development

교육 및 성장 목표 equips HR professionals with a powerful tool to gain a comprehensive understanding of development efforts across the organization. By providing a centralized, data-driven approach, this feature allows HR departments to evaluate the effectiveness of training programs and foster a culture of continuous learning. Through a dedicated dashboard, you can access aggregated reports that track goal progress, completion rates, and skills acquired company-wide. This detailed analysis of employee engagement with training goals helps refine development strategies, ensuring the evolving needs of both employees and the organization are met.

Equipped with this data, HR professionals can make informed decisions about the company’s training programs, identifying successful initiatives and pinpointing areas for improvement. Insights into employee training goals also enhance talent retention efforts by revealing what drives engagement and development, allowing HR to better support employee aspirations. Additionally, the module aids in strategic workforce planning by anticipating future skill needs and adjusting training offerings accordingly, ensuring the organization remains competitive and prepared for the challenges ahead.


교육 및 성장 목표 transforms employee development into a strategic, data-driven process. By focusing on clear objectives, continuous feedback, and progress tracking, it enhances employee engagement, aligns individual efforts with company goals, and strengthens overall organizational capability.

To see it in action, schedule a personalized demonstration with one of our product experts.

DevSkiller 오늘

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