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Hack the process of recruiting programmers [with a Case Study]

This ebook is packed full of actionable tips and insights to help you streamline your tech recruitment process. Discover the seven-step formula to win over tech talent.

Join forces across HR and IT departments to hire top tech talent

Streamline the recruitment process

Establish & accomplish technical recruitment goals

Discover benefits of an effective technical sourcing solution

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A proven seven-step formula to win tech talent which you can implement right away!

IT is probably one the hardest industries to recruit professionals. With each passing year it gets even harder to find technical professionals such as engineers, programmers, database analysts, and mobile developers. The good ones are hired instantly so you need to make sure you’re quick and efficient.

Inside, you’ll also find a high impact case-study illustrating how Allegro managed to cut their Time-to-Hire by 50% and improve the effectiveness of their preselection process by 40% based on the formula.

Interested? Find out how to improve your developer hiring process to outperform your competition.

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