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Technical assessments that put skills first

Dig deeper into your candidate’s coding skills with technical assessments based on real-life assignments.

Technical assessments: Hero image

All it takes is 3 steps

  1. Define the skills you need

    You know better than anyone the skills you need. With over 500 ready-made assessments available at your fingertips,  you can start testing immediately.

  2. Send the test invite

    DevSkiller candidates enjoy our technical assessments with a test completion rate of over 93%. Easily integrate with your favorite ATS and add your company’s logo along with other flexible branding possibilities.

  3. Get actionable results

    Automatically score and share results for easy collaboration between recruiters and hiring managers. Get candidate benchmarks to compare and select the developer that’s right for you. 

Discover what makes DevSkiller technical assessments different

RealLifeTesting Methodology

리얼라이프테스팅™ 방법론

작업 샘플 테스트

DevSkiller technical assessments are built to replicate the actual work that a developer is likely to encounter on their first day of the job.

Real-world testing environment.

Testing conditions identical to those that a developer would be working on for a real-world project.

The entire technology ecosystem

Get a 360° view of your candidate’s coding skills by assessing your candidate’s knowledge of programming languages, frameworks, libraries, and tools.

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Technical assessments: Technologies

A Technology for Every Hire

200+ Technologies

Front-end to back-end, iOS to DevOps, Salesforce to Data Science; our technical assessments will help you hire the developer you need.

5,000+ Individual Recruitment Tasks

An industry-leading library of recruitment tasks; get invaluable insights into your candidate’s programming skills and technical knowledge.

500+ Predefined Assessments

Start testing immediately with a wide range of programming tasks, code gaps, multiple choice questions, and other types for a variety of roles.

See our full catalog
Technical assessments candidate experience

Ultimate Candidate Experience

Sophisticated Coding Environment

Candidates can get the amazing experience of using IntelliJ IDEA in their browser with DevSkiller technical assessments.

Complete Coding Flexibility

Candidates can choose whether they edit the project source code in a Git repository, download & upload the code or use our in-browser editor.

Personalized Feedback

Deliver objective feedback to candidates on time and without delay.

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Custom task builder

Custom Assessment Builder

Advanced Assessment Creator

Use our online task wizard to create your own custom assessments with your own codebase.

Automatic Duration Calculator

Eliminate the guesswork to determine how long candidates need to take the assessment.

24-hour Support

Friendly support, guidebooks, and video materials to help you every step of the way.

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Technical assessments security

Global Security Standards

We are GDPR & ISO Compliant

We are in compliance with most major privacy regulations including the European GDPR and information and security management specification ISO 27001.

Data Security of the Highest Global Standards

We use industry-leading security partners like Google Cloud Services, Cisco Duo Security, and Datadog to ensure your data is safe and secure.

보안 및 안정성

We guarantee an uptime of 99.95% for critical components and 99.5% for non-critical components of our platform.

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데브스킬러 시작하기 오늘

데브스킬러가 어떻게 여러분의 성장을 도울 수 있는지 알아보세요.

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고객의 의견

  • TalentScore 자동화를 통해 소프트 스킬과 후보자 코드의 세부적인 디테일 및 아키텍처에 더 집중할 수 있습니다. TalentScore에 무거운 작업을 맡기면 엔지니어는 코드 검토에 5~10분만 할애할 수 있습니다.
  • TalentScore를 사용하기 전에는 기술적인 문제가 발생할 때마다 $200의 생산성 손실이 발생했습니다. 청구 가능한 시간이 성공의 핵심인 조직에서 DevSkiller는 청구 가능한 사람들이 평가가 아닌 청구 가능한 프로젝트에 집중할 수 있도록 도와주었습니다. 청구할 수 없는 인사팀과 직원들이 그 역할을 대신하고 있습니다.
  • 데브스킬러로 전환한 후 탈락하는 후보가 줄어들고 프로세스 지연이 줄어든 것을 확인할 수 있었습니다. 현재 다양한 이유로 이 단계에서 탈락하는 지원자는 약 10~151명 정도입니다. 더 중요한 것은 이제 채용 관리자가 여러 채용 과정과 팀에서 동일한 테스트 플랫폼과 기술 과제를 일관되게 사용한다는 점입니다. 일부는 이제 공동으로 새로운 테스트를 만들고 있습니다.

자주 묻는 질문

DevSkiller is an end-to-end platform to assess and manage tech skills throughout the entire employee lifecycle. We provide two solutions. TalentScore, our technical assessment solution which is used to screen and interview developers and to accurately predict how they will perform on the job. The other product being TalentBoost which is a 기술 관리 platform to define, measure, and manage digital and IT skills.
Instead of pulling your technical staff to do hours of interviews for candidates that do not fit you (skill-wise),  you could be using DevSkiller automated technical assessments to only spend time and energy on those that actually could be a good fit. Instead of interviewing 20 people you might only end up interviewing 2. You will not only have unbiased, objective evaluation, but your technical staff will actually thank you for letting them do their job without interruption. And that is to code and create solutions for whatever problems they were presented with.
We provide technical assessments for over 220 technologies. You can check out the full list here plus others for which we have tasks (questions and challenges created). There are even more covered but perhaps are not in large numbers so we did not create categories for them in order to keep everything neat and easy to navigate.
We recommend a time between 60-90 minutes for a DevSkiller technical assessment. Our predefined assessments come with a recommended time allocation and for custom assessments we provide you with an automatic assessment duration calculator.
DevSkiller technical assessments provide robust and relevant skill validations for candidates, recruiters, and tech leads. There are many things that make an assessment platform good. Great candidate experience, tasks that actually give you a good prediction of how a candidate might perform at work, ability to customize tests, extensive reporting, integrations with other platforms etc. We believe that DevSkiller aces all of those areas. But don’t take our word for it, reach out to us and take a look for yourself.
The DevSkiller RealLifeTesting™ Methodology uses modern, on-the-job technical exercises to accurately validate technical skills. This proprietary methodology powers all DevSkiller technical assessments. The core of our methodology is that coding skills should be evaluated with work sample tests focused on coding. These work sample assignments mirror real-world work and provide highly accurate results. The RealLifeTesting™ methodology consists of three main pillars; holistic testing, real-world testing conditions, and assessing the entire technology system.
기술 평가를 도입하면 얻을 수 있는 이점은 현재 채용 프로세스와 도구 사용 방식에 따라 달라집니다. 가장 확실하지만 다양한 수준으로 개선될 사항은 평가 프로세스의 객관성, 각 평가에 소요되는 시간, 기술 담당자가 인터뷰 및 평가에 소요하는 시간, 새로운 업무를 만드는 데 소요되는 시간, 전반적인 후보자 경험, 프로세스를 진행하는 각 후보자의 단계별 추적 등입니다.