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[WEBINAR RECORDING] ジェネレーティブAIがデジタルワークフォースの展望をどう変えるか

is QA testing dead and do you need qa skills

Are QA engineers still needed?

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There’s no denying that the world is in constant flux. Thanks to the web, automation, and the data processing abilities of modern computers, the border between humans and machines has […]
Jakub Kubrynski |
DevSkiller platform Update November 2018

DevSkiller platform update – what is new? #November2018

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The last leaves are falling off the trees, days are getting shorter, and the Northern Hemisphere prepares for winter. Unphased by the changing seasons, DevSkiller has been working hard all […]
ルイス・ストウ |


AI in HR How to hire great developers with the AI Benchmarking Engine

AI in HR: How to hire great developers with the AI Benchmarking Engine

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Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning are transforming the talent acquisition game. AI-powered solutions can improve a whole range of processes. The technical recruitment process is no exception. The best […]
カロリナ・ピヴィエツ |
Ruby on Rails developer

Ruby on Rails developer skills

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So you’ve done all the hard work to source your Ruby on Rails developer candidates. This might have involved making lasting relationships in the developer community. It might have also […]
Albert Lozano Bautista |
Pre-employment testing the all in one guide

Pre-employment testing: the all in one guide

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Pre-employment testing is a standardized and objective way of collecting candidate data in the hiring process. The purpose of pre-employment testing is to verify the skills, capabilities, and personality traits […]