この基本契約書ポーランド(以下「ポーランド」という。協定書") とオーダーフォームに記載された追加条項は、DevSkiller S.A.(ポーランド法に基づき設立された株式会社、登記上の所在地:ワルシャワ、住所:ul.Williama Heerleina Lindleya 16, 02-013 Warsaw, Poland, KRS番号: 0000927603, REGON (統計番号):14680156300000、NIP(納税者番号):7010391187(以下、「当社」、「We」、「Our」または「DevSkiller」と称する)と、利用者または利用者が代表する事業体(それぞれ、消費者ではない自然人、法人および/または法人格を持たない組織単位を意味し、その事業過程において何らかの方法で本サービスを利用する者)(以下、「利用者」と称する)は、本サービスを利用することができる。あなた", "あなたの", "あなた自身「またはお客様")は、ウェブサイトを通じてアクセス可能な当社サービスの利用を規定します。
本規約についてご質問がある場合は、当社までご連絡ください: support@devskiller.com.
- デブスキラーサービス
- 本規約は、DevSkillerとお客様との間で締結される法的な契約であり、本ウェブサイトを通じてアクセス可能な当社サービスの利用を規定するものです。本サービスを利用する前に、この文書を注意深く読み、その文言を理解し、同意するようにしてください。
- お客様の本サービスのご利用は、お客様が本契約のすべての条項に同意し、これを遵守することを明示的に条件とします。いかなる方法であれ、本サービスを利用することにより、お客様は本契約を読み、本契約に拘束されること、および本契約の当事者となることに同意し、お客様が本契約によりお客様を拘束する権限を有することを表明し、保証するものとします。お客様が本契約のいずれかの部分に同意しない場合、お客様は本サービスにアクセスすることはできません。
- DevSkillerは、本契約に基づく義務を外部に委託することができます(ただし、DevSkillerは、いかなる外注先の履行についても、常に全責任を負うものとします)。
- 両当事者は、本契約の下では独立した契約者であり、本契約のいかなる規定も、いずれかの当事者を他方の当事者の雇用者、従業員、代理人もしくは代表者、または両当事者をいかなる目的においても共同事業者もしくはパートナーとして構成するものではない。
- DevSkillerは、本契約に定める条件および制約に従って、本サービスにアクセスし使用する非独占的、サブライセンス不能、譲渡不能な権利をお客様に付与します。
- お客様は、以下にさらに規定されるとおり、当社の料金に従って本サービスの料金を支払うことに同意するものとします。
- お客様の本サービスへのアクセスは、本契約に規定された開始日(ただし、お客様が最初にお客様のアカウントを登録した日よりも前の日)に開始されるものとし、以下に定めるとおり終了されるまで、本契約に規定されたサブスクリプション期間の間継続するものとします。
- 利用者は、最新かつ完全で正確な情報(利用者のクレジットカード番号、利用者のクレジットカードの有効期限、利用者の請求先住所を含む)を当社に提供し、かかる情報(以下、「利用者情報」といいます)を維持し、適切に更新することに同意するものとします。請求詳細").さらに、利用者は、以下の事項に同意するものとします。 請求詳細また、故意に重要な事実や情報を省略したり、虚偽の説明をしたりせず、速やかに訂正または更新を行うこと。 請求詳細 本サービスを通じて、またはその他の方法で、そのような変更または更新を書面で速やかに当社に通知してください。利用者はさらに、当社が利用者の以下の情報を確認することに同意し、承認するものとします。 請求詳細 お客様の本サービスの利用およびアクセスに必要な場合。
- 請求の詳細は、お客様に帰属し、お客様は、本サービスを利用することにより、DevSkillerに対し、お客様に対する本サービスの義務を履行する目的で使用するライセンスを付与し、DevSkillerは、その他、一般的な業界基準に従い、当該情報の機密性及び安全性を保持するために、商業上合理的な努力を払うものとします。DevSkillerは、GDPRに準拠し、今後も準拠し続け、お客様のための請求データの使用、アクセス、保管に関して、適用される全ての法律および規制(プライバシーおよびデータセキュリティに関するものを含む)を遵守することに同意します。本契約の終了または満了後、DevSkillerはプライバシーポリシーに示された期間、お客様の請求詳細のコピーを保持します。お客様は、(i)請求詳細の正確性、品質および合法性については、お客様が単独で責任を負うこと、および(ii)そのような終了または期限切れに先立ち、お客様の請求詳細のコピーをエクスポートすることについては、お客様が単独で責任を負うことを認め、同意するものとします。
- 利用者は、いかなる状況においても、本サービスを利用するために、アカウントへのアクセスに使用されるクレデンシャル(以下、本規約において「クレデンシャル」と総称する)を他人に使用させないことに同意するものとします。利用者は、本サービスへの不正アクセス、利用者のクレデンシャルの機密保持、および利用者がこれを怠った結果発生または被った料金、損害、責任または損失について、単独かつ全責任を負うものとします。当社は、クレデンシャルの盗難、利用者によるクレデンシャルの開示、または利用者がクレデンシャルを使用して他者に本サービスへのアクセスおよび利用を許可したことに関連する損害について、かかる事象が利用者により引き起こされたものである場合、一切の責任を負わないものとする。利用者は、本サービスへの不正アクセスまたは本サービスの利用を防止するために、商業上合理的な努力を払うものとする。さらに、利用者は、本サービスに関連して発生した料金を含め、本アカウントの下で発生したあらゆる行為に対して単独かつ全責任を負うものとします。あなたは、アカウントの不正使用またはあなたが知っているその他のセキュリティ違反があった場合、直ちに当社に通知することに同意するものとします。利用者は、利用者が認証情報の安全性および機密保持を怠った結果、他者が認証情報を使用したことにより、DevSkillerまたは本サービスの他の利用者またはウェブサイトの訪問者が被った損害について責任を負う場合があります。
- 本サービスを利用する場合、またはその他の方法で本サービスにアクセスする場合、お客様は常にその時点で最新のプライバシーポリシーを遵守するものとします。 何らかの方法で本サービスを利用することにより、利用者は当社のプライバシーポリシーを読み、同意したものとみなされます。
- 本契約を履行するために、お客様は、個人データ管理者として、個人データの処理をDevSkillerに委託します。個人データの委託に関する詳細な規則は、本契約のスケジュール2を構成するデータ保護契約により規定されています。
- 使用と制限
- ただし、以下の場合を除きます:(i)計画的なダウンタイム(その場合、当社は少なくとも72時間前に通知するよう合理的な努力を払います)、または(ii)不可抗力、火災、地震、洪水、水、風雨、労働争議または労働力不足、公共事業の縮小、停電、爆発、内乱、政府の措置、伝染病、設備または物資の不足、輸送の不能、第三者の作為または不作為、または当社の合理的な支配を超えるその他の原因を含むがこれらに限定されない、当社の支配を超える状況によって引き起こされる利用不能。当社は、以前に当社に支払われた金額の払い戻しを行う義務を負わないものとします。
- DevSkillerは、理由の如何を問わず(本規約に基づく料金の不払いを含むがこれに限定されない)、いつでも本サービスの全部または一部を変更、停止または中止することができるものとします。DevSkillerは、本サービスの中断、エラー、問題、または本サービスの全面的な中止について、お客様または他者に対して責任を負わないものとします。DevSkillerは、本サービスの新バージョンの制作またはリリースを継続する義務を負いません。DevSkillerは、過去に支払われた金額を返金する義務を負わないものとします。
- 当社は、サービスの可用性に影響を与える可能性のある計画的なサービスのメンテナンスについて、お客様に通知することを目指します。また、予期せぬシステムダウンにより影響を受けた継続中のサービスについてもお知らせします。
- 当社は、利用者の支払ゲートウェイサービスプロバイダーの可用性についていかなる表明も行わず、利用者の支払ゲートウェイサービスプロバイダーのダウンタイムまたはシステム停止について責任を負いません。
- お客様は、適用されるすべての法律および規制を遵守してのみ本サービスを利用すること、および第三者の知的財産権またはその他の所有権(プライバシー権またはパブリシティ権を含みますが、これらに限定されません)を侵害、侵害、または不正流用するために本サービスを利用しないことを表明し、保証し、同意するものとします。
- お客様は、自己、自己の会社管理者、利用者、または候補者を含むお客様から権限を与えられた者が本サービスにアクセスするために必要なすべての手配を行い、本サービスを利用するために自己のネットワーク接続を維持する責任を負います。お客様は、候補者が本サービスを利用するために必要な詳細情報を有していることを確認する責任を負います。お客様は、受験者がテストセッションを受ける前に、当社の評価条件に同意しなければならないことに同意するものとします。
- 各アカウントは、特に明記されていない限り、月に最大1000件の招待を送信できるように制限されています。
- 当社は、当社の単独の裁量により、特定の理由により、アカウントおよびサービスへのアクセスを一時的にブロック、無効化、取り消し、または停止することができます:
- お客様が本契約に違反した、または適用される法律に違反したと当社が判断した場合;
- 当社は、利用者が支払期日から7日以内に当社に支払うべき金額を支払わないと判断しました;
- サービス可用性エラーが発生する;
- 不正行為または不正もしくは違法な取引が疑われる場合。
- トライアル
- DevSkiller may, at its sole discretion, offer a subscription with a Free Trial for a limited period of time.
- Shall Customer decide to use Free Trial, Customer’s access to the Service shall commence on the date on which You first sign in to Your Account or on the date specified in the Agreement, but not earlier than date on which You first sign in to Your Account. If Customer registers for a Free Trial, DevSkiller will make the Service available to Customer and its Users on a trial basis free of charge until the earlier of: (i) the end of the Free Trial period; (ii) the start date of any Subscription Term purchased by Customer; or (iii) termination of the Free Trial by DevSkiller in its sole discretion.
- If You sign up for the Free Trial, You will not be charged by Us until the Free Trial has expired.
- At any time and without notice, We reserve the right to modify the terms and conditions of the Free Trial or cancel such Free Trial offer.
- Paid Trial is also available on the Service. By selecting such Paid Trial You agree to pay Us one-time Fee indicated for such chosen Service.
- Any User Content submitted to the Service, and any configurations or customizations made to the Service by or for Customer during the Free Trial or Paid Trial may be permanently lost unless Customer purchases the same Service as covered by the Free Trial or Paid Trial
- DevSkiller may provide our standard support service for the Paid Trial/Free Trial to You at no additional charge.
- You are solely responsible for procuring and maintaining Your network connections in order to access the Service and ensuring that Your network and systems do not interfere with Service access.
- You will not describe or assign keywords while using Service (including to Your Test) in a misleading or unlawful manner, including in a manner intended to trade on the name or reputation of others. We reserve the right to change or remove any description or keyword that We consider inappropriate or unlawful, or otherwise likely to cause Us liability.
- Customer shall not:
- use the Service in any way that could damage, disable or impair the Service;
- use the Service to store or transmit malicious code;
- interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of the Service or third-party data contained therein;
- attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Service or its related systems or networks;
- copy the Service or any part, feature, function or user interface thereof;
- access the Service in order to build competitive product or service.
- Customer will pay DevSkiller Fees in accordance with the Agreement. Fees will be at the rates set forth and agreed upon by You in the Agreement.
- Payments reflecting Fees for a particular Subscription Term will be billed and deducted from Your authorized credit card. By providing a credit card data, Customer agrees that DevSkiller is authorized to charge all applicable Fees when due, and any other charges Customer may incur in connection with Customer’s use of the Service.
- If DevSkiller does not collect Free from Customer’s credit card, DevSkiller may still invoice Customer for the charges. Customer will pay all invoiced amounts within term specified in the invoice date.
- Payment obligations are non-cancelable, and Fees paid are non-refundable.
- Shall the Agreement renewal occur You authorize Us to collect the then-applicable Fee for the Service in accordance with the Agreement.
- Prices established in this Agreement are exclusive of taxes and other fees which may be imposed. Customer is solely responsible for the payment of all taxes, assessments, tariffs, duties, or other fees imposed, assessed, or collected by or under the authority of any governmental body arising from DevSkiller’s provision of the Service hereunder (collectively, hereinafter referred to as the “Taxes”), except any taxes assessed upon DevSkiller’s net income. If DevSkiller is required to directly pay Taxes related to Customer’s use or receipt of any Service, Customer agrees to promptly reimburse DevSkiller for any amounts paid by DevSkiller.
- Without limiting any remedy available to DevSkiller, DevSkiller if You fail to pay any Fees due hereunder, DevSkiller may suspend Your access to the Service.
- DevSkiller is not liable for any losses relating to chargebacks, fraudulent charges, or other actions by You or Your Users that are deceptive, fraudulent or otherwise invalid (hereinafter referred to as the “Fraudulent Actions”). By using the Service, You hereby release Desvkiller from any liability arising from Fraudulent Actions. You will also use best efforts to promptly notify DevSkiller of any Fraudulent Actions which may affect the Service. DevSkiller reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate the Account if You engage in, or permit any other User to engage in, Fraudulent Actions.
- We do not sell, trade, or rent data provided by the Customer to others. We may share generic aggregated demographic information not linked to any specific information regarding certain candidates or companies.
- The Service contains content and technology of DevSkiller or DevSkiller’s licensors that is protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret and other laws. As between the Parties, DevSkiller is the owner or licensee of intellectual property and other proprietary rights to the Service, including but not limited to the design, artwork, logos, functionality, and documentation relating thereto (hereinafter referred to as the “Property“). You may not:
- copy, modify, or reverse engineer any part of the Service or any Property;
- rent, sell, lease, distribute, provide or otherwise use the Service for the benefit of any third-party; or
- remove or otherwise alter any proprietary notices or labels from the Service or any portion thereof.
- This Agreement does not transfer from Us to You any of Property or any third-party intellectual property, and all right, title and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the Parties) solely with Us or its respective owner. All such rights are reserved.
- The names, logos or trademarks of any third-party companies and products mentioned on the Service may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
- Any text, images, software, graphics, audio files, videos, messages, links or other materials uploaded or created in the Service by a You or User (collectively, hereinafter referred to as the “User Content”) shall respectively belong to You or the User that posted such User Content. You may use any User Content posted by You in any other way without restriction.
- In order to operate the Service, DevSkiller needs the right to make certain uses of your publicly posted User Content. By uploading or creating Userr Content in the Service, You or the Users grants Us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to publish and distribute such User Content for the purpose of performing Our obligations under this Agreement. Therefore, You agree that DevSkiller may use and make available such User Content, solely as reasonably necessary to provide the Service to You. The license referred to in this section has been granted in all fields of exploitation known at the date of this Agreement, including in particular:
- recording and multiplication of User Content – production of copies of the work by a specified technique, including magnetic recording and digital technique;
- circulation of the original or copies on which the User Content was fixed – marketing, lending or leasing of the original or copies;
- within the scope of dissemination of the User Content – exhibition, display, reproduction, as well as broadcasting and rebroadcasting, as well as making the work available to the public in such a way that everyone can have access to it at a place and time of their own choosing.
If the User Content is a computer program, the license is granted to the extent of:
- permanent or temporary reproduction of the computer program in whole or in part by any means and in any form, without the need to obtain the User’s consent
- translation, adaptation, rearrangement or any other modification of the computer program, with preservation of the rights of the person who made the changes;
- dissemination, including lending or leasing, of a computer program or a copy thereof.
- You are entirely responsible for the User Content, including its quality and legality, as well as any harm resulting from such User Content. By making User Content available through the Service, You represent and warrant that:
- You have all rights, power and authority necessary to grant the respective rights to DevSkiller to any such User Content or You have fully complied with any third-party licenses relating to the User Content;
- the downloading, copying and use of the User Content will not infringe the proprietary rights, including but not limited to the copyright, patent, trademark or trade secret rights, of any third party;
- if Your employer has rights to User Content, You have either received permission from Your employer to post or make available the User Content, including but not limited to any software, or secured from Your employer a waiver as to all rights in or to the User Content;
- You are responsible for any claims that arise due to the fact that You may infringe any proprietary right to User Content;
- the User Content does not contain or install any viruses, worms, malware, Trojan horses or other harmful or destructive content;
- the User Content is not spam, is not machine- or randomly-generated, and does not contain unethical or unwanted commercial content designed to drive traffic to third-party sites or boost the search engine rankings of third-party sites, or to further unlawful acts (such as phishing) or mislead recipients as to the source of the material (such as spoofing);
- the User Content is not pornographic, does not contain threats or incite violence, and does not violate the privacy or publicity rights of any third-party;
- the User Content is not getting advertised via unwanted electronic messages such as spam links on newsgroups, email lists, other blogs and websites, and similar unsolicited promotional methods;
- the User Content is not presented in a manner that misleads Your readers into thinking that You are another person or customer.
- If You delete User Content, We will use reasonable efforts to remove it from the Service, but You acknowledge that caching or references to the User Content may not be made immediately unavailable.
- Without limiting any of those representations or warranties, We reserve the right, in Our sole discretion, to delete any content, including User Content, from the Service or terminate or deny access to and use of the Service to Users that, in Our reasonable opinion, violates the Agreement or any of Our policies or is in any way harmful or objectionable. We have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid. We keep a protected copy of the User Content for a period indicated in the Privacy Policy.
- You agree that DevSkiller may use Your name and logo to identify You as a DevSkiller customer on its website or in other sales or marketing materials. You may withdraw this permission at any time by e-mailing a withdrawal request to support@devskiller.com. By giving permission to use your name and logo, you grant DevSkiller a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use them in the following fields of exploitation:
- recording and multiplication of name and logo – production of copies of the work by a specified technique, including magnetic recording and digital technique;
- circulation of the original or copies on which the name and logo was fixed – marketing, lending or leasing of the original or copies
- within the scope of dissemination of the name and logo – exhibition, display, reproduction, as well as broadcasting and rebroadcasting, as well as making the work available to the public in such a way that everyone can have access to it at a place and time of their own choosing.
- DevSkiller respects the intellectual property of others. If You believe that that material located on or linked to by DevSkiller constitutes copyright infringement, or Your intellectual property rights have been otherwise violated, please provide such information to DevSkiller. We will respond to all such notices, including as required or appropriate, by removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material. We will disable or terminate a User’s access to and use of the Service if, under appropriate circumstances, the User is determined to be a repeat infringer of the others’ rights. In the case of such disabling or termination, We will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid to Us.
- We have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material, including computer software, posted to the Service and cannot therefore be responsible for that material’s content, use or effects. By operating the Service, We do not represent or imply that it endorses the material there posted, or that it believes such material to be accurate, useful or non-harmful. You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect Yourself and Your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content. We disclaim any responsibility for any harm resulting from the use by Users of the Service, or from any downloading by those Users of content there posted.
- The Service may contain features designed to operate with other applications. To use such features, the Service may provide You with access to, be integrated with, or contain links or references to, products, services, data, information, sites or other materials which are provided or operated by third-parties and You may be required to obtain access to other applications from their providers and may be required to grant Us access to Your account(s) on the other applications (collectively, hereinafter referred to as the “Third-Party Products“). Third Party Products are not under DevSkiller’s control, and You acknowledge that DevSkiller is not responsible or liable for the content, functions, accuracy, legality, appropriateness or any other aspect of such Third-Party Products. Any purchase or use of Third-Party Products by You shall be subject only to the additional terms for such Third-Party Products. You shall comply with all Third-Party Terms and shall indemnify and hold DevSkiller harmless from all damages, costs, settlements, attorneys’ fees and expenses arising from or related to Your breach of any Third-Party Terms. Any provision by DevSkiller of Third-Party Products, and any exchange of data between You and any third-party provider of a Third-Party Product, is solely between You and the applicable third-party provider.
- If the third-party provider ceases to make the other application available for interoperation with the corresponding Service features on reasonable terms, We may cease providing those Service features without entitling You to any refund or other compensation.
- You expressly understand and agree that Your use of the Service is at Your sole risk. The Service is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. DevSkiller and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, employees, agents, partners, suppliers and licensors expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
- DevSkiller and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, employees, agents, partners, suppliers and licensors make no warranty that (i) the Service will meet Your requirements or expectations, (ii) that Your access to or use of the Service will be uninterrupted, continuous, timely, secure or error free, (iii) that any defects in the Service will be corrected, or (iv) that the Service or any server through which You access the Service is free of viruses or other harmful components. You understand that You obtain access to services at Your own discretion and risk. You should use Your own virus protection software.
- You understand that in using the Service, sensitive information will travel through third party infrastructures which are not under DevSkiller’s control (such as a third-party servers). DevSkiller makes no warranty with respect to the security of such third-party infrastructures.
- Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Service is accessed at Your own discretion and risk, and You will be solely responsible for any damage to Your computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any such material.
- No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by You from DevSkiller or through or from the Service shall create any warranty not expressly stated in the Agreement.
- To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, under no circumstances shall DevSkiller, its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, employees, agents, partners, suppliers and licensors be liable to You or to the other party on account of any claim (whether based upon principles of contract, warranty, negligence, strict liability or other tort, breach of any statutory duty, the failure of any limited remedy to achieve its essential purpose, or otherwise) for: (i) any special, consequential, incidental, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to lost profits, even if a party has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or (ii) any amounts in excess (in the aggregate) of the fees paid (or payable) by You under the Agreement during the six (6) months period immediately preceding any claim, or (iii) the cost of procurement for substitute products or services; (iv) for interruption of use or loss or corruption of data.
- We shall have no liability for any failure or delay due to matters beyond our reasonable control.
- You and DevSkiller both agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the Service or Agreement must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.
- Except for performance of a payment obligation, neither Party shall be liable under this Agreement for delays, failures to perform, damages, losses or destruction, or malfunction of any equipment, or any consequence thereof, caused or occasioned by, or due to force majeure, fire, earthquake, flood, water, the elements, labor disputes or shortages, utility curtailments, power failures, explosions, civil disturbances, governmental actions, epidemics, shortages of equipment or supplies, unavailability of transportation, acts or omissions of third parties, or any other cause beyond its reasonable control. In the event any of the foregoing events results in DevSkiller not being able to provide the Service for a period of more than thirty (30) days, then either Party may terminate the Agreement upon written notice to the other Party.
- You will indemnify and hold DevSkiller harmless from all damages, costs, settlements, attorneys’ fees and expenses arising from or related to the Service or portions or components thereof to the extent (i) modified by You after delivery by DevSkiller, (ii) combined by You with other products, services, processes or materials where the alleged infringement relates to such combination, (iii) where You continues allegedly infringing activity after being notified thereof or after being informed of modifications that would have avoided the alleged infringement, or (iv) where Your use of the Service is not strictly in accordance with the Agreement.
- During the term of this Agreement and for a period of three (3) years thereafter, each Party agrees to protect the confidentiality of the Confidential Information of the other Party in the same manner that it protects the confidentiality of its own proprietary and confidential information of a like kind and disclose such Confidential Information.
- Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information:
- with Disclosing Party’s written consent;
- to its officers, directors, employees, subcontractors, agents or prospective financing sources or acquirers who need to know such information in connection with this Agreement and who are bound by written agreements requiring the protection of such Confidential Information. The Parties shall be liable vis- -vis one another for any disclosure of information by the above persons.
- This Clause shall not apply to information which:
- has been released to the general public pursuant to written permission from the other Party;
- has been disclosed for the direct purpose of safeguarding the legal interests of a Party in a dispute with another Party pending before a competent authority;
- has been released in performance of the duty to provide information to duly empowered authorities in accordance with applicable laws.
- If the Receiving Party is compelled by law to disclose Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party, it shall provide the Disclosing Party with prior notice of such compelled disclosure (to the extent legally permitted) and reasonable assistance, at Disclosing Party’s cost, if the Disclosing Party wishes to contest the disclosure.
- At any time upon the request of the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party will destroy all Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party, including all copies thereof and notes and other materials incorporating such Confidential Information, whether in physical or electronic form; provided, however, the receiving Party shall not be required to return or destroy electronic copies that are automatically stored in accordance with Receiving Party’s generally applicable backup policies and which are not reasonably accessible by the Receiving Party (hereinafter referred to as the “Backup Media”). All Backup Media shall remain subject to the confidentiality obligations set forth herein, notwithstanding the expiration or termination of this Agreement, so long as it remains undeleted.
- DevSkiller may terminate this Agreement at any time, in case of Your breach of this Agreement, violation of applicable law, by providing written notice to You.
- Upon termination of this Agreement any and all licenses granted by Us shall also be terminated, the Service will be active until the end of the current billing cycle and then the access shall be terminated. The Parties agree that in the event of termination of the Agreement, during the period from termination to the end of the current billing cycle, the rules set forth in the Agreement shall continue to apply to mutual rights and obligations.
- Upon any termination of this Agreement, any amounts owed to DevSkiller which accrued prior to such termination will become immediately due and payable.
- DevSkiller may terminate this Agreement at any time, without any reason providing you 60 days notice. In the case, We refund You all amounts for the remaining period of the Agreement. The Parties agree that in the event of termination of the Agreement, during the period from termination to the end of the notice period, the rules set forth in the Agreement shall continue to apply to mutual rights and obligations.
- We are constantly updating our Service, and that means sometimes We have to change the legal terms under which our Service are offered. DevSkiller may change the terms of the Agreement by notifying You of the changes by posting the new content of the Agreement on DevSkiller’s website. If the change affects Your rights or obligations, then we will additionally inform You of the change to this Agreement via email.
- The Agreement constitutes the entire contract between You and DevSkiller and supersedes any and all previous contracts, written or oral, between You and DevSkiller, including previous versions of the Agreement.
- DevSkiller may assign the Agreement in whole or part at any time.
- You may not assign or transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the DevSkiller’s prior written consent.
- Any notice required or permitted in the Agreement shall be sent via email (and shall be deemed to have been duly given upon receipt), (i) if to DevSkiller, at: customers@devskiller.com, or (ii) if to You, at the email address that You provide in the Agreement. Either party may update its email address for notice purposes via a notice delivered in accordance with this paragraph.
- This Agreement and the relationship between You and DevSkiller shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Poland.
- You and DevSkiller agree to submit any disputes arising out of or related to the Agreement, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts competent over the DevSkiller’s registered office.
- Any failure of DevSkiller to enforce or exercise a right provided in this Agreement is not a waiver of that right.
- Should any provision of this Agreement be found invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be limited or deleted to the minimum extent necessary so that the Agreement shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable.
- All provisions of this Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall continue in force, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity and limitations of liability.
- All schedules to this Agreement constitute integral parts hereof and have the same binding power and effect as provisions hereof. In case of any discrepancies between the Agreement and a schedule, the Agreement shall prevail.
- This Agreement has been drawn up in 2 (two) identical English-language counterparts.
Account | means an account You use in order to access Our Service as well as User’s accounts; | |
Company Manager | means a User authorized by You to manage and access the Account without any additional restrictions; | |
候補者 | means a person indicated by You or Your Company Manager who accesses the Service to take the Test Session; | |
Confidential Information | means all confidential and proprietary information of a Party (hereinafter referred to as the “Disclosing Party”) disclosed to the other Party (hereinafter referred to as the “Receiving Party”), whether orally or in writing, that is either marked or designated as confidential at the time of disclosure to the Receiving Party, or that a reasonable person should consider confidential or proprietary given the nature of the information and the circumstances under which it is disclosed. DevSkiller’s Confidential Information shall include in particular all statements and information included on the Website (including Tasks and Test), the Property, as well as this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information shall not include any information that the Receiving Party can show: (i) is or becomes generally known to the public without breach of any obligation owed to the Disclosing Party; (ii) was known to the Receiving Party prior to its disclosure by the Disclosing Party; (iii) was independently developed by the Receiving Party without reference to any Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party (excluding patentable subject matter which is not subject to this exclusion); or (iv) is received from a third party without breach of any obligation owed to the Disclosing Party; | |
Fees | means all amounts payable by You to Us specified in or otherwise incurred pursuant to the Agreement at the rates set forth and agreed upon by You herein; | |
Free Trial | means a free Service for a certain period of time offered to try out the Service; | |
Paid Trial | means a paid Service for a certain period of time offered to try out the Service; | |
Privacy Policy | means Our privacy policy which sets forth terms and conditions of personal data processing, constituting schedule 1 to this Agreement; | |
Service | means Our internet-based service that is ordered by You and made available online by Us; | |
Subscription Term | means a period during which the Fees in return for our Service will be charged, set forth and agreed upon by you in herein; | |
Task | means a single question, programming task, code review challenge, code gaps assignment or SQL exercise used as a part of the Test; | |
テスト | means a set of Tasks used to evaluate Candidate’s skills; | |
Test Session | means an attempt made by the Candidate to solve the Test; | |
User | means an individual who is authorized by You to use a Service, for whom You have ordered the Service and to whom You (or We at your request) have supplied a user identification and password. User may include, for example, Your employees, consultants, contractors and agents and the third-parties with which You transact business; | |
Website | means Our platform to which you gain access in order to use Services. |