
人事部門は長い間、新規採用枠を埋めるために外部の候補者を調達することに頼ってきた。A 人材不足とスキル格差の拡大 人事担当者は、採用結果を改善するために創意工夫する必要に迫られており、企業幹部の70%がこれに同意している!米国を拠点とする技術職の求人情報にもかかわらず 年ぶりの高水準 10月に入り、雇用市場の先行き不透明感から、多くの企業がより身近で優秀な候補者を探し、社内の採用戦略を検討している。
パンデミック後の雇用市場の停滞期を経て、ITプロフェッショナルの雇用は増加している。 過去最高のペース.世界経済フォーラムが明らかにした。 全従業員の50% 新技術の導入が進むにつれて、2025年までに再教育が必要になり、組織は次のようになる。 が注目している。 社内採用戦略への移行は、差し迫ったスキル格差に対抗するために多くのメリットをもたらす。また、大量解雇が行われる時代において、切望されていた安定性をもたらす。ここでは、社内公募プロセスが組織にどのように役立つかを詳しく見ていこう。
社内リクルートが促進 内部移動の概念 または、組織内での人材の移動である。内部採用を行うことで、組織はスタッフの長期的なキャリア目標や企業の人材回転率に見合った新たな成長の機会に挑戦することを奨励する。
画像ソース インスペリティ
社内候補者の採用はより効率的 成功した 外部からのリクルートよりも、それができるからだ:
外部雇用 資源の枯渇.これは事実だ。リンクトインは 平均採用期間 で30日である。逆に、社内の候補者はすでに職場の一員であるため、候補者を見つけ、採用するのに必要な時間はずっと短くなります。また、社内候補者を評価するのも簡単です:
- 彼らは企業文化に合うかどうかを事前に審査される。
- 彼らの実績には簡単にアクセスできる。
- 資格のある社内候補者は、管理職との完全な面接を必要としない場合もある(例えば、以下のような場合)。
社内採用を行うことは、従業員を大切にし、彼らに投資したいという組織文化のメッセージとなる。従業員にキャリアアップの機会を提供する組織は、ポジティブな結果しかもたらさない。 セールスフォース発見 従業員の70%が、学習と能力開発への投資を増やすことで、より幸せで生産的になると認めている。これを確認する、 リンクトインが発見 従業員の94%は、良い学習機会が提供されれば、現在の雇用主に長く勤めたいと考えている。社内採用は、従業員のエンゲージメントと定着率を高める信頼文化の構築に役立ちます。
画像ソース ヘルプジュース
外部雇用 コストは1.7倍になるかもしれない 社内採用よりも。社内から採用する場合、組織にはその義務はない:
- Post ads on public job boards: Informing internal candidates through email or a company’s internal job board is less effort and costs you nothing.
- Subscribe to resume databases: Instead of sourcing passive candidates on databases, compel HR personnel to look internally, and leverage existing hr software to save time.
- Pay for background checks: Ideally, you’ve already conducted background checks on internal candidates when they were first hired.
Provide career development opportunities
Internal recruitment enables organizations to promote growth through career development opportunities for existing professionals. Deloitte considers this a ‘critical talent initiative’. LinkedIn found that employees stay almost 2x longer at companies where internal mobility is high. The average tenure for companies with high mobility is 5.4 years; compared to 2.9 years for low mobility work environments. Internal recruitment encourages employees through career progression and self-development, to continue to work with the company and motivates them to strive for promotions.
More than twice as many high-performance organizations prioritize internal recruitment compared to low-performing businesses.
画像出典 Deloitte
Though internal recruitment has numerous advantages, it’s essential to consider some possible drawbacks. Ultimately, smart recruiting decisions are made with a balanced perspective, using a mix of informed external recruitment while encouraging internal mobility.
Could create a skills gap in your organization
You must recognize that promoting or transferring an internal employee to another role leaves their previous role vacant. In a practical sense, the HR manager is now responsible for finding new hires to assume any freshly vacant positions. However, in many cases, it is much easier to fill some open positions than others. Promoting an internal employee to a more senior position allows human resources to hire for a role requiring fewer credentials, which may make the hiring process more straightforward. 技能管理 software can minimize the risk of creating new skill gaps.
An impact on employee morale
Internal recruitment can affect employee morale, especially when more than one colleague wants to fill an open position. The risk is that this causes competition between two employees, which can impact their working environment. In some cases, employees who don’t receive a promotion may decide to quit. A peaceful internal hiring process is achieved by maintaining transparency and reasonableness from start to finish. Using performance records and quantifiable credentials is vital so employees understand that the hiring process is free from bias.
画像出典 Jobsoid
Digital transformation has inadvertently caused a talent gap which may result in an $11.5 trillion loss in potential GDP growth over the next decade. Research suggests that technical skills tend to have a “half-life” of just two and a half years, putting digital-first organizations at considerable risk. As many career paths aren’t linear, owning prerequisite skills can make it easier to learn new skills and succeed in new roles. The motivation for businesses wanting to upskill internally is crystal clear.
This recent talent shortage challenges the traditional definition of talent acquisition, where recruitment focuses on candidates from outside the organization. Subsequently, the internal mobility of employees has become the focus for many talent acquisition professionals to manage talent shortages and reduce external hiring costs.
Skills management software allows businesses to track employees’ skills and interests. These platforms can also help identify viable internal candidates and even vet applicants.
DevSkiller TalentBoost is a skills management software built to define, measure, and manage digital skills. Our platform enables the adoption of skills-based models through a data-driven approach, featuring powerful skills mapping and management technology.
Every time a given skill is needed in your organization, you can make a strategic, informed decision about whether you should pursue:
- Talent Acquisition
- Learning & development
- Outsourcing
Market volatility in the near future will see more companies announce the need to restructure. This need will place even greater pressure on leaders to promote internal mobility through reskilling and upskilling initiatives.
With skills management software, you can map, measure, and grow digital skills to ensure all skills-related decisions are data-driven.
The low-down of what we’ve discovered is that internal recruitment is a super source of pre-existing candidates.
For an organization, you can reduce your time to hire and associated costs and keep hold of already established employees whilst offering them a path for career progression.
To do this, skills mapping and management software can help you optimize hiring by mapping your company’s deficiencies and identifying which staff can be upskilled or reskilled more efficiently. Internal mobility rewards loyal employees by developing their skills and promoting them, and your organization also wins by closing a skill gap. The risk of a bad hire is significantly reduced since it’s a known candidate, and their onboarding time is shorter due to their familiarity with your organization.
Of course, the risk of alienating other employees remains, and no successful hiring strategy is entirely reliant on one approach more than the other. In the skills-based workplace of the future, skills are more important than traditional roles.
Most companies see internal recruitment as a symbol of success. Taking advantage of internal recruitment means the business is nurturing employees to be their best. The result is happier employees who are willing to go the extra mile for your organization.