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Salesforce technical interview questions

Salesforce is a Customer relation management solution implemented by businesses all over the world. DevSkiller’s experts prepare Salesforce technical interview questions to assist recruiters in hiring Salesforce developers at junior, middle and senior-level.

DevSkiller Salesforce technical interview questions implement RealLifeTesting™. This unique method of developer testing provides recruiters with valuable insight into each applicant’s development skills, by setting them tasks based on their real environment. With DevSkiller, you can make finding your next Salesforce developer easy.

검증된 기술
105 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Apex, Salesforce

코드 갭

에 대한 지식 평가 Apex, Salesforce

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 어려움

Salesforce | Apex | Library application - Create an application allowing library to manage books, their borrowings and prepare some

reports about books which were not returned on time. Your current task is to finish implementation of missing service


검증된 기술
71 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Apex, Salesforce

코드 갭

에 대한 지식 평가 Apex, Salesforce

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

Salesforce | Apex | Library application - Create an application allowing a library to manage books and their borrowings. Your current task is to finish the implementation of the missing service methods.

검증된 기술
37 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Apex, Salesforce

코드 갭

에 대한 지식 평가 Apex, Salesforce

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 쉬움

Salesforce | Apex | Library application - Create an application allowing the library to manage their books stock. Finish the implementation of the missing service methods.

검증된 기술
51 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Apex, Salesforce

코드 갭

에 대한 지식 평가 Apex, Salesforce

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 쉬움

Salesforce | Apex | Operation method - Implement a method to sum up the numbers from a given list of strings. Please remember that at the beginning of this task 20% of verification test are already resolved.

검증된 기술
55 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Apex, Salesforce

코드 갭

에 대한 지식 평가 Apex, Salesforce

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

Salesforce | Apex | Orders Analyzer | Find an average order value for every weekday - Implement OrdersAnalyzer#averageDailySales method that returns a map of days of a week and rounds the average value to the nearest integer.

검증된 기술
37 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Apex, Salesforce, data types

코드 갭

에 대한 지식 평가 Apex, Salesforce

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 쉬움

Salesforce | Apex | Find duplicates - Implement findDuplicates method that returns a new list containing duplicates which occured N-times.

검증된 기술
105 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Apex, Salesforce

코드 갭

에 대한 지식 평가 Apex, Salesforce

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 어려움

Salesforce | Apex | Implement REST API for handling Product Reviews - Implement Http GET and POST REST API requests that let get existing reviews and insert new ones.

검증된 기술
55 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Apex, Salesforce

코드 갭

에 대한 지식 평가 Apex, Salesforce

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

Salesforce | Apex | Flights manager - Finish the implementation of an MVP of an application responsible for managing flights data.

검증된 기술
40 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 SOQL, Salesforce, Apex

코드 갭

에 대한 지식 평가 SOQL, Salesforce, Apex

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 쉬움

Salesforce | SOQL | Select all Accounts - Write SOQL query that will retrieve a list of all Accounts.

검증된 기술
93 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 SOQL, Salesforce, SOSL, Apex

코드 갭

에 대한 지식 평가 SOQL, Salesforce, Apex

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

Salesforce | SOQL | Opportunities Counting - Counting Opportunities with Orders in a given fiscal year.

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

Apex | Record Updater Identification - Your task is to write a method that runs every time Opportunity is updated.

검증된 기술
35 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Salesforce, Salesforce Admin, Salesforce development

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 쉬움

Salesforce | Consulting | Sales Masters - Add two Roll-Up summary fields and one formula field which displays an image to the Account object.

검증된 기술
64 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Apex, Salesforce

코드 갭

에 대한 지식 평가 SOQL, Salesforce

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

Apex | Record Updater Identification - Implement the solution that does not affect currently implemented automation.

검증된 기술
80 최대 분.
테스트 개요

Database task - Level: Hard

SOQL | Adventures of Space Doctors - Write a SOQL query that will retrieve a list of movies and related movie roles.

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 어려움

Apex | Trading Company - Load Accounts using a staging object, search for duplicates and perform appropriate actions asynchronously.

검증된 기술
65 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Salesforce

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

Salesforce | Consulting | Mongolian horse trading company - Prepare the automatization, which creates contracts and activates them, when specific conditions are met.

Salesforce Apex
검증된 기술
70 최대 분.
테스트 개요

Code review task - Level: Easy

Apex | Closed Opportunities Handler - Perform a code review focusing on the classes.OpportunityService class.

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 쉬움

Apex | The Account's SLA Salesforce - Change SLA status depending on the Account's Annual Revenue.

Recommended roles for salesforce technical interview questions

  • Junior Salesforce developer
  • Middle Salesforce developer
  • Senior Salesforce developer
  • Applications developer
  • Web developer
  • ETL developer
  • Salesforce administrator
  • Salesforce engineer
  • Application support developer

How our Salesforce technical interview questions work

DevSkiller Salesforce technical interview questions are powered by an advanced testing system leading the way in developer screening. The difference between DevSkiller tests and conventional developer testing is that our Salesforce technical interview questions are powered by RealLifeTesting™. The RealLifeTesting™ methodology challenges developer candidates based on the actual work they will likely be doing, by recreating their real work environment. Advanced simulations help to present candidates with real-world problems. Recruiters are then able to measure the candidates’ responses to the challenges faced.

The one-of-a-kind RealLifeTesting™ methodology is accurate and controllable. It is an innovative and forward-thinking testing platform that offers recruiters a unique view of how well each Salesforce developer will perform in the role. All while still in the initial screening stage. RealLifeTesting™ is efficient, time-saving, and effective.

Key features of our Salesforce technical interview questions

  • Test candidate’s coding skills and not just their academic knowledge
  • Watch the candidate’s test-taking in real-time, anywhere in the world
  • RealLifeTesting™ methodology offers a greater user experience where candidates can use their own IDE, clone to Git, run unit tests, and access Stack Overflow/GitHub/Google for research
  • Several anti-plagiarism tools to ensure test accuracy
  • Automated results that non-technical professionals can understand
  • Salesforce technical interview questions available for all levels of seniority

Skills covered in our Salesforce technical interview questions

  • Apex
  • Salesforce

What to look for in Salesforce developers

Salesforce is an established Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool. It is designed to allow companies to manage their interactions with customers across departments, including marketing, sales, and commerce. It is a way to integrate information to benefit the company and improve the customer experience.

Salesforce is the number one CRM platform in the world. Their developers are innovative and ahead of the game. They have launched the world’s first mobile CRM and they are ranked world number 1 by International Data Corporation (IDC). They also offer free upgrades for clients three times every year, so any developer working for Salesforce will need to stay up to date. They are also the first company to offer AI that has been built right into the CRM. In short, Salesforce developers are ahead of the pack and lead the way when it comes to CRM companies.

Build your own custom Salesforce technical interview questions

If you’re not content with accepting our Salesforce technical interview questions as they are, then no problem. It’s good to push the boundaries, and that’s what we do. At DevSkiler you can customize your own Salesforce technical interview questions and cater them to fit your company’s exact needs.

Our task wizard can be used to define the technologies you test, the types of questions you set, and the test duration. You can send test invites to candidates all over the world and set the difficulty level of the questions they face. At DevSkiller, we work hard to perfect our Salesforce technical interview questions, making finding your next salesforce developer easy.

Still unsure about our Salesforce technical interview questions?

Don’t worry if you’re not completely convinced just yet. It is understandable to feel apprehensive about investing your company’s money into our screening tool. Don’t take our word for it. First, have a look at what our customers have to say:

Patrycja Kiljańska – Talent acquisition specialist at Spartez

“We’ve replaced a high-maintenance in-house solution with DevSkiller. Our process looks the same, however, the product gives us better performance. The results are also way easier to assess.”

Sabu Pappu – Talent Acquisition Lead at Veriday

“We have reduced the tech rejection which is great. We’ve seen a 25% improvement at this point after the implementation of DevSkiller. The platform really helps us to assess the programming skills of candidates and provide a logical approach to the problem-solving skills of IT professionals. DevSkiller saved us a lot of time while we had a ramp up and helped us to invite good quality candidates who have performed well in the test, which eventually improved the selection criteria.”

Magdalena Rogóż – Deputy Marketing Manager at Kodilla

“Using DevSkiller to grade tests is 2 times more cost-efficient while giving our students a much better test and preparing them for future recruitment tests.”

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to set up DevSkiller?

With Devskiller you can be ready to start sending out test invites to your Salesforce technical interview questions in as little as five minutes. DevSkiller testing is simple and time-saving from the start. Set-up is remarkably quick, meaning you can send out your first Salesforce technical interview questions within a matter of minutes after registering your account. Our testing platform offers an extensive collection of predefined Salesforce tests meaning you can start screening candidates right away.

Do I need to be a programmer to use DevSkiller?

No, you don’t need to be a programmer to use our screening tool. Much of the point of DevSkiller testing is to be simple and available for anyone to implement into their recruitment process. Our aim is that recruiters who don’t know about development work themselves, are still able to hire the right person for the job. Our screening tool does the hard work for them. If you do have someone more technical available to you, you can adapt our Salesforce technical interview questions to suit your needs. However, for most, the default settings are plenty enough and they arrive already programmed and ready to use.

What do candidates think of DevSkiller tests?

In general, all the feedback we receive from developer candidates is overwhelmingly positive.

Candidates love the structure of Devskiller Salesforce technical interview questions and relish the opportunity to show what they can do. Occasionally if someone is apprehensive, we usually find that this is because they are expecting our tests to be similar to algorithmic tests they have taken in the past. These tests can be frustrating for developers who don’t feel they properly represent the work that developers do on a daily basis and therefore don’t accurately show who is the best candidate for the role. However, once candidates begin our tests and realize the difference, then they are usually very enthusiastic and keen to show their skills. They like being able to use normal coding conventions like unit testing and cloning to GIT from a personal IDE. DevSkiller Salesforce technical interview questions present candidates with a fair platform on which to demonstrate their abilities.