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PHP Developer Interview Questions and Online Tests

DevSkiller PHP developer interview questions are specially designed tests for making sure you hire the right PHP Developer for your business.

DevSkiller PHP practical test for interview are powered by the RealLifeTesting™ methodology, a unique way of testing which provides PHP based interview questions and replicates real-life tasks for candidates to solve. A simple and efficient solution to finding your next developer.

Technologies covered:

Programming language: PHP

PHP frameworks and libraries: Symfony, Zend Framework, Laravel, Yii, CodeIgniter, Doctrine, Twig, Slim, Guzzle and others

Build tools: Phing, Composer

검증된 기술
67 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 PHP, 심포니

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 Command, PHP, 심포니, Controller, Routing

Programming task - Level: Easy

PHP | Symfony | Prototype of the CLI tool - Create a CLI command using Symfony's Console Commands. The command should validate a string passed as an argument.

검증된 기술
102 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Laravel, PHP

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 PHP

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

PHP | Laravel | Shop API - Implement missing features of the shop application.

검증된 기술
70 최대 분.
테스트 개요

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 PHP, Wordpress

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

PHP | WordPress | Metadata Plugin with Administration Panel - Implement a WordPress plugin that will add metadata tags. The task includes the Settings API requirements.

검증된 기술
45 최대 분.
테스트 개요

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 PHP, Wordpress

Programming task - Level: Easy

PHP | WordPress | Latest Posts Widget - Implement a WordPress plugin that will display the latest posts with configurable number and title.

검증된 기술
55 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 PHP, 심포니, Twig

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

PHP | Symfony | Customer Relationship Management System - Implement a Command using Symfony's Console Commands.

검증된 기술
100 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 PHP, 심포니, Twig

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

PHP | Symfony | EventListener - Implement the Event driven system using Symfony's Event Dispatcher Component.

검증된 기술
72 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 PHP, 심포니, YAML

Programming task - Level: Hard

PHP | Symfony | CompilerPass Interface - Implement an archiving application which chooses the compression algorithm based on the given file.

검증된 기술
60 최대 분.
테스트 개요

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 SQL

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 ES6, 자바스크립트, CSS, HTML, WCAG 2.0, Web Accessibility

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

PHP | Categories Repository - Implement PDO queries that will return valid results about movies to users.

검증된 기술
88 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 SQL, ES6, 자바스크립트, AJAX, 웹 개발

Programming task - Level: Hard

PHP | XML-CSV Converter - Implement filtering and data transformation methods to pass all the tests.

검증된 기술
41 최대 분.
테스트 개요

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 SQL, CSS, HTML

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 자바스크립트

Programming task - Level: Easy

PHP | Faker | Basic data manipulation - Implement all the methods in the app/Faker class.

검증된 기술
80 최대 분.
테스트 개요

프로그래밍 작업

solve a programming challenge that involves PHP Web Scraper

선택형 문제

assessing knowledge of Returning views, Controller class, Cookies encryption, Partial resource routes, Setting database connection configuration, Accessing Request in controller methods, Maintenance mode, Controller methods routing, Method path of Request, Masking the filename of a downloaded file

검증된 기술
72 최대 분.
테스트 개요

Choice Questions

Verify knowledge of PHP: Code debugging, Usage of array_combine, Array auto-indexing, Closing tag omission, Calling 'call_user_func', Getting PHP configuration values

프로그래밍 작업

Implement core functionality of LoggingMiddleware using PSR-3 LoggerInterface, core functionality of FirewallMiddleware using Firewall class, and check if given IP is in defined IPs ranges in Firewall and IPRange classes

검증된 기술
87 최대 분.
테스트 개요

Choice Questions

Verify knowledge of PHP: DateTime, Fluent API, filter_var, Closing tag omission, Getting PHP configuration values, and Use of 'explode'

프로그래밍 작업

Implement Observer pattern in RaceGame/ScoringBoard classes, implement Chain of Responsibility pattern in Card class, implement specified interfaces in PlayersList class, and add code to places anotated with @todo

검증된 기술
52 최대 분.
테스트 개요

Choice Questions

Verify knowledge of PHP: DateTime, Fluent API, filter_var, Getting PHP configuration values, Use of 'explode'Closing tag omission

프로그래밍 작업

Your task is to implement PDO queries that will return valid results about movies to users.

The right PHP interview questions to screen PHP developers

Recommended roles for PHP Developer Interview Questions

  • Full-stack developer
  • Web developer
  • PHP developer
  • WordPress developer
  • Drupal Developer
  • Laravel Developer
  • Web Application Developer
  • LAMP Developer
  • Junior PHP developer

DevSkiller PHP coding test interview

A DevSkiller PHP coding test interview works by evaluating the performance of candidates in a controlled test environment. The RealLifeTesting™ methodology allows businesses to implement PHP based interview questions into real-world situations and assess each candidate’s skill set much more accurately than with basic PHP algorithm interview questions.

Looking for related coding tests?
JavaScript coding interview questions and tests
HTML and CSS online tests
Web development online coding tests & interview questions
Symfony online coding tests and interview questions
Laravel assessment test and interview questions
WordPress online coding tests & interview questions

Key features

  • Remote testing saves on time
  • Analysis of PHP coding ability and not just academic ability
  • Easy to follow non-technical results
  • The RealLifeTesting™ methodology provides a unique test environment where candidates can use their own IDE or clone to Git, as well as run unit tests, and access Stack Overflow, Github, and Google for research.
  • Effective anti-plagiarism features prevent duplicate test results
  • Monitor tests in real-time
  • PHP practical test for interview can assess any level of experience

Skills Tested using PHP Developer interview questions

  • Laravel
  • PHP
  • PHP 7
  • 심포니
  • Console commands
  • Event Dispatcher
  • Compiler Pass
  • YAML
  • CSS
  • ES6
  • Html
  • Javascript
  • PDO
  • Twig
  • SQL
  • WCAG 2.0
  • Web Accessibility

What to look for in a PHP developer?

PHP, standing for ‘Personal Home Page’, is a script programming language that has been used in web development and content management systems for over 20 years. It is also used in robotic applications and common line scripting making it very versatile. It is therefore important for a good PHP developer to be aware of PHP’s many uses and be able to accurately implement and adapt their skills for the needs of your business. Due to the fact that PHP is a very versatile language, over the years, it has evolved to include many subtleties that a good PHP developer will not only need to understand but will also have to be able to work with effectively.

PHP developers should also possess a very good understanding of HTTP protocol and ideally be familiar with RDBMS (Relational Database Management System).

Want to get more out of DevSkiller PHP Developer interview questions?

DevSkiller PHP coding test questions are completely customizable, allowing you to control the duration and parameters of each PHP coding test interview. This means you can assess a potential PHP developer in real-time, while they perform tasks that reflect the work they will actually be doing day to day. DevSkiller PHP development interview questions can help you find your next PHP developer today.

Want proof that DevSkiller PHP coding test questions really work?

Knowing what is right for your business can be a big step. Before you make a decision on our PHP coding test questions just listen to what some of our existing clients have to say:

Magdalena Rogóż – Deputy Marketing Manager at Kodilla

Kodilla is a coding boot camp supporting graduates in finding their first IT job, with many graduates going on to work for Aviva, Amazon, IBM, and many more. Before implementing DevSkiller’s testing process, Kodilla’s examiners used to spend approximately 30 minutes grading the tests of every student. This put a lot of unnecessary strain on their team, not to mention inaccuracy in grading, then they turned to DevSkiller.

“Using DevSkiller to grade tests is 2 times more cost-efficient while giving our students a much better test and preparing them for future recruitment tests.”

Julien Gauthiez – Talent Acquisition Manager EMEA at Criteo

Criteo is a global leader in commerce marketing. Before implementing DevSkiller, the company used to screen technical candidates by sending them a case study to complete at home. This method was time-consuming and offered little insight into how long the work had taken each candidate; making the hiring process ineffective.

“We use DevSkiller in 15 locations around our 3 regions (US/APAC/ EMEA). We have 7 frequent users in TA (recruiters) across our regions and our technical hiring manager users rotate depending on current needs. More than 30 have logged into the platform once to review an assignment or create a test.”

Frequently asked questions

What is RealLifeTestingTM?

The RealLifeTestingTM methodology is at the center of all DevSkiller PHP developer interview questions. What sets the RealLifeTestingTM methodology apart from simple algorithm tests, is its ability to be able to replicate real scenarios that your candidates would be likely to face every day. The tests reflect the actual tasks PHP developers would be required to carry out.

How are PHP coding test questions and online tests evaluated?

PHP developer questions are assessed based on the accuracy of the solutions each candidate has presented, to the tasks they have been faced with. This includes how accurate the coding they have provided is.

One huge advantage the DevSkiller platform has is that it operates automatically, meaning it gets to work immediately once a test is completed. This not only means candidates can take the test at a time that is convenient to them, but it also means that the results can then be generated automatically speeding up the whole recruitment process.

How do candidates take a PHP developer test?

DevSkiller’s PHP developer tests can be taken remotely, whenever and wherever is convenient for the candidate; all the candidates need to get started is a link to the test. Once the test commences, each candidate has an allocated amount of time to complete the tasks.

Tests are carried out on state of the art in-browser IDE, or if they would rather, candidates can complete the project on their preferred IDE and then clone the project to GIT. Tests are then automatically assessed and a report on how each subject has performed is then automatically generated and sent to the recruiter.