- 검증된 기술
- 기간
- 36 최대 분.
- 평가
- 자동
- 테스트 개요
선택형 문제
에 대한 지식 평가 .NET, C#
프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 쉬움
.Net | Weather Forecast App - Finish implementation of the Observer design pattern in the Weather forecast application.
에 대한 지식 평가 .NET, C#
.Net | Weather Forecast App - Finish implementation of the Observer design pattern in the Weather forecast application.
Verify knowledge of PHP: DateTime, Fluent API, filter_var, Closing tag omission, Getting PHP configuration values, and Use of 'explode'
Implement Observer pattern in RaceGame/ScoringBoard classes, implement Chain of Responsibility pattern in Card class, implement specified interfaces in PlayersList class, and add code to places anotated with @todo