- 검증된 기술
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- 35 최대 분.
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코드 갭
에 대한 지식 평가 자바스크립트
프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 쉬움
jQuery | DOM manipulation - basic form - Implement an interactive form to allow editing and calculating the simple statistics.
Our range of online jQuery tests are used to screen the skills and abilities of your
candidates. The Middle-level jQuery test for recruiters will help you get a clear picture of the coding skills of applicants and ensure that the best person for the job is hired. Using a number of different problems, applicants will need to use their jQuery coding skills in a creative way to write a piece of functional
code. See our range of other tests.
에 대한 지식 평가 자바스크립트
jQuery | DOM manipulation - basic form - Implement an interactive form to allow editing and calculating the simple statistics.
에 대한 지식 평가 자바스크립트
jQuery | DOM manipulation - Implement interactive form to allow editing, confirming tasks, disabling inputs and calculating statistics.