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- 65 최대 분.
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선택형 문제
에 대한 지식 평가 PHP
프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 쉬움
PHP | ATM Software Project - Implement four classes to finish the ATM software project
에 대한 지식 평가 PHP
PHP | ATM Software Project - Implement four classes to finish the ATM software project
Verify knowledge of PHP: Code debugging, Usage of array_combine, Array auto-indexing, Closing tag omission, Calling 'call_user_func', Getting PHP configuration values
Implement core functionality of LoggingMiddleware using PSR-3 LoggerInterface, core functionality of FirewallMiddleware using Firewall class, and check if given IP is in defined IPs ranges in Firewall and IPRange classes