- 검증된 기술
- 기간
- 70 최대 분.
- 평가
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- 테스트 개요
선택형 문제
에 대한 지식 평가 Angular, 자바스크립트
코드 갭
에 대한 지식 평가 Angular, 자바스크립트, Angular CLI
프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 쉬움
JavaScript | Angular | Car List - Finish displaying the car list and the details.
DevSkiller Angular 2 online tests are a specially designed recruitment tool to assist in the hiring of Angular 2 developers. Our dedicated team of professionals has developed accurate testing measures that allow Angular 2 developers to be able to demonstrate their specific skills, right from the initial screening stage, through a series of challenges and Angular coding tests.
DevSkiller Angular 2 online tests are powered by the RealLifeTesting™ methodology, a way of challenging developers with tasks that simulate real-world scenarios. With tests that can be accessed anywhere, anytime, DevSkiller makes finding your next Angular 2 developer easy.
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에 대한 지식 평가 Angular, 자바스크립트
에 대한 지식 평가 Angular, 자바스크립트, Angular CLI
JavaScript | Angular | Car List - Finish displaying the car list and the details.
에 대한 지식 평가 Angular, 자바스크립트
에 대한 지식 평가 Angular, 자바스크립트
JavaScript | Angular | Static Pages Editor - Complete the static pages form implementation
에 대한 지식 평가 Angular, 자바스크립트, 타입스크립트
JavaScript | Angular | Notepad App - Complete simple notes application using provided NotesService to save and read notes.
에 대한 지식 평가 Angular, 자바스크립트
JavaScript | Angular, NgRx | Service Station - Implement NgRx based state management with side effects and entities.
에 대한 지식 평가 Angular, 자바스크립트
에 대한 지식 평가 Angular, 자바스크립트
JavaScript | Angular | 반응형 양식 - 반응형 양식을 사용하여 등록 양식 준비하기
에 대한 지식 평가 QA, .NET, C# 및 Selenium
에 대한 지식 평가 QA, .NET, C# 및 Selenium
QA | .NET, Selenium | Firefox Driver | Selenium tests for Login Page - Implement selenium tests for the login page: check HTML components, CSS styles, set the value of the input fields, and click on the button on the page.
에 대한 지식 평가 Angular2+, 자바스크립트
에 대한 지식 평가 HTML
JavaScript | Angular 2+ | Router Role Based Access Control - Prepare a simple RBAC for routes and components.
에 대한 지식 평가 Angular2+, 자바스크립트, rxjs
JavaScript | Angular 2+ | Virtual business cardholder - Connect components of the virtual cardholder using a service, RxJS, and Angulars @Input
에 대한 지식 평가 Angular2+, 자바스크립트
에 대한 지식 평가 Angular2+, 자바스크립트
JavaScript | Angular 2+ | Currency Calculator - Finish an application that should convert the amount of money in selected currency to USD.
에 대한 지식 평가 앵귤러 폼 API, 앵귤러 리액티브 양식, Angular2+, Angular Templates, Angular Security
JavaScript | Angular 2+ | Signup Form - Connect HTML/CSS to Angular and add proper validation.
에 대한 지식 평가 Angular2+, 타입스크립트, 자바스크립트, Tooling, 웹 개발
JavaScript | Angular 2+ | Signup Form - Connect HTML/CSS to Angular and add proper validation.
에 대한 지식 평가 Angular2+, 자바스크립트, 타입스크립트
JavaScript | Angular2+ | Router configuration - Create the routing configuration based on the existing application and the requirements given in the description.
에 대한 지식 평가 ES6, 자바스크립트, Angular2+, 타입스크립트, AJAX, 웹 개발
Angular 2+ | Signup Flow | Components and routing - Complete user registration flow by setting up routing, integrating the signup form with data services and adding proper input validation.
에 대한 지식 평가 AJAX, 자바스크립트, 웹 개발, Tooling, Angular2+, rxjs, 타입스크립트
JavaScript | Angular 2+ | Shopping Cart - Fix a few issues with data synchronization across the app and to add few customisation features.
Use your Angular 2+ skills to repair a notepad app
Verify your Angular 2+ expertise by answering a variety of essential questions about Angular 2+
What makes our Angular 2 online tests unique, is they are powered by the RealLifeTesting™ methodology. RealLifeTesting™ allows you to assess your applicants’ knowledge of the Angular 2 framework, in a controlled environment that simulates the real-world. This provides recruiters with a clear understanding of their applicants’ coding ability, critical thinking, and all-round knowledge of Angular 2, while still in the screening phase of the recruitment process, saving valuable time and money. Candidates are presented with coding challenges and programming tasks that accurately replicate the everyday work they can expect to be faced with.
Angular (or Angular 2) is a web framework that has been in place since 2016 and replaced the original AngularJS framework. Angular’s basic function is to speed up the creation of web applications by saving on the amount of code that developers have to write.
A good Angular developer then firstly needs to possess a very good understanding of the framework itself. Secondly, they should understand Angular dependencies such as RxJS,
TypeScript and JavaScript.
An Angular developer should also have a good understanding of design patterns which help to maintain large, complex code and make it easy to add new functionalities. Design patterns are not unique to Angular, but they are particularly important to it because it is a framework designed for big projects that use lots of complex code.
The most relevant experience to look for in your search for an Angular developer is certainly commercial experience building web applications, ideally using Angular programming. Further experience using open-source, JavaScript, TypeScript, or any of the Angular libraries is also a bonus.
If you are thinking it would be good to get more out of DevSkiller testing, then no problem. The DevSkiller online task wizard comes ready with great features and default tests, or you can build your own Angular 2 online test and adapt it however you choose. Set the duration of each test, the scope of each question, and even the programming language that you test. Tests can be monitored in real-time and remote testing is employed saving your business time and money on in-house tests.
It can be daunting if you aren’t sure how best to invest your company’s money, so
don’t take our word that DevSkiller Angular 2 online tests really work, check out what some of our satisfied customers have to say and see for yourself:
“The duration of the recruitment process has not changed, but we spend less time and effort per candidate. We also don’t waste time on the wrong candidates.”
“DevSkiller helped us to save precious on-site time for applicants that are already likely to be a fit. We’re saving 3 hours per candidate – that was the time we spent with applicants on a technical task before.”
It is important to understand that with DevSkiller tests, the hard work is already done for you to save your business time and money. Our Angular 2 online tests are predefined with coding questions and challenges and come with ready-prepared default settings, meaning you can get started on testing straight away.
Plagiarism can be a serious concern with testing, but at DevSkiller we have taken extensive precautions to eliminate it. Screen recording to check if the candidate is looking at a different screen when taking a test, social listening and use of live pair notifications are just some of the tools we use to ensure validity in our tests. Plagiarism detectors also check the candidate’s entered code and automatically cross-reference this with answers already given in our system, meaning if there is a match we can categorically confirm that the candidate cheated.
RealLifeTesting™ is the basis of all DevSkiller testing, including our Angular 2 online tests. It works on the premise that you will be able to get more from a developer candidate and accurately be able to test their skills if you present them with challenges that replicate the everyday tasks they face in their work. Rather than mundane algorithmic puzzles, RealLifeTesting™ provides recruiters with a holistic view of a candidate’s skills, including their coding prowess and their demonstrable knowledge of the language or framework in question.
Another great feature of DevSkiller is that it works automatically. Once a candidate has finished a test the Devskiller platform gets to work automatically evaluating the solution. Results are then presented to the recruiter in an easy to understand, non-technical report, which lays out how successful each candidate has been. Candidates are evaluated on whether their solution would run if there are any errors in the code and the quality of the code itself, as well as how it works in edge cases.