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Node.js online tests and programming interview questions

Give your candidate one of the following Node.js skill tests to screen their Node.js skills. Before interviewing an applicant, test their JavaScript abilities with our range of Node.js tests. For Junior, Middle, and Senior developers, these tests will give you a clear indication of the skills and abilities of your potential employee. Take a look at the Node.js skill test that’s relevant to the position you’d like to fill.

검증된 기술
87 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 자바스크립트, Node.JS

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 자바스크립트, Node.JS, SQL

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

Node.JS | Rest API | News backend service - Implement a news backend service created in Node.JS with Vanilla JS including writing authorization and Rest APIs.

검증된 기술
73 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 자바스크립트, Typescript

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 자바스크립트, Typescript

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

TypeScript | NestJS | My Barista App - Coffee Recommendation - Implement NestJS REST service for rating and recommending coffee types.

검증된 기술
62 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Typescript

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 자바스크립트, Typescript

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

TypeScript | NestJS | My Barista App - Listing rated coffee types - Implement NestJS REST service for rating and recommending coffee types.

검증된 기술
46 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 자바스크립트, Typescript

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 자바스크립트, Typescript

Programming task - Level: Easy

TypeScript | NestJS | My Barista App - Fetch rating of a coffee type - Implement a new feature for listing previously rated coffee types in the NestJS REST service for rating coffee types.

검증된 기술
41 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 자바스크립트, Node.JS

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 자바스크립트, Node.JS

Programming task - Level: Easy

JavaScript | Node.JS | File system - Use NodeJS to read/write files in sync and async way, list directories recursively.

검증된 기술
85 최대 분.
테스트 개요

Programming task - Level: Hard

HTML/CSS | Home Page - Complete CSS property definitions so the page displays the appropriate splash loader screen before it displays the home page.

Programming task - Level: Hard

JavaScript | Functional memoization - Write the two versions of generic memoization mechanism.

검증된 기술
101 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Angular, 자바스크립트

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 Angular, 자바스크립트

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

JavaScript | Angular | Reactive forms - Prepare a registration form using Reactive forms

검증된 기술
113 최대 분.
테스트 개요

Programming task - Level: Hard

JavaScript | React, Redux | Address Book - Implement missing features of a small React web application built on top of Redux.

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

JavaScript | Node.js | Address book - Implement endpoints to fetch the list of contacts (with a phase matching and results limiting), fetch details of a single contact and to delete the given contact.

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 MongoDB

검증된 기술
126 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Typescript

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

TypeScript | NestJS | Coffee Recommendation API for My Barista app - Implement NestJS REST service for rating and recommending coffee types.

검증된 기술
175 최대 분.
테스트 개요

Front End programming task - Level: Senior

JavaScript | React, Redux | Address Book - Implement missing features of a small React web application built on top of Redux.

Back end programming task - Level: Medium

JavaScript | Node.js | Address Book - Implement endpoints to fetch the list of contacts (with a phase matching and results limiting), fetch details of a single contact and to delete the given contact.

검증된 기술
68 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Java

Programming task - Level: Easy

Java | Find duplicates - Implement findDuplicates method that returns a new list containing duplicates which occured N-times.

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 ES6, 자바스크립트, Typescript

Programming task - Level: Easy

JavaScript | Node.JS | Websocket server - Complete the server.js file in order to finish the WebSocket server.

검증된 기술
168 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 CSS, HTML

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

Python | Django | Leave request application | Basic CRUD - Complete an application for managing employee leave requests using Django Framework.

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

JavaScript | Social Media Queries | Find potential likes - Implement a function to find books which are considered as potential likes.

검증된 기술
57 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 자바스크립트, 웹 개발, Node.JS, Ember, Ember 2.x

Programming task - Level: Easy

JavaScript | Orders Analyzer | Find a total ordered quantity of a product for every weekday - Implement OrdersAnalyzer#averageDailySales method that will return a map with a name of a day of the week as a key and a sum of ordered quantity for a given product id as a value.

검증된 기술
121 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 ExpressJS

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

Angular 2+ Notepad App

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

Node.JS - Mongo - Course report

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 MongoDB

검증된 기술
68 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 자바스크립트Node.JS

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

JavaScript | Node.js | Server Side Step Tracker - Finish implementation of Node.js fitness application exposing REST APIWebsocket-API for steps tracking

검증된 기술
66 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Ember, Ember 2.x, Node.JS, 자바스크립트

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

JavaScript | Orders Analyzer | Find an average order value for every weekday - Implement a method which will return a map with a name of day of week as a key and an average total order value.

검증된 기술
62 최대 분.
테스트 개요

Choice Questions

Verify knowledge of Node.js: Callbacks and variables, EventEmitter one-time events, frameworks, Using HTTPS, Isomorphic programming, and Reading from a file

프로그래밍 작업

Complete the functions in mongo-commands.js in order to create a map reduce routine that reports each student’s primary key, their name, and the number of courses they are enrolled in.

검증된 기술
36 최대 분.
테스트 개요

Choice Questions

Verify knowledge of Node.js: __dirname global, Blocking functions, Blocking on HTTP requests, Problem Solving, Alternatives to a zero delay setTimeout, and Server events

프로그래밍 작업

Develop the server.js file in order to make the WebSocket server ready.

검증된 기술
36 최대 분.
테스트 개요

Choice Questions

Verify knowledge of Node.js: Opening a server, The callback in server.listen, callbacks, Server events, Blocking on HTTP requests, Alternatives to a zero delay setTimeout

프로그래밍 작업

Create a file server that listens on port 9000 of localhost and Serve the text of the file testText.txt when a get request is made to that port.

Node.js Online Tests

DevSkiller Node.js online tests are the most accurate way of screening Node.js developers. Our Node.js interview questions were specially designed by our expert team to aid in the search of Node.js developers of any level of experience. We use a specific range of challenges and Node.js online tests to find the right candidate for your business.

What sets DevSkiller testing apart is we implement the RealLifeTesting methodology, a unique testing method that aims to replicate real-world development scenarios, within a real time frame. Our Node.js online tests can also be taken anytime and anywhere, saving countless hours of in-house testing. DevSkiller makes finding your next developer simpler than ever.

Recommended roles suited to Node.js online tests

  • Web developer
  • Node.Js developer
  • JavaScript developer
  • Junior Node.Js developer
  • Middle Node.Js developer
  • Senior Node.Js developer

How do DevSkiller Node.js online tests work?

Each Node.js online test is powered by the RealLifeTesting methodology. The RealLifeTesting methodology is unique in that it allows the recruiter to assess each candidate accurately, including their coding ability and time-management skills, while still in the initial screening stage of recruitment. Furthermore, all of our tests can be taken remotely from wherever the candidate chooses. Easy to understand reports are automatically generated to present the results to the recruiter. We probably don’t need to tell you the countless hours of interviews and in-house testing this method can save, compared to traditional testing.

Key features

  • DevSkiller Node.js online testing aims to provide a clear understanding of a candidate’s practical coding skills and not just their academic background.
  • Remote testing saves time and money
  • The RealLifeTesting methodology creates a unique testing environment where candidates can use their own IDE and have access to Stack Overflow/Github and Google for research. They can also run unit tests and clone to GIT.
  • Effective anti-plagiarism tools implemented to ensure authenticity.
  • Node.js online tests can be monitored in real-time
  • Automatically generated non-technical results that are easy to understand
  • Node.js online tests available for developers of all levels.

Skills covered in Devskiller Node.js online tests

  • Knowledge of JavaScript
  • Asynchronous programming
  • Managing databases from Node.js (e.g. MongoDB)
  • Processing data structures
  • Functional programming with JavaScript
  • Object-Oriented programming with JavaScript

What to look for in a Node.js developer

Node.js is a platform on which JavaScript code can run on the server-side. Node.js is connected to JavaScript.

When searching for a Node.js developer, there are several factors a recruiter has to take into account. First and foremost, your developer candidate must have a very good knowledge of JavaScript, the programming language that Node.js uses. In addition, they should be familiar with backend programming issues, patterns, problems, and solutions. Knowing JavaScript and how to write code is one thing, but knowing the ins and outs of Node.js and what to write in relation to backend issues, is quite another. A healthy balance of the two would be ideal.

Want to get more from Node.js online tests?

If you’re thinking that our online tests sound good, but you’d like to be able to do more with them, then that’s no problem. The DevSkiller online task wizard is packed with exciting features that allow you to customize your Node.js online tests. You can set the difficulty level, choose the languages you want to test, and control how long the test will last. Remote testing allows candidates to take tests conveniently from anywhere and you can still monitor their progress in real-time.

Still unsure about DevSkiller Node.js online tests?

Interested in trying DevSkiller for Node.js testing, but need a little persuading? Check out what some of our customers have to say:

Olga Berger – Lead Recruiter & Sourcing Specialist at CodeValue

“DevSkiller is easy to use and friendly.”

Richard Williams – VP of engineering at Plutora

“Thanks to automating the screening stage, we were able to reduce the interview rate by 50%. At the same time, the quality of candidates who make it to the interview stage is now much greater. DevSkiller adds an extra layer of quality to our technical hiring process”

Michael Gerwig – Engineering manager at Ada Health

“DevSkiller helped us to save precious on-site time for applicants that are already likely to be a fit. We’re saving 3 hours per candidate – that was the time we spent with applicants on a technical task before.”

Frequently asked questions

What is RealLifeTesting?

The RealLifeTesting methodology is the secret to our DevSkiller Node.js online testing. This one-of-a-kind testing model provides recruiters with a holistic view of an applicant’s skills. From the very beginning of the recruitment process, it allows recruiters to thoroughly screen a candidate’s actual skills and knowledge with regards to Node.js. The RealLifeTestingmethodology follows the principle that the best way to assess a candidate is to provide them with tasks that reflect the work they’ll be expected to carry out.

Successful candidates from each Node.js technical test, are those who can demonstrate their skills with coding and can show an understanding of how to access resources like Stack Overflow. They are assessed on their critical thinking, problem-solving and time-management skills.

How are Node.js online tests evaluated?

Evaluation for our Node.js interview questions happens automatically. Testing is carried out remotely and once the candidate is finished with their test, the DevSkiller platform gets to work. The evaluation takes place automatically and the candidate has then assessed the answers they have provided and the quality of their code. This also includes any mistakes in the code and if the solutions would work in edge cases. Automatic reports are then generated and sent to the recruiter with easy to follow results of each test. Answers are also automatically cross-checked for plagiarism to eliminate any chance of an unfair advantage.

How long does it take to set up a Node.js online test?

Our Node.js online tests can be ready to send out within minutes. You just need to set up your DevSkiller account. The DevSkiller platform is pre-loaded with an extensive catalog of Node.js interview questions. This means that once setup is completed, all you have to do is send out the test invites and you can start testing your candidates immediately, with no extra work required.

Do I need to be a programmer to use DevSkiller?

No. Part of the idea behind our Node.js online tests is that they can be used by anyone and are designed to be as automated as they can possibly be. They can be used to hire candidates of any level of experience, with the aim being that you don’t need to be an expert, to hire an expert.

Our ready-to-use tests are prepared by our IT experts to allow non-technical users to verify the technical skills of the candidates screened. If you do have someone more technically minded working on your team, then you can even go a step further and prepare your own custom test from scratch.