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NoSQL coding questions and online tests

Our NoSQL coding questions were prepared by the DevSkiller team for junior, middle, and senior-level positions. The tests are structured to accurately screen each applicant’s abilities through a series of challenges and interview questions.

DevSkiller NoSQL online tests are powered by the RealLifeTesting™ methodology. The methodology replicates real-world scenarios for your applicants to solve in a controlled environment. Find the right candidate with our range of NoSQL interview questions and online tests.

검증된 기술
71 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Java, Multithreading

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 MongoDB

Programming task - Level: Hard

Java | Circuit Breaker and Retry pattern - Implement circuit breaker, fallback and retry pattern in microservice architecture.

검증된 기술
66 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Python, NoSQL, MongoDB

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 Python, NoSQL, MongoDB

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

Python | MongoDB | Stock market quotes | Recent Prices - Loading and querying stock market data with MongoDB collections.

검증된 기술
66 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Python, NoSQL, MongoDB

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 Python, NoSQL, MongoDB

Programming task - Level: Hard

Python | MongoDB | Stock market quotes | Collection - Loading and querying stock market data with MongoDB collections.

검증된 기술
75 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 JavaSpring Boot

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 JavaMongoDB

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

Java | MongoDB, Spring Boot | Flight searcher with MongoDB cache - Implement code that will be able to query multiple airlines for prices according to the client’s request.

검증된 기술
41 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 MongoDB, NoSQL

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 Python

Programming task - Level: Easy

Python | MongoDB | Stock market quotes - Load and query stock market data with MongoDB collections.

검증된 기술
113 최대 분.
테스트 개요

Programming task - Level: Hard

JavaScript | React, Redux | Address Book - Implement missing features of a small React web application built on top of Redux.

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

JavaScript | Node.js | Address book - Implement endpoints to fetch the list of contacts (with a phase matching and results limiting), fetch details of a single contact and to delete the given contact.

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 MongoDB

검증된 기술
51 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 SQL, MongoDB, NoSQL

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 MongoDB

Task - Level: Medium

SQL | Customer Data - Find all the customers whose first and last names are not unique in this database, as well as the number of times each first and last name pair appears in the database.

검증된 기술
56 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 SQL, MongoDB, NoSQL

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 MongoDB

Task - Level: Hard

SQL | Fill sparse table - Write a query that will return the list of all users with the creation date and return the date from the previous not-null row for the entries affected with the bug.

검증된 기술
27 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 SQL, MongoDB, NoSQL

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 MongoDB, SQL

Task - Level: Easy

SQL | Stamps catalogue | CASE statement - Make a select statement, by which you will divide your stamps collection into 3 groups.

검증된 기술
121 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 ExpressJS

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

Angular 2+ Notepad App

프로그래밍 작업 - 레벨: 중간

Node.JS - Mongo - Course report

Code gaps

에 대한 지식 평가 MongoDB

검증된 기술
42 최대 분.
테스트 개요

선택형 문제

에 대한 지식 평가 Java, , Spring - 종속성 주입

Programming task - Level: Hard

Java | Spring Boot, MongoDB, REST API | Blog app - Add a comments feature to a simple Spring Boot REST blog application.

검증된 기술
62 최대 분.
테스트 개요

Choice Questions

Verify knowledge of Node.js: Callbacks and variables, EventEmitter one-time events, frameworks, Using HTTPS, Isomorphic programming, and Reading from a file

프로그래밍 작업

Complete the functions in mongo-commands.js in order to create a map reduce routine that reports each student’s primary key, their name, and the number of courses they are enrolled in.

The right NoSQL coding questions to screen NoSQL developers

Recommended roles for NoSQL coding questions

  • NoSQL engineer
  • Data engineer
  • Full-stack developer
  • Database analyst
  • JavaScript developer
  • Java developer
  • Junior data engineer
  • Middle data engineer
  • Senior data engineer

How DevSkiller NoSQL coding questions and online tests work

DevSkiller NoSQL online tests are powered by the RealLifeTesting™ methodology. Analyze your applicants’ knowledge of the NoSQL database in a pre-determined test environment. Assess each applicants’ NoSQL knowledge, coding ability, problem-solving, and time-management skills.

Key features

  • Analyze coding ability and not just academic ability
  • Save time and money with remote testing
  • The RealLifeTesting™ methodology offers a greater user experience where candidates can use their own IDE, clone to GIT, run unit tests, and access Stack Overlow/Github/Google for research.
  • Stringent anti-plagiarism tools to ensure test accuracy
  • Observe tests in real-time
  • Automated results that non-technical recruiters can understand
  • Tests available for junior, middle, and senior-level positions

Skills covered in our NoSQL online tests

  • Angular
  • MonogoDB
  • Java
  • Mongo
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQL
  • Oracle

What to look for in NoSQL engineer

NoSQL (often referred to as Not Only SQL) is a term for databases that do not use relations to store data.  NoSQL databases vary depending on their data model. The main types are document, key-value, wide-column, and graph. NoSQL first appeared in the late 2000s when the cost of storage fell dramatically.

Your NoSQL applicant should be familiar with relational databases such as MongoDB, ZooKeeper, and Apache Hadoop. Knowledge of operating systems such as Linux, Unix, Apache, and Tomcat is also a good sign of a qualified applicant. Finally, they should be able to recognize the three camps of NoSQL data representation; document-oriented databases, graph-based NoSQL databases, and key/value databases.

Like what you see but want more?

Do you want to test your applicants with your own custom test? No problem. With the DevSkiller online task wizard, you can build your own fully customizable tests. Choose which languages you want to assess, allocate a time limit, and define the scope all while monitoring your applicants’ process in real-time. Find your next NoSQL engineer today with our range of NoSQL interview questions and online tests. Free trials available!

Want proof that our NoSQL online tests work?

We understand that making the investment in our screening tool is a big decision for every business. If you’re still unsure, just take a look at what some of our satisfied customers have to say:

Patrycja Kiljańska – Talent acquisition specialist at Spartez

“We’ve replaced a high-maintenance in-house solution with DevSkiller. Our process looks the same, however, the product gives us better performance. The results are also way easier to assess.”

Richard Williams – VP of engineering at Plutora

“Thanks to automating the screening stage, we were able to reduce the interview rate by 50%. At the same time, the quality of candidates who make it to the interview stage is now much greater. DevSkiller adds an extra layer of quality to our technical hiring process”

Ivana Nikolic – HR Manager at ImpacTech

“The greatest advantage for the candidates is that they can proceed with the tests at their own convenience. In case you have a candidate who is already working and is thinking about changing the career or moving to another company, it is also a time saver for them, as they do not have to take time off in order to attend numerous interviews in the search for a new position.”

Frequently asked questions

What is RealLifeTestingTM?

The RealLifeTestingTM methodology is the foundation of all DevSkiller NoSQL coding questions. Unlike other coding challenges or algorithmic puzzles, RealLifeTestingTM simulates real-world scenarios that your applicants would be likely to encounter. This kind of testing will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of your applicant’s skill level.

At its core, the RealLifeTestingTM stems from the belief that the best way to evaluate a developer’s development skills is with a work sample test that mirrors the actual development work they’ll do. The successful candidate should demonstrate a clear understanding and knowledge of NoSQL, display the ability to utilize resources like Stack Overflow, and possess critical thinking to determine the quickest and most efficient solution to problems they encounter.

How are NoSQL online tests evaluated?

The DevSkiller platform gets to work automatically after the candidate either completes the test or the time elapses. The results are compiled into a report that is clear and easy to understand for non-technical professionals such as recruiters or hiring managers. Candidates are assessed on whether or not the solution they came up with would run (an essential factor in all software development), the number of errors in the code, quality of the code, and how it works in edge cases. DevSkiller ensures test accuracy with our range of anti-plagiarism tools.

How do candidates take a test?

DevSkiller’s NoSQL online tests can be taken remotely, at the convenience of each individual candidate. All a recruiter needs to do is send out the test invite. Each test invite can be set to be available for a specified amount of time. Candidates have the option to use our state fo the art in-browser IDE or complete the project on their favorite IDE and then clone the project to GIT. During the test, candidates can run unit tests to ensure their solutions are working the way they’re supposed to. Tests have a pre-defined time limit, and if a candidate runs out of time, the test is automatically evaluated. Reports are sent to the recruiter once they are generated.