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Reclutamento IT
Tech recruitment certification id usefull for hring technical recruiters

Introducing DevSkiller Tech Recruitment Certification Course

Reclutamento IT
Tech recruitment certification id usefull for hring technical recruiters

Tech Recruiters are faced with one of the biggest challenges in HR because they chase after the second hardest group to recruit globally (according to ManpowerGroup research). As a consequence, the degree of competition in tech recruitment is FIERCE.

That said, some tech recruiters operate with outdated methods or even worse, have no structure they follow and optimize. Others act like there’s still a surplus of talent in tech while there’s actually a scarcity of talent. Not only do these people fail miserably, but they also give good recruiters bad rep.

Moreover, in tech recruitment, there’s always room to grow. Even the best recruiters need to keep learning to stay on top of their game.

That’s why we’ve decided to take action and designed our educational course dedicated to tech recruitment. We want to give you a competitive advantage over your competitors so you can recruit the best developers out there. And everything is FREE, with the aim to participate in building a better Tech Recruitment market.

In the course, we present a methodology which is easy to follow and replicate, backed with the most current industry data and expert insights.

What’s in it for you?

Thanks to Corso di certificazione DevSkiller Tech Recruitment, you get to:

  • Introduce new techniques and tools into your recruitment cycle,
  • Learn to optimize the recruitment process for speed, cost, and quality (Time to Fill, Cost per Hire and Quality of Hire are given plenty of space in the course),
  • Use industry-specific platforms more efficiently,
  • Discover new sourcing techniques,
  • And most importantly, challenge stale ways of thinking,

Those who pass the final examination receive a badge confirming certification. The badge can be added to your LinkedIn profile, your site, email signature or shared on your social media profiles. Here’s what it looks like, in all its glory:

Corso di certificazione DevSkiller Tech Recruitment

All certification badges expire 24 months from the end of the month following when they were granted. The reason why our certification is not valid indefinitely is pretty straightforward: the world of IT recruitment changes constantly and we want to make sure this course is (and stays) meaningful. We advise you to retake the certification exam once your certification expires to keep it up to date.

Cosa c'è nel corso?

DevSkiller Tech Recruitment Certification Course is a free training course covering the fundamentals of IT recruitment.

The course is packed full with up-to-date information about developer landscape, findings of industry reports and intel on the IT recruitment process. It also comprises the tried and true tricks of industry experts so you can turn knowledge into action and effective tools designed to boost your HR metrics.

Course subjects

The course is based on two original DevSkiller ebooks which cover the following subjects:

  1. Come progettare un processo di assunzione completamente funzionale nel settore IT
  2. Screening e colloquio
  3. Offerta e noleggio
  4. Qualità dell'assunzione, tempo di assunzione e costo per assunzione
  5. Il costo di assunzione di uno sviluppatore
  6. Assumere più donne nel settore tecnologico
  7. HR and IT department cooperation – how to make it work
  8. 10 steps of successful tech sourcing
  9. I gravi peccati del tech sourcing
  10. Sourcing in entrata e sociale
  11. Best places to source software developers from
  12. Come reperire sviluppatori di software da LinkedIn, Stack Overflow e GitHub
  13. Best tools for sourcing & screening technical talent
  14. Glossary of IT terms

Chi può ottenere la certificazione?

  • Tech Recruiters and IT Recruiters who want to become leaders in IT recruitment,
  • Recruiters hiring developers on a daily basis as well as occasionally,
  • Sourcers who want to be more effective in attracting top developers,
  • HR Managers who wish to streamline their IT recruitment process,
  • Anyone who hires programmers, coders, developers and software engineers.

Why it’s good for you

At DevSkiller, we believe in the power of research and numbers. We also believe in industry experts and what they have to say (science FTW, anytime).

Why it’s good for you

However, finding and reading numerous industry reports or simply browsing educational HR content is very time-consuming. What’s even worse, sometimes you spend time looking for a knowledge which is applicable in tech particularly but have no takeaways you can use to become better at your job. Plus, you’ve wasted time looking for it.

To help you out, we’ve gone through VOLUMES of research and educational content which we’ve paired up with our own experience. We’ve gathered these insights together and combined them with actionable tips which allow you to turn your newly acquired knowledge into action

Our course is based on data and research and it’s devoted to recruiting IT professionals in entirety. This means you don’t have to spend time digging but simply focus on what is directly applicable to your industry.

How to get started

1.  To get started, go to and sign in using your LinkedIn account.

2. Fill in the account details required and click “Finish setup”.

How to get started

3. Access certification resources which are located in the upper left corner of your Certification Dashboard. You can download the ebooks to your device or access them directly from your Dashboard at all times.

How to get started

4. Once you study the course resources and you’re ready to take the exam, click “Start Certification Exam” and follow the instructions provided.How to get started

5. When you pass the certification exam, your badge will automatically appear in your Certification Dashboard.

How to show off your badge?

Mostrare il proprio badge è più che incoraggiato perché rappresenta tutto il vostro duro lavoro e la vostra esperienza nel campo del reclutamento tecnologico. Ecco un paio di modi per esibirlo:

  • Aggiungete il badge al vostro profilo LinkedIn,
  • Aggiungete il vostro badge alla firma della vostra e-mail,
  • Condividete il vostro badge tramite Facebook o Twitter,
  • Aggiungetelo al vostro sito web (tramite il codice di incorporazione del badge o il caricamento dell'immagine).

The good times are here

Ready to join the challenge? Sign up for the course now and get certified as tech recruitment professional.

Here’s to making tech recruitment better.

The good times are here

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