We thought that our customers deserve to know what is happening at DevSkiller, that’s why we started to write our changelog, where we will write about new features in our system. We evolve all the time to meet your demands and be the best programmers testing software on the market.
Since we haven’t been writing before about what’s new on our side, you’ll find a lot of new cool features, that you probably didn’t know about.
First of all, what programming languages does DevSkiller support?
Java: Spring framework, Spring boot, Hibernate, JPA, GWT, JSF, Vaadin, Play framework Groovy, SpockFramework / JUnit, TestNG
JavaScript: AngularJS, Ember, React, Backbone, Meteor / jQuery
PHP: Symfony2, Zend2, Laravel, yii, CodeIgniter / Doctrine, Twig, Guzzle
C#: .NET, ASP.NET, MVC, EntityFramework, WCF, LINQ
C++: GTest, Boost
Pitone: Django, Pyramid, Flask
Android:Retrofit, Robolectric, RxAndroid, Dagger
Scala: Play framework, Lift, Akka, Slick, Scalaz
SQL: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle
These are only some of frameworks and libraries that we support in mentioned programming languages. If you are interested in a certain framework or library to verify programming skills just drop us a line in an email.
Build tools for programming projects:
Now you can choose from these build tools when adding your own programming tests:
Java – Maven, Gradle
Android – Gradle
Scala – SBT
C#/.NET – MSBuild + Nuget
Pitone – SetupTools
C++ – CMake
PHP – Phing
JavaScript – NPM, Gulp, Grunt, Bower
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What we’ve changed in the system?
1. We’ve added a exam generator
Thanks to that feature, you can easily generate exams from available tasks based on the skills you are looking for, to fit exactly your needs. You can find out more about it from the video below.[divider line_type=”No Line” custom_height=”15″]
2. We’ve added support for SQL
It is not only a new technology, we’ve added whole new way of testing SQL skills of candidates. From now on we support technologies like MySQL, PostgreSQL or Oracle.[divider line_type=”No Line” custom_height=”15″]
3. Ability to expose tasks as a GIT repository
We want our exams to look just like normal day work for a programmer. That’s why we’ve added this cool feature. Thanks to that candidate can not only solve our programming tasks in our online IDE, but can also download or clone the whole project and use his own favorite IDE and other tools, just like he would at his work.[divider line_type=”No Line” custom_height=”15″]
4. Candidate Exam UX tuning
From the candidate perspective the exam is a lot better. We’ve asked hundreds of candidates about what and how they would like to change in exam panel and we’ve applied it. You can see an exam from candidates perspective in the video below.[divider line_type=”No Line” custom_height=”15″]
5. Add external sources to exams
Testing candidates using certain frameworks and libraries is neat, but we thought that some time you need to add an external data source to design a certain programming task. That’s why we’ve added this feature, so you can use i.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL, Cassandra, Redis o MongoDB as a part of an exam.
6. C++ support
We’ve just lunched support for C++ and in upcoming days we will add ready to use exams. You can always use your own code base to prepare your own exams, the technology is tested and ready to go.
7. Python support
A lot of our clients were asking for this, and now it is ready to use. In upcoming days we will add ready to use exams. You can always use your own code base to prepare your own exams and start testing candidates.
8. Candidate report changes
We’ve made some UX changes in candidate report, so it looks better. We’ve added also a feature to view a candidate report using safe URL.
[divider line_type=”No Line” custom_height=”15″][button color=”accent-color” hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”small” url=”https://report.devskiller.com/candidate-report.html?bcae7388-c358-4be3-99be-6396513b5964/7e441641-c0ea-47e1-af2a-ae25559851c5″ text=”VIEW SAMPLE CANDIDATE REPORT” color_override=””]
9. Download Invoices from admin panel.
We’ve also added a feature to download invoices straight from your admin panel.