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How Mindera hire 175+ developers per year


See why a technical screening solution is a must have in the ultra-competitive technical recruitment space.

In this on-demand webinar you will:

Discover how technical skills assessments can help you win the fight for tech talent

Gain key insights into the recruitment process from a technical candidate

Learn how to dentify candidates with maximal role fit early in the process

See how Mindera have sped up their hiring process with a technical screening solution


Carolina from Mindera

Carolina Carvalho
IT Recruiter Mindera

Pedro Vicente
Senior software craftsman at Mindera

Alex Ignez
Backend Developer at Mindera

Jakub Kubrynski
CEO & Founder DevSkiller

Grab your seat!

60 min.
On demand webinar
This webinar will be available on-demand
Best for
Tech recruiters, IT team leads & hiring managers