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[REPORT] DevSkiller Future Skills Report 2025: Essential Insights for IT and Tech Professionals

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DevSkiller. Discoverers of hidden potential – Forbes Poland Feature

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DevSkiller is a business that not only provides companies worldwide with solutions for mapping employee skills but also outlines tailored development paths for employees within organizations, allowing the company itself to implement an operational model based on skills.
Justin Lestal |

Sbloccate il futuro della gestione della forza lavoro con DevSkiller

Embracing the Talent Marketplace

Embracing the talent marketplace

  • Articolo
  • Gestione dei talenti
The talent marketplace is changing the way organizations manage talent. What exactly is it, and how can it benefit your organization? Read on
Dale Cullen |

How to hire (great) software engineers

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  • Reclutamento IT
Are you looking for tips on how to hire a great software engineer? Check our article for some actionable advice.
Vladyslav Koval |
Tech recruitment trends 2023

Tech recruitment trends: DevSkiller Insights 2023

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  • tech trends
Tieni il passo con i cambiamenti nel settore del reclutamento tecnologico con gli ultimi dati della piattaforma DevSkiller e cosa significa per le assunzioni nel settore tecnologico. Leggi ora
Dale Cullen |

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