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[REPORT] DevSkiller Future Skills Report 2025: Essential Insights for IT and Tech Professionals

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React Developer Salary Data

Complete React Developer Salary Data

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  • Developer salary
React (also referred to as React.js) is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. According to Stack Overflow, 28.3% of professional developers use React. From a business perspective, it’s important […]
Tom Winter |
React vs React Native

React vs React Native: What’s the difference?

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React and React Native are two of the most powerful technologies around and behind some of the most popular web and mobile apps. Learn the key differences between React and React Native, what sets the two apart, as well as their similarities strengths.
Justin Lestal |

Sbloccate il futuro della gestione della forza lavoro con DevSkiller

History of programming languages

History of programming languages

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Computer programming is the very basis of the digital age that we live in today. Every time you like a post on social media, send an email, or set an […]
Justin Lestal |
How to screen PHP developer skills Blog

How to screen PHP developer skills

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The popular scripting language PHP has been around for the last 25 years. Like Python, PHP is another programming language developed by a single developer as a side project during […]
Jakub Kubrynski |
Guide to writing a good job posting Blog

Guide to writing a good job posting

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  • Recruiting tips
Recruiting is a seriously competitive industry. And first impressions matter. That’s why your job description writing skills are an important weapon of your organizational armory and why writing a good […]
Karolina Piwiec |
HR Best Practices Blog

HR Best Practices for 2020 – a must-see list!

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It’s the year 2020 and the way we hire, develop, and terminate staff is rapidly evolving. It’s now a better time than ever to examine whether your hr best practices […]
Kate Kandefer |

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Passive candidates and why you should recruit them blog

Passive candidates and why you should recruit them

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It’s no secret that some industries are easier to recruit for than others. The tech space for developers is one that continually challenges the patience of HR professionals. The perfect […]
Kate Kandefer |