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[REPORT] DevSkiller Future Skills Report 2025: Essential Insights for IT and Tech Professionals

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Mobile app developer salary

Complete mobile app developer salary data

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  • Developer salary
Given that both smartphone penetration and app usage are growing steadily, the demand for developers who can build mobile apps is increasing. No wonder: mobile apps are expected to have […]
Kate Kandefer |

Sbloccate il futuro della gestione della forza lavoro con DevSkiller

8 Reasons why you should use an applicant tracking system

8 Reasons why you should use an applicant tracking system

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  • Recruiting tips
  • tech trends
Inside HR Departments, recruitment is one of the hardest tasks to master. Recruiting managers spend hours looking at resumes, making phone calls, and performing interviews in order to select the […]
Cristiana Sousa |
teamwork interview questions: Software engineer interview questions

Teamwork Interview Questions

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There’s a lot more to the world of teamwork interview questions than asking ‘do you prefer to work individually or as a team member?’. The truth is that even in technical development roles, creating a team environment […]
Karolina Piwiec |
JavaScript Salary data

Complete JavaScript developer salary data

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  • Developer salary
JavaScript, alongside HTML and CSS, is one of the three main languages used for web development. HTML is responsible for the structure of web pages in the browser and CSS […]
Lewis Stowe |
DevSkiller platform update – what is new #August2019

DevSkiller platform update – what is new? #August2019

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A lot has happened this spring and summer.  Game of Thrones ended and since winter is no longer coming, it got really hot everywhere. Thanks to some blue-sky thinking and […]
Lewis Stowe |
5 ways to assess cultural fit in your tech candidates

5 ways to assess cultural fit in your tech candidates

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  • Reclutamento IT
  • Colloquio tecnico
  • Recruiting tips
When you’re hiring for tech roles, you need people to be job fit, meaning that they are actually capable of doing the job you’re hiring for. For example, you need […]
Alexandra Johnson |

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7 step formula to hire top tech talent

[Video]7 step formula to hire top tech talent

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  • Video
Hiring the right software developers is hugely important. It requires a large investment (up to $31,970) to get the right person. If you get it wrong, you could be looking […]
Lewis Stowe |