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[REPORT] DevSkiller Future Skills Report 2025: Essential Insights for IT and Tech Professionals

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DevSkiller platform update – what is new? #April2019

DevSkiller platform update – what is new? #April2019

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When you love your work, your work is never done and at DevSkiller we love our work. Winter is no time to sleep. Our customers certainly don’t so why should […]
Lewis Stowe |
Complete full stack developer salary data Blog

Full stack developer salary from junior to senior level

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The average full stack developer salary can depend on many factors. Learn the average Junior full stack developer salary and what the highest paid full stack developer salary depends on.
Karolina Piwiec |

Sbloccate il futuro della gestione della forza lavoro con DevSkiller

C and C++: software engineer interview questions

Screen C and C++ Developers Skills

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  • Colloquio tecnico
  • Recruiting tips
  • Test di codifica
C and C++ developers don’t get the same buzz as developers in other languages. They aren’t as ubiquitous as JavaScript developers. They aren’t as well connected to hot topics like […]
Jakub Kubrynski |
Technical interview coding challenges

How to use technical interview coding challenges to hire the best developers

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  • Recruiting tips
  • Test di codifica
Interview coding challenges are a highly polarizing topic. The truth is, you could probably fill libraries with resources to help you master coding interview challenges. That said, what does it […]
Karolina Piwiec |
Slack hacks for hiring developers

Why you should use Slack hacks to hire developers

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If you work in an office, there’s a good chance that you use Slack. It’s an incredible tool for collaboration. It will come as no surprise then that there are […]
Lewis Stowe |

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iOS: software engineer interview questions

Screen iOS developer skills

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Mobile app developers are hard to come by, particularly if you are trying to build an app for iOS. It is up to you to go out and find the […]
Grzegorz Nowicki |