KPIs para um recrutamento eficaz
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) allow businesses to evaluate and understand how well they are performing against their goals. They are used to measure a number of goals, including sales, marketing, financial performance, customer satisfaction, and most importantly, recruitment objectives. It’s essential for talent acquisition specialists to know and understand the most important recruitment KPIs which we’ve gathered in a cheat sheet which you can download at the end of this article.
What Are KPIs In Recruitment
Recruitment KPIs allow you to eliminate the guesswork from your recruitment process and show you where you’re doing things right and where you’re going wrong. They also allow you to understand whether the changes you’re introducing have positive or negative consequences and make sure your hiring process is structured and replicable. That’s because recruitment KPIs paint a detailed picture of a particular aspect of your recruitment process, like how quick it is, how many candidates you get pe