Find top watchlisted movies among friends Test per Junior Java Developer | Spring, Hibernate
- Livello di anzianità complessivo
- Junior
- Durata del test
- 44 minutes
- Valutazione
- Automatico
- Abilità testate:
Panoramica del test
Il test è composto da diversi compiti. Compito di programmazione e domande a scelta. Il tutto valutato automaticamente.
Tipi di attività
Attività di programmazione
Java | Movies Analyzer | Find top watchlisted movies among friends - Implement a method that will return an array of top four movie titles, that have been most watchlisted by friends of a given user.
Livello: Facile
Abilità testate: Java, Java 17
Domande a scelta
1 choice questions assessing knowledge of Java
Livello: Hard
Abilità testate: Java
Domande a scelta
6 choice questions assessing knowledge of CleanCode, Hibernate, Java, JPA, Spring
Livello: Facile
Abilità testate: CleanCode, Hibernate, Java, JPA, Spring
Domande a scelta
3 choice questions assessing knowledge of Java, Spring
Livello: Medio
Abilità testate: Java, Spring
Valutazione automatica
Assegniamo automaticamente un punteggio ai test a scelta multipla e ai compiti di programmazione e valutiamo il codice candidato codice per la correttezza logica, l'efficienza temporale e la qualità del codice.
Junior Java programming test online
Junior Java programming test consists of different types of questions like multichoice, code gaps, and programming tasks. These tasks are developed by our experts with the aim to check the competency of developers for the position of the Junior Java developer.
With Devskiller’s test for the Junior Java developer position, you can receive a full report on tested skills which will help you in choosing the appropriate person for your position.
In order to make Devskiller tests practice-oriented, they are powered by RealLifeTesting™ methodology. This methodology shows you how the candidate is able to use his knowledge in the real work environment.
Perfect for Junior Java Developer openings
Our test for the Junior Java Developer position is helpful in verifying the skills for Junior positions with around 1 to 2 years of experience. Of course, the years of experience needed to reach this level of seniority should be treated tentatively as they depend on multiple factors.
Devskiller Junior Java programming test is very helpful in screening developers for such openings as:
- Junior Java Developer
- Junior Java Programmer
- Junior Java Software Engineer
- Junior Java Software Programmer
- Junior Java Software Developer
- Junior Backend Java Developer
Why you need Devskiller Java programming test
When you hire a developer you need to screen their skills and knowledge. The best way to do this is implementing Devskiller Java programming test as it can help you in checking how the person can implement perform at work. Also, Devskiller verifies the knowledge of programming languages, frameworks, and libraries, so it’s a lot more thorough than other tools.
Java online test for technical screening and code pair
As tech hiring is a competitive market nowadays it is very important to check the candidate’s knowledge at the very first step of the recruitment process. The faster you realize whether the candidate is the best match for your positions, the less time you will spend on inappropriate candidates for the position. Our Java programming test is powered by RealLifeTestingTM methodology which can make this process significantly faster.
Check out for a few of Devskiller’s features:
- create your own tasks
- organize online code pair sessions with LiveSkiller™
- run online interviews right in the platform