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Java programming interview questions and Java programming tests

The ready-to-use DevSkiller online Java programming tests are widely used for technical screening and online interviews. They help tech recruiters and HR managers to select Java developers with the right skill set for on site interviews and screen out the bad ones.

DevSkiller programming tests comprise Java programming interview questions and Java programming tests. All DevSkiller coding tests are powered by RealLifeTesting™ methodology.

If you’re looking for sample Java programming interview questions and tests to assess your candidates, start a free trial or log into your account.

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Tecnologie coperte:

Linguaggio di programmazione: Java

Java frameworks and libraries: Spring framework, Spring boot, Hibernate, JPA, GWT, JSF, Vaadin, Play framework Groovy, SpockFramework, JUnit, TestNG and others

Strumenti di costruzione: Maven, Gradle.

Competenze testate
111 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Java, Core Java, I/O system, Lambda Expressions, Exceptions

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Java, Core Java, I/O system, Lambda Expressions, Network Communication

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Difficile

Java | Library application - Create an application that allows the library to manage books, their borrowings and prepare some reports about books that were not returned on time. Finish implementation of the missing service methods.

Competenze testate
64 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di JUnit, QA

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di JUnit, JUnit4, QA, JUnit 5, Java

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

QA | JUnit | ATM Service | Authentication and deposit validation - Write test cases to verify the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) software.

Competenze testate
75 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Core Java, Java, Serialization, Date and Time, Generics

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Core Java, Java, Memory Management, Network Communication, Lambda Expressions

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Java | Library application - Creating an application allowing the library to manage books and their borrowings. Your current task is to finish the implementation of missing service methods.

Competenze testate
58 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Core Java, Java, Stream API, I/O system, Date and Time

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Core Java, Java, Network Communication

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Java | Azure | Production summarizer - Create an Azure function. Your current task is to finish implementation of production summarizer returning information about how many cars were produced by a particular plant.

Competenze testate
104 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Java, Spring Boot

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Core Java, Exceptions, Java, Generics, I/O system

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Java | Couchbase, Spring Boot | Card Payments - Create a card payment processing microservice. Finish the implementation of saving payment data into Couchbase and communicate with other services.

Competenze testate
49 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Core Java: Network Communication, Generics, Memory Management

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Core Java: Collections, Memory Management, Generics

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Facile

Java | Currency Exchange - Complete the implementation of the Currency Exchange app, which is responsible for managing exchange rates and exchanging the currencies.

Competenze testate
37 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Java, Core Java, Lambda Expressions, Memory Management

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Core Java, Java, Memory Management, collections, Lambda Expressions

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Facile

Java | Library Application - Creation of an application allowing the library to manage their books stock. Task goal is to finish the implementation of missing service methods.

Competenze testate
66 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di QA, Testing, Unit-Testing, Manual Testing

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di JUnit 5, Java, QA

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

QA | JUnit | ATM Service | Authentication and deposit validation

Competenze testate
48 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di QA, Selenio, .NET, C#

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Java, QA, Selenio

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

QA | .NET, Selenium | Data extraction - Implement methods in class SeleniumTask.SeleniumExecutor to pass successfully all tests.

Competenze testate
73 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Java e QA

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Java e QA

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

QA | Java, JUnit | Vending Machine - Write unit tests for the verification of a Vending machine.

Competenze testate
69 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di API, Java

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Java, Java Stream API, Streams

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Java | Standard Search Engine - Implement engine for product searching based on simple and compound predicates.

Competenze testate
78 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Java

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Java

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Difficile

Java | Precomputation Queue - Implement priority queue which will be used on several nodes to asynchronously precompute statistics about product sets.

Competenze testate
51 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Ibernazione, Java

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Ibernazione, Java

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Facile

Java | Hibernate | UserType - Implement missing methods to properly map custom object.

Competenze testate
36 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Android

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Android, Java

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Facile

Android | Java | Video Playback - Implement simple playback of an embedded video asset.

Competenze testate
97 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Java

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Java

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Java | Precomputing Search Engine - Implement the optimized engine for the product search, based on the precomputation task to precompute the results for any set of the options.

Competenze testate
71 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Java, Multithreading

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di MongoDB

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Difficile

Java | Circuit Breaker and Retry pattern - Implement circuit breaker, fallback and retry pattern in microservice architecture.

Competenze testate
48 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Android

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Android, Java, ProGuard

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Difficile

Android | Java | ProGuard configuration - Implement the ProGuard Configuration to remove developer's code from the code base - at compile time.

Competenze testate
39 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Java

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di JUnit 5, Java, QA

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Java | JUnit | Flight Manager - Implement the missing features into the application responsible for managing flights data.

Competenze testate
57 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Java, Spring Boot

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di PostgreSQL, SQL

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Java | Spring Boot | Items Retriever Microservice - Implement a microservice to retrieve items from the shopping system.

Competenze testate
39 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Java, Spring Boot, APP

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Java

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Facile

Java | Spring Boot with JPA queries - Implement SQL queries to find the best streaming platform.

Competenze testate
78 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di GIT

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Java

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Difficile

Java | Internet Banking System Decryption Service - Implement methods related to cryptography.

Competenze testate
47 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Java, Spring Boot, Ibernazione

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Ibernazione, Java, APP

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Java | Spring Boot, JPA | Repositories - Implement all methods in the ItemRepository class.

Competenze testate
39 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Core Java, Java, Lambda Expressions, Memory Management

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Core Java, Java, collections, Memory Management, Lambda Expressions

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Facile

Java | Core Java | Time Service - Implement solutions based on your knowledge of Java Time API.

Competenze testate
75 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Java e Spring Boot

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Java e MongoDB

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Java | MongoDB, Spring Boot | Flight searcher with MongoDB cache - Implement code that will be able to query multiple airlines for prices according to the client’s request.

The best roles for a Java software developer:

Recommended roles for Java programming tests include:

  • Sviluppatore web
  • Sviluppatore di software
  • Java developer
  • UI developer
  • Application developer
  • Back end developer
  • Embedded developer

How our Online Java skill tests work

Using the RealLifeTesting™ methodology, DevSkiller’s Java programming interview questions help put your candidate in an environment to examine their coding skills. Give them access to all the tools they need to complete a range of tasks that they’d face regularly as a developer in your company.

Create deadlines and build a range of scenarios and tasks to help measure and asses your candidates’ problem-solving and technical thinking

Caratteristiche principali

  • Asses candidates’ Java development skills in an environment you’ve designed and measure their coding abilities, rather than academic credentials
  • Test Java developers anywhere in the world at any time of day with Java skill tests
  • A natural coding environment where your candidate has access to all the tools they have available in the job you’re hiring for
  • Automatically create a report that’s easy to read and comprehend for non-technical recruiters
  • Verify the integrity of your candidate’s work with robust and complex plagiarism controls

What to look for in a Java developer

Java is one of the most widely used coding languages out there. With such a versatile language, it’s important you know as much as you can about your Java developer. A Java developer that understands the tools of the trade, more than the language itself is a highly sought-after skill. This is because languages and frameworks are always changing, and what was being used only 5 years ago is obsolete by today’s standards

Java has its own range of certificates, but these are hardly reliable as they do little to assure a recruiter about a Java developer’s capabilities. That’s why it’s important that, alongside a traditional interview, you use an online Java skill test to check the skills that are specific to the position you’re recruiting for.

Find Java interview questions

Looking to find Java interview questions? DevSkiller Java tests include a wide variety of questions that are suited to any Java developer position. The Java programming language is constantly changing, which means having a wide range of current Java interview questions is vital to provide a complete understanding of the candidate’s abilities. It can be hard trying to find the best core Java interview questions that are suited to the specific role you need. That’s why each DevSkiller account comes with Java tests preloaded with real-world questions that can also be customized to suit the current position. This includes Java interview questions for experienced professionals.

Get ready for Java assessment test

As the Java environment is constantly changing, it’s even more important to get ready for a Java assessment test. This means making sure you understand the entire Java environment from its frameworks and tools to the Java language. DevSkiller tests speed up and smooth out this process by providing companies an infrastructure that lets them use their own codebase or our ready-to-use Java coding tests. When you get ready for the Java assessment test, it is important to remember that a developer may have a university degree, but this isn’t necessarily useful when it comes to business coding. Unless you recruit for an entry-level or junior position, the candidate needs to have recent real-life experiences such as commercial, hobby, or open-source programming.

You won’t need to worry when getting ready for a Java assessment test, as we include the most important core Java interview questions for junior positions to Java interview questions for experienced professionals.

Example Java programming interview questions

Finding the right example Java programming interview questions can be tiresome. The RealLifeTestingTM methodology is the foundation for all DevSkiller Java tests. It provides real-world situations for candidates so you can test the skills that a developer will use in their day-to-day work. This helps to provide a better understanding of the candidates’ abilities. Candidates also prefer this form of testing over typical example Java programming interview questions. It allows them to understand the position better and perform at their best. This method also offers Core Java interview questions as well as Java interview questions for experienced professionals.

Don’t see what you want?

Can’t find the online Java coding test you’re after? No worries. Use DevSkiller’s Task Wizard to create your very own coding test and give your candidate access to everything they need. Create a task that focuses on problems common in your business, test the right skills, and make the best hire.

Built-in Java IDE

To greater improve candidate experience during testing, Devskiller has now implemented a built-in Java IDE directly into the browser. Our already warmed up, ready to use Java IDE will reduce time during testing and increase the user experience for your candidates.

I candidati non devono più clonare il codice, attendere l'installazione delle dipendenze o la creazione degli indici. Possono letteralmente iniziare a codificare non appena aprono l'invito al test. Questa caratteristica unica è solo una delle innovazioni che distinguono DevSkiller TalentScore dalla concorrenza per quanto riguarda lo screening degli sviluppatori.

Want to be sure that our Java programming interview questions and Java programming tests really work?

Knowing where to invest your business’s money is a big decision and not one that should be taken lightly. At DevSkiller, we’re sure that our Java programming interview questions are exactly what your company needs, but we’ll let some of our past customers do the talking instead:

Magdalena Rogóż – Deputy Marketing Manager at Kodilla

“Using DevSkiller to grade tests is 2 times more cost-efficient while giving our students a much better test and preparing them for future recruitment tests.”

Ivana Nikolic – HR Manager at ImpacTech

"Il vantaggio maggiore per i candidati è che possono svolgere i test a loro piacimento. Nel caso in cui un candidato stia già lavorando e stia pensando di cambiare carriera o di trasferirsi in un'altra azienda, è anche un risparmio di tempo per lui, in quanto non deve prendersi delle ferie per partecipare a numerosi colloqui nella ricerca di una nuova posizione."

Victoria Cyczewska – Talent Acquisition Specialist at Stepstone Services

“We now have a tool which allows us to not only collaborate to create tests assessing technical skills we need to grow, but also to communicate internally and externally (with candidates). What is more, our technical recruitment process is now more structured. As an example, we use our technical screening results as a conversation starter during technical interviews.”

Domande frequenti

Che cos'è il RealLifeTestingTM?

The RealLifeTestingTM methodology is the foundation of all DevSkiller Java programming interview questions. RealLifeTestingTM differs from traditional coding tests and algorithm puzzles, by providing recruiters with a complete view of a developer’s skills. It’s based on the idea that the best way to challenge a Java developer is to provide them with work similar to that which they will do within their role. RealLifeTestingTM simulates the actual work environment of a Java developer and sets them tasks based on this simulation.

To be successful, developers need to demonstrate their knowledge of coding, be able to use resources like Stack Overflow and find solutions to the problems they encounter. The best candidates are those who can demonstrate their coding skills, decision making, code cleanliness, and problem-solving.

How long does it take to set up TalentScore Java programming interview questions and Java programming tests?

DevSkiller Java programming interview questions are very quick and easy to set up. Our IT experts have created a testing model that is designed to be efficient and easy to use- whether you’re a developer yourself or not. The DevSkiller platform comes packed full of ready-made Java programming interview questions, so all you need to do is set up an account and start sending out test invites.

Devo essere un programmatore per usare DevSkiller?

Part of the aim of DevSkiller’s screening tool is that you don’t need to be an expert developer to be able to get the most out of it. Recruiting managers who have little, or no experience in software development can see for themselves how effective and time-saving our Java programming interview questions are. DevSkiller testing is as user-friendly as possible. Our test results are generated automatically and results are presented in a way that is easy to understand, even for non-technical recruiters. If you have someone technical available you can custom build your own tests and set your own specifications, or our default tests come ready to send.

What’s the test duration?

It’s important that you have as much control over your own recruitment process as possible. Therefore the duration of our tests is flexible and will depend on your needs. Each test comes with default settings, which can be altered if required. You can even set time limits for individual questions within a test if you need to.