SQL interview questions and online tests
DevSkiller SQL interview questions and online tests were written by our dedicated team to assess SQL developer skills for various positions. Our SQL coding tests are the perfect solution for all of your technical screening and online interview needs.
Powered by the RealLifeTestingTM methodology, you can use DevSkiller to test candidates for junior, middle, and senior positions.
Tecnologias abrangidas:
Linguagem de programação: SQL
Estruturas e bibliotecas SQL: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL e outros
Construir ferramentas: MSBuild
The right SQL interview questions and online tests to screen SQL developers
Funções recomendadas para os nossos testes de SQL em linha
- Analista de dados
- Administrador de bases de dados
- Programador SQL
- Engenheiro de bases de dados
- Especialista em bases de dados
- Programador SQL júnior
- Programador SQL intermédio
- Programador SQL sénior
- Técnico de introdução de dados
- Especialista em qualidade de dados
How our SQL interview questions tests work
O teste RealLifeTestingTM methodology powers DevSkiller SQL coding tests. Our selection of coding tests will help you analyze your applicants’ knowledge of various SQL versions. In addition to that, our coding tests will help you assess applicants’ coding skills, problem-solving ability, and time management.
Características principais
- Os testes de codificação DevSkiller SQL medem a capacidade de codificação dos candidatos e não apenas os seus conhecimentos académicos
- Testes remotos que lhe dão a liberdade e a conveniência de testar candidatos de todo o mundo
- O teste RealLifeTestingTM a metodologia cria uma melhor experiência de utilizador, em que os candidatos podem utilizar o seu próprio IDE, clonar para o GIT, executar testes unitários e aceder a Stack Overlow/Github/Google para pesquisa
- Ferramenta anti-plágio rigorosa que garante resultados exactos dos testes
- Resultados gerados automaticamente que os profissionais não técnicos podem compreender
- Testes de codificação SQL disponíveis para cargos de nível júnior, médio e sénior
O que procurar nos programadores de SQL
A SQL é a linguagem de programação de quarta geração (4GL) mais popular, o que significa que os programadores apenas declaram o aspeto do resultado e não a forma como a base de dados deve calcular o resultado. A SQL é incorporada noutras linguagens de programação de uso mais geral, como Java, para aceder a dados de bases de dados centrais.
Um programador de SQL qualificado deve possuir competências sólidas em matéria de desempenho de SQL. Além disso, o candidato selecionado deve possuir competências de conceção de SQL com conhecimentos comprovados de teoria relacional. Finalmente, as competências de refactoring de SQL podem revelar-se bastante úteis em equipas maiores, onde a SQL é mais complexa.
Skills covered in our SQL interview questions and online tests
- Mongo
- MongoDB
- Oráculo
- PostgreSQL
- ES6
- Javascript
Parece bom, mas quer mais?
Pretende executar testes de codificação num ambiente predefinido? Talvez você queira testar os candidatos usando sua própria base de código? No DevSkiller, você pode construir testes personalizados usando o nosso assistente de tarefas online. Resolva todas as suas necessidades de triagem técnica com os nossos testes de codificação SQL hoje.
Want proof that our SQL interview questions and online tests work?
Some recruiters are sure as soon as they hear about our SQL online tests that DevSkiller testing is the tool they need for their business. Don’t worry if you’re still a little unsure though. Being sure how to invest your company’s money can be daunting. So instead of taking our word for it, read what our past customers have to say:
Patrycja Kiljańska - Especialista em aquisição de talentos na Spartez
"Substituímos uma solução interna de alta manutenção pelo DevSkiller. O nosso processo parece o mesmo, no entanto, o produto dá-nos um melhor desempenho. Os resultados também são muito mais fáceis de avaliar".
Richard Williams - Vice-Presidente de engenharia da Plutora
"Graças à automatização da fase de seleção, conseguimos reduzir a taxa de entrevistas em 50%. Ao mesmo tempo, a qualidade dos candidatos que chegam à fase de entrevista é agora muito maior. DevSkiller acrescenta uma camada extra de qualidade ao nosso processo de contratação técnica"
Magdalena Rogóż - Diretor adjunto de marketing na Kodilla
"Usar o DevSkiller para classificar os testes é 2 vezes mais rentável, dando aos nossos alunos um teste muito melhor e preparando-os para futuros testes de recrutamento".
Perguntas mais frequentes
O que é o RealLifeTestingTM?
If you have never encountered RealLifeTestingTM before, you might have a few questions.
At DevSkiller we believe the best way to assess a developer’s skills is to have them do actual development work. Much like how you would test a driver’s skills by asking them to drive. This might seem obvious, but until now developers were tested using academic algorithmic tests that don’t accurately measure their skills in the actual role. Our SQL online tests implement RealLifeTestingTM to recreate a simulated version of a developer’s average workday and then set them challenges to face within that simulation. By doing this we are able to measure exactly how well each developer candidate performs in various areas, all while maintaining a controlled testing environment.
To perform well during an assessment, the best developers will be those who can effectively demonstrate their skills in coding and their use of resources like Stack Overflow to find solutions to the problems they encounter. The results will show that candidates who have the best coding skills, code cleanliness, and problem-solving skills, are those who gain the highest test score.
Quanto tempo leva para configurar o DevSkiller?
From the very beginning, DevSkiller SQL online tests are designed to be as quick as possible to send out, as well as to set-up. Our test library comes packed with default SQL online tests that can be ready to send out as soon as you have created your account. That means you can be testing candidates within a matter of minutes. The default tests have been deliberately set by our experts, loaded with the most popular test settings. If you decide you want to alter these settings, then you can. Our customized tests even allow you to change the duration of the tests, alter the difficulty level, and even affect the time given for each individual question.
O que fazer em caso de plágio?
You needn’t worry about the possibility of a candidate gaining an unfair advantage while taking our SQL online tests. At DevSkiller we implement a number of anti-plagiarism tools to ensure you only receive accurate results.
Screen recording can be implemented to check whether the candidate is looking only at their own screen or at a different screen as well while taking a test. We can also use a range of social listening tools, check the candidate’s IP address, and use live pair notifications. All of the previous test answers entered into our system are logged and our plagiarism detector also checks these answers against any new answers provided to look for a match. That way if a candidate provides an answer that they stole from a previous test, our system will automatically flag this up. If a candidate’s entered code is repeated elsewhere, we will know about it.
Preciso de ser um programador para usar o DevSkiller?
DevSkiller SQL online tests offer many great advantages to any recruiter, but one of the main ones has to be that recruiters, no matter how proficient they are at SQL development themselves, are able to accurately recruit even the most skilled professional. This is because our SQL tests are easy to send out and the results are simple to understand, it is only the tests themselves that can be challenging. Any expertise you have in the subject will certainly help, but effectively this means you don’t have to be an expert to hire one.