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List of accepted Sub-processors

Appendix No. 1 – List of accepted Sub-processors

No.NameService NameData LocationPurpose, Inc.AWSEUInfrastructure & VM Hosting
2Atlassian Pty LtdJira Service ManagementEUCustomer Support – Communication with Platform Users
3Chargebee, Inc.ChargebeeEUSubscription Payment Handling
4Datadog, Inc.DatadogEUServices Related to the Operation of the Platform – Processing of logs Generated when Using the Platform
5TMD Technology LimitedEmbeddableUKTalentBoost Platform Performance Analysis
6Google, LLC, Google Ireland Inc.Google CloudEUCloud Service Provider – Database, Cloud Infrastructure
7Hubspot Inc.HubspotEUCRM Platform
8Mailgun Technologies, IncMailjetEUMail Service Provider Connected to our Platform
9RefinedWiki ABRefined for Confluence CloudEUGuidebook Plugin
10SessionStack Ltd.SessionStackEURecording TalentScore Candidate Sessions