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Ruby on Rails coding tests

DevSkiller prepares Ruby on Rails coding tests to assist in the recruitment of Ruby on Rails developers of any level of expertise. Ruby on Rails coding tests are set-up to accurately screen every applicant’s skill-set, through a range of challenges and interview questions.

DevSkiller implements the RealLifeTesting methodology™, a one of a kind testing method that replicates real-world scenarios and offers developers challenges to solve, based on their real working day. Find the right candidate for your business with our range of Rails coding tests.

Check out our Ruby coding tests

Tecnologias abrangidas:

Linguagem de programação: Rubi

Ruby frameworks and libraries: Ruby em Rails

Construir ferramentas: Rake

Ruby em Rails
Competências testadas
106 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Rubi, Ruby em Rails

Lacunas no código

avaliar o conhecimento de Rubi, Ruby em Rails

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Médio

Ruby | Ruby on Rails | Aplicação de motor de busca com Rails - Adicionar endpoint de filtragem de encomendas, etiquetas, preços e nomes para aplicação de loja online.

Ruby em Rails
Competências testadas
37 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Rubi, Ruby em Rails

Lacunas no código

avaliar o conhecimento de Rubi, Ruby em Rails

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Fácil

Ruby | Ruby on Rails | Aplicação de motor de busca com Rails - Adicionar um endpoint simples de filtragem de preço e nome para uma aplicação de loja online

Competências testadas
81 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Ruby em Rails

Lacunas no código

avaliar o conhecimento de Rubi, Ruby em Rails

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Fácil

Ruby | Ruby on Rails | Simple API Student Class App - Implementar um fundo para um registo de turma virtual para uma escola local. Adicione regras de validação e implemente um endpoint para expor alguns dados JSON.

Ruby em Rails
Competências testadas
75 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Ruby em Rails

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Difícil

Ruby | Ruby on Rails | OnTheClock in the mine - Implement the two endpoints described in the task.

Ruby em Rails
Competências testadas
70 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Ruby em Rails

Lacunas no código

avaliar o conhecimento de Rubi, Ruby em Rails

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Fácil

Ruby on Rails | Game of Chairs | Prevent duplicate character - Criar e organizar dados para o programa de TV - Game of Chairs.

Competências testadas
40 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Ruby em Rails

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Médio

Ruby | Ruby on Rails | Flight manager app | Seats reservation and flights analysis - Implement missing features of the flights' data management application like seats reservation and flights analysis.

Competências testadas
70 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Rubi, Ruby em Rails

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Fácil

Ruby on Rails | Create and organize data for the TV show - Game of Chairs.

Ruby em Rails
Competências testadas
51 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Rubi, Ruby em Rails

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Fácil

Ruby | Ruby on Rails | Anonymizer - Implementar 3 anonimizadores de conteúdo: para emails, para nome de utilizador Skype e para números de telefone.

Competências testadas
119 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Rubi, Ruby em Rails

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Médio

Ruby | Ruby on Rails | Cookbook - Add validation rules and implement recipies searching functionality using SQLite3 database.

Competências testadas
54 minutos no máximo.
Resumo do teste

Perguntas de escolha

avaliar o conhecimento de Rubi, Ruby em Rails

Tarefa de programação - Nível: Fácil

Ruby | Ruby on Rails | Comments challenge - Add associations for comments and implement index action for blog posts.

Recommended roles for Ruby on Rails coding tests

  • Programador full-stack
  • Programador Web
  • Ruby on Rails Developer
  • Junior Rails Developer
  • Middle Rails Developer
  • Senior Rails Developer

How DevSkiller Ruby on Rails coding tests work

DevSkiller Rails coding tests are powered by the RealLifeTesting™ methodology, which allows you to test your applicants’  skill-set and gain a detailed knowledge of their ability, all during the screening process. DevSkiller provides a controlled test environment, where applicants are accurately measured on their coding ability, problem-solving, and time-management. Furthermore, our tests are automatically evaluated, saving you time and money during the recruitment process.

Características principais

  • Analyze coding ability accurately
  • Os testes remotos poupam tempo
  • A metodologia RealLifeTesting™ oferece uma maior experiência de utilizador onde os candidatos podem utilizar o seu próprio IDE, clonar para GIT, executar testes unitários e aceder a Stack Overflow/Github/Google para pesquisa.
  • Strict anti-plagiarism tools to ensure authenticity
  • Observar testes em tempo real
  • Resultados automatizados que os recrutadores não técnicos podem compreender
  • Tests available for junior, middle, and senior-level Ruby positions

Skills covered in our Ruby on Rails coding tests

  • Rubi
  • Ruby em Rails
  • Expressões regulares
  • SQLite

What to look for in a Ruby on Rails developer

Firstly it is important to know that Ruby and Ruby on Rails are not one and the same. A Ruby on Rails developer will require knowledge of Ruby, but this is not always the case the other way around.

Ruby is a general-purpose programming language and Ruby on Rails is the most widely used framework within the Ruby language. Ruby on Rails is used to code web applications and the back-end of mobile apps and is often used in business applications.

The most important thing to look for in a Ruby on Rails developer first and foremost is knowledge of the language and the framework. It is also important for your candidate to be up to date, a candidate should be familiar with the latest versions of Ruby and Rails. Another important trait is showing skill with coding.  A unique trait of the Ruby on Rails framework is that it enforces test and code quality, meaning that only high-quality code gets through.

Finally, your Ruby on Rails candidate should have at least one year of real commercial experience using the framework, as there can be a big difference between personal projects and commercial projects, and candidates who have contributed to Ruby on Rails open source projects are particularly valuable.

Want to get more from Ruby on Rails coding tests

Customize DevSkiller Ruby on Rails coding tests to get more out of them.  You can choose the languages you assess, the time allocated to each question, and the level of difficulty. You can monitor applicants in real-time and even set the parameters on individual questions.

Where is the proof that our Ruby on Rails coding tests work?

It is a big investment to spend your company’s money on our screening tests, so don’t take our word for it, look at what some of our satisfied customers have to say:

Micha Gerwig – Diretor de engenharia na Ada Health

"DevSkiller ajudou-nos a poupar tempo precioso no local para os candidatos que já são susceptíveis de ser um ajuste. Estamos a poupar 3 horas por candidato - esse foi o tempo que passámos com os candidatos numa tarefa técnica antes".

Magdalena Rogóż - Diretor adjunto de marketing na Kodilla

"Usar o DevSkiller para classificar os testes é 2 vezes mais rentável, dando aos nossos alunos um teste muito melhor e preparando-os para futuros testes de recrutamento".

Richard Williams - Vice-Presidente de engenharia da Plutora

"Graças à automatização da fase de seleção, conseguimos reduzir a taxa de entrevistas em 50%. Ao mesmo tempo, a qualidade dos candidatos que chegam à fase de entrevista é agora muito maior. DevSkiller acrescenta uma camada extra de qualidade ao nosso processo de contratação técnica"

Perguntas mais frequentes

How long does it take to set up a DevSkiller Ruby on Rails coding test?

Setting up DevSkiller only takes a matter of minutes and it comes with an extensive library of predefined Ruby on rails coding tests, meaning you can send out your test and get started on recruiting your new developer right away.

How do candidates take a Ruby on Rails coding test?

DevSkiller tests are taken remotely meaning your candidate can access the test from wherever they are, at a time that suits them. To make sure you’re not waiting around for a response, you can set their test invite to be active for a limited amount of time.

During the test, candidates have the option to use their favorite IDE and then clone the project to GIT, or choose to work on DevSkiller’s own state of the art in-browser. Tests have a set time-limit.

How are Rails coding tests evaluated?

The major time-saver with DevSkiller Rails coding tests is that they are evaluated automatically, with the results presented in a clear, concise report.

Candidates are assessed on the quality of their Rails coding skills, the accuracy of their solutions and if these solutions would run, and how their code holds up in edge cases.

Preciso de ser um programador para usar o DevSkiller?

Devskiller Rails coding tests are deliberately designed to be as user-friendly as possible for non-technical recruiters. This means you can hire candidates for senior-level positions without needing to be at their level yourself, in order to be able to test their expertise.

Our Rails coding tests are ready-to-use; prepared by our IT experts to take the hard work out of technical recruitment for you. If you do have a technical person on your team, you can even prepare your own test.