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Talent management

The best skills management platform choices in 2024

Talent management

As we enter 2024, the importance of having an efficient skills management platform for transforming the landscape of workforce development has become mission critical for organizations across the globe.

These innovative platforms leverage AI-driven skill gap analysis, integrate seamlessly with learning modules, and offer real-time skill tracking, thereby revolutionizing the way companies approach employee growth and development.

This evolution marks a significant shift towards more dynamic, personalized, and strategic workforce planning, positioning these platforms as key drivers in shaping a more agile, skilled, and engaged workforce for the future.

In this article, we’re going to explore the best skills management platform options available in 2024. We’ll also cover:

  • The evolution of skills management platform
  • Advanced features for the skills management platform of 2024
  • Top 16 skills management platform choices in 2024
  • Integration with HR and operational systems
  • AI and predictive analytics in skill development
  • Promoting a culture of lifelong learning
  • Challenges and considerations
  • The future of skills management platforms

Let’s begin.

The evolution of the skills management platform

The journey of skills management platforms has been a remarkable one, evolving from basic competency tracking systems to sophisticated tools deeply integrated into various facets of business operations.

This evolution reflects the platforms’ adaptation to the ever-changing needs of a dynamic workforce and the increasing focus on continuous learning and development.

Initially designed to simply monitor employee competencies, these platforms have transformed into comprehensive solutions that not only track skill levels but also align them with broader organizational objectives.

Advanced features for the 2024’s skills management platform of 2024

A deep dive into these platforms reveals the integration of cutting-edge technologies and methodologies, aimed at enhancing the learning and development experience.

AI-Powered Personalized Learning Paths: A key feature is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create personalized learning paths for employees. AI algorithms analyze individual learning styles, performance data, and career aspirations to tailor training programs that are uniquely suited to each employee’s development needs.

This personalized approach ensures that employees are not just receiving generic training, but are engaging in learning experiences that are relevant, effective, and aligned with their personal and professional growth objectives.

Big Data Analytics for Skills Forecasting: The use of big data analytics in skills management is another significant advancement. These platforms harness vast amounts of data to predict future skill requirements, helping organizations to proactively prepare for emerging trends and market demands.

By identifying potential skill gaps before they become critical, companies can strategically plan their workforce development initiatives, ensuring they remain competitive and agile in a rapidly changing business landscape.

Virtual and Augmented Reality for Immersive Training: The incorporation of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies marks a leap in how skills are imparted. These technologies provide immersive and interactive training experiences, allowing employees to practice and hone their skills in a safe, controlled, yet realistic environment.

From complex technical tasks to soft skills training like public speaking or conflict resolution, VR and AR can simulate a wide range of scenarios, offering a highly engaging and effective learning experience.

In 2024, these advanced features in skills management platforms are not just fanciful concepts but essential tools, shaping the way organizations approach employee development.

The integration of AI, big data analytics, and immersive technologies like VR and AR, underscores a commitment to leveraging technology to create a more skilled, adaptable, and future-ready workforce.

Integration with HR and operational systems

In 2024, a key trend in the realm of human resources is the effective integration of your skills management platform with other HR systems, such as Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) and performance management tools.

This integration is pivotal in facilitating a holistic approach to the talent management system, effectively linking skills development with performance metrics and broader business outcomes.

This seamless integration allows for a more cohesive and efficient management of employee data. For instance, skills data gathered from the skills management platform can directly inform performance evaluations in performance management tools, providing a more comprehensive view of an employee’s contributions and development needs.

Conversely, performance data can highlight areas where employees may benefit from additional training or skill enhancement, enabling a more targeted and effective approach to skills development.

Furthermore, integrating these platforms with HRIS systems ensures that all employee information, from personal details to development records, is centralized and easily accessible.

This centralization is not just a matter of convenience; it enables more strategic HR decision-making. For example, HR professionals can use this integrated data to identify trends in workforce capabilities, forecast future talent needs, and align training initiatives with organizational goals.

The ultimate goal of this integration is to create a synergistic relationship between skills development and performance management.

By closely linking these areas, organizations can ensure that their workforce development efforts are directly contributing to their overall business objectives, leading to a more engaged, competent, and productive workforce.

This strategic alignment is essential in today’s rapidly evolving business environment, where the ability to quickly adapt and upskill is a key competitive advantage.

Top 16 skills management platform choices in 2024


DevSkiller stands out for its innovative approach to assessing coding and technical skills, utilizing a range of tests and challenges that mimic real-world scenarios.

This method is designed to go beyond traditional theoretical examinations, offering a more hands-on and practical evaluation of an individual’s coding abilities.

The platform’s challenges are tailored to measure not just the technical knowledge, but also the problem-solving skills and coding efficiency of the participants, providing a comprehensive assessment that is valuable for employers seeking to hire skilled programmers and technicians.

DevSkiller’s unique approach ensures a thorough and accurate understanding of a candidate’s capabilities, making it a crucial tool in the tech industry’s hiring and skill assessment processes.


ClickUp provides an extensive suite of tools designed for the effective management of employee competencies.

This includes capabilities for identifying key skills within the workforce, assessing these skills accurately, aiding in their development, and meticulously tracking progress and improvements over time.

Skills Base

Skills Base offers a transparent skills taxonomy hub, concentrating on identifying skill gaps, enhancing retention, and promoting organizational growth.

Their platform provides a clear and structured overview of skills within an organization, helping to pinpoint areas for development, support employee retention strategies, and facilitate overall organizational advancement through targeted skills management.


SkillNet specializes in transforming companies into skills-based organizations by providing personalized upskilling and reskilling frameworks.

Their approach focuses on customizing learning and development strategies to align with individual and organizational goals, thereby fostering a workforce that is continually evolving and adapting its skills to meet current and future demands.


Avilar features WebMentor LMS, a platform specifically designed for defining job roles and creating competency frameworks.

This system enables organizations to clearly outline and structure job roles, and develop comprehensive competency models that align with their strategic objectives and workforce requirements, facilitating effective talent management and development.


Pluralsight is a workforce skills platform that offers a wide array of courses focused on both hard and soft skills development.

This platform provides resources and training materials designed to enhance a variety of professional competencies, from technical skills and industry-specific knowledge to interpersonal and leadership abilities, catering to the diverse learning needs of today’s workforce.


IntelliHR is a people management platform dedicated to enhancing various aspects of the workforce, including performance, engagement, retention, and company culture.

This platform provides comprehensive tools and insights to help businesses optimize their human resources strategies, fostering a workplace environment that not only boosts productivity but also supports a positive and thriving company culture.


GrowthSpace emphasizes personalized coaching and the use of interactive learning tools.

Their approach is centered on offering tailored coaching experiences that cater to individual learning styles and needs, supported by a suite of engaging and interactive tools designed to facilitate effective learning and personal growth.


Rallyware provides unique solutions that combine personalized learning plans with gamification elements to boost employee engagement.

Their approach involves crafting individualized learning journeys for each employee, integrating interactive and fun gamification techniques to enhance motivation and participation in the learning process.

This method not only fosters skill development but also actively engages employees more dynamically and enjoyably.


TalentGuard utilizes skills data to construct comprehensive competency frameworks and tailor job profiles.

This approach involves analyzing detailed skills data to develop structured competency models that align with organizational goals, and customizing job profiles to accurately reflect the specific skills and competencies required for each role.

SkillsDB Pro

SkillsDB Pro is a competency-based tool designed to enhance employee performance through data-driven insights and analytics.

It focuses on leveraging detailed data and sophisticated analytics to understand and improve the competencies of employees, thereby facilitating more informed decision-making and strategic planning in human resources management.


MuchSkills specializes in developing agile, high-performing teams through a people-centric approach to skills management.

Their methodology prioritizes understanding and harnessing individual talents and strengths, fostering a workplace environment that is conducive to growth and collaboration, and ultimately leads to the formation of dynamic, effective teams.


viGlobal emphasizes enhancing project staffing efficiency and offers a comprehensive reporting platform for organization-wide insights.

Their focus is on optimizing the allocation of human resources across various projects, ensuring the best fit between skills and project requirements while providing a robust platform for detailed reporting and analytics across the organization’s employee lifecycle.


Experis provides services in outsourcing, coupled with an AI-powered platform dedicated to upskilling and reskilling.

This innovative approach leverages artificial intelligence to tailor learning and development programs, ensuring employees acquire the necessary skills to meet current and future demands, while also offering comprehensive outsourcing solutions.

Itsyourskills (IYS)

Itsyourskills (IYS) excels in the niche area of skill profiling and taxonomy, offering specialized solutions for efficient skills management.

Their approach focuses on creating detailed skill profiles and a structured skill taxonomy, which streamlines the process of identifying, organizing, and leveraging employee skills effectively.


Kahuna is a versatile skills management software, tailored to help organizations prepare for the future. It focuses on developing a workforce that is equipped with the necessary skills to meet upcoming challenges and opportunities, ensuring the organization remains agile and future-ready.

It is particularly effective for organizations looking to evaluate and improve the technical competencies of their IT and development teams.

Each of these platforms offers unique features and capabilities, catering to various aspects of skills management, from gap analysis and competency frameworks to employee development and performance tracking.

For organizations looking to enhance their talent management strategies, these platforms provide valuable tools and insights.

For more detailed information about these platforms, I recommend exploring their respective websites or industry reviews for an in-depth understanding of their offerings.

AI and predictive analytics in skill development

The integration of AI and predictive analytics in skills management represents a significant shift towards more data-driven, proactive, and personalized workforce development strategies.

By leveraging these technologies, organizations can ensure that their employees are not just well-equipped for their current roles but are also being prepared for the future demands of the workplace.

Identifying skill gaps: AI algorithms analyze a variety of data sources, including employee performance reviews, job role requirements, and industry trends, to identify existing skill gaps within an organization. By comparing current employee skill sets with those required for their roles or future projects, these platforms can pinpoint specific areas where additional training is needed.

This targeted identification helps organizations to focus their training resources more efficiently and effectively.

Predicting future skill needs: Predictive analytics plays a crucial role in forecasting future skill demands.

By examining market trends, technological advancements, and evolving industry standards, these systems can predict which skills will become more critical in the future.

This foresight enables organizations to proactively upskill their workforce, preparing them for upcoming challenges and ensuring that they stay ahead of the curve.

Recommending tailored development plans: Perhaps one of the most impactful uses of AI in skills management is the creation of personalized development plans for employees.

Based on an individual’s existing skills, career aspirations, learning preferences, and performance data, AI-driven platforms can recommend specific courses, workshops, or training modules.

These customized plans not only cater to the unique developmental needs of each employee but also align with the organization’s strategic objectives.

Promoting a culture of lifelong learning

This paradigm shift involves not just providing learning opportunities but also actively encouraging employee engagement in self-directed learning. We will explore various strategies and how a skills management platform can facilitate this cultural transformation.

Strategies for encouraging self-directed learning

Personalized learning pathways: By offering personalized learning pathways, employees feel more engaged and motivated to pursue their development. Skills management platforms can utilize AI to suggest customized courses and training programs based on an individual’s career goals, skills gaps, and learning preferences.

Gamification and microlearning: Incorporating elements of gamification and microlearning can make the learning process more engaging and manageable. By breaking down content into smaller, game-like modules, employees can learn at their own pace and in a more enjoyable way.

Recognition and rewards: Implementing a system of recognition and rewards for completing training programs or acquiring new skills can significantly boost motivation. Acknowledging learning achievements, either through formal recognition, career advancement opportunities, or other incentives, validates the effort put into self-development.

Encouraging a collaborative learning environment: Fostering a collaborative environment where employees can share knowledge and learn from each other can enhance the learning experience. Skills management platforms can facilitate this by incorporating social learning features like forums, group discussions, and peer-to-peer learning sessions.

Leadership support and role modeling: Leadership plays a crucial role in cultivating a learning culture. When leaders actively engage in learning initiatives and demonstrate their commitment to personal growth, it sets a powerful example for the rest of the organization.

Support from your skills management platform

Continuous employee feedback and assessment tools: Platforms equipped with continuous feedback mechanisms allow employees to regularly assess their skill levels and track their progress. This feedback can guide them in their ongoing learning journey.

Integration with a performance management system: Linking learning achievements with performance management systems helps employees understand how their learning contributes to their overall performance and the success of the organization.

Accessibility and flexibility: Ensuring that learning resources are easily accessible and flexible enough to fit different schedules is key. Skills management software platforms can provide on-demand access to a wide range of learning materials, accommodating diverse learning styles and schedules.

Analytics for measuring engagement and impact: By leveraging analytics, organizations can measure the impact of their learning initiatives and employee engagement levels. This data is invaluable for continuously improving learning strategies and ensuring they are aligned with employee needs and organizational goals.

In 2024, by adopting these strategies and leveraging the capabilities of a skills management platform, organizations can successfully foster a culture of continuous learning.

This cultural shift not only enhances individual employee skills but also drives organizational growth, adaptability, and long-term success in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Challenges and considerations

Despite their numerous benefits, skills management platforms face notable challenges, including ensuring robust data privacy, keeping pace with the rapidly evolving skills landscape across various industries, and aligning training programs with actual business needs.

Ensuring data privacy is critical, as these platforms handle extensive personal and professional data, necessitating stringent data protection measures compliant with global regulations like GDPR.

Additionally, the swift pace of technological and industry changes demands agility in updating training content, requiring continuous industry trend monitoring and collaboration with experts for curriculum relevance.

Perhaps most crucially, aligning training with business objectives is essential for realizing a tangible return on investment in these training initiatives.

This alignment requires effective communication between department heads, HR, and Learning and Development teams, underpinned by analytics and performance data, to ensure training is directly contributing to organizational goals.

Addressing these challenges with a strategic approach is key to leveraging a skills management platform for developing a future-ready, competent workforce.

The future of skills management

Looking toward the future of skills management, two key trends are poised to significantly influence its landscape. First, the incorporation of blockchain technology in credentialing is expected to bring a transformative change.

This technology, known for its secure and tamper-proof ledger, could streamline the credential verification process, offering a more efficient, transparent, and fraud-resistant system.

This advancement will benefit both employers and employees by ensuring the authenticity and easy verification of qualifications.

Second, there’s a growing recognition of the importance of soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, adaptability, and emotional intelligence, alongside technical competencies. As automation and AI become more prevalent, these uniquely human skills are gaining increased value in the workplace.

Future skills management systems will likely emphasize the development and tracking of these soft skills, acknowledging their crucial role in employee effectiveness and organizational success.

These emerging trends signify a holistic approach to workforce development, balancing technological innovation and the intrinsic value of human-centric skills.


In conclusion, as we look at the landscape of skills management platforms in 2024, it’s evident that they have become an integral part of strategic talent development in organizations.

These platforms, leveraging cutting-edge technological advancements, have revolutionized how skills are tracked and managed.

They are not just simplifying the process of identifying and monitoring skill sets but are also enabling organizations to be more adaptive and responsive to the rapidly changing demands of the modern workplace.

These platforms facilitate a dynamic approach to workforce development, where upskilling and reskilling are seamlessly integrated into the organizational culture.

By offering personalized learning paths, predictive analytics, and AI-driven insights, they help identify future skill requirements, thus allowing companies to stay ahead in a competitive landscape.

This proactive stance in talent management ensures that organizations are not only prepared for current challenges but are also equipped to handle future trends and technological shifts.


How will a skills management platform contribute to strategic HR planning?

They provide actionable insights into your workforce management capabilities, helping align talent development with business strategies.

What role does user experience play in the effectiveness of these platforms?

A user-friendly experience is essential for both engagement surveys encouraging employee engagement and ensuring effective utilization of the platform.

Can these platforms help in diversity and inclusion initiatives?

Yes, by providing insights into skills across diverse employee groups, they can help in identifying and addressing any disparities in development opportunities.

How does a skills management platform address the rapidly changing skill requirements? These platforms typically offer agile updating capabilities and predictive analytics to stay ahead of evolving skill demands.

What is the impact of a skills management platform on employee retention?

By facilitating career development and upskilling opportunities, these platforms can significantly enhance the employee experience, satisfaction, and retention.

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