Recommended roles for ES6 interview questions
- web developer
- ES6 developer
- Programador de JavaScript
- Junior ES6 developer
- Middle ES6 developer
- Senior ES6 developer
How DevSkiller ES6 interview questions work
DevSkiller ES6 interview questions are powered by the RealLifeTesting™ metodologia. RealLifeTesting™ allows you to analyze each applicant’s knowledge, skill set, and problem-solving ability, from within a controlled test environment. This means that recruiters can now be presented with a detailed assessment of how exactly a developer will perform in the role, while still in the initial screening stage.
Características principais
- Test ES6 online coding ability and not just academic ability
- Poupe tempo e dinheiro com os testes remotos
- O teste RealLifeTesting™ methodology offers a unique testing platform where candidates can opt to use their own IDE, clone to Git, run unit tests, and access Stack Overflow, Github, and Google for research.
- Ferramentas anti-plágio eficazes analisam automaticamente o conteúdo para garantir a exatidão dos testes
- E66 interview questions can be monitored in real-time
- Resultados não técnicos gerados automaticamente
- Tests range from senior-level developers down to junior ES6 developer positions.
Skills covered in our ES6 interview questions
- Hibernar
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Acessibilidade
- ES6
- Funcional
- Programação funcional
- Html
- Angular
- Angular Forms
- Reducers
- Redux
- Teste de instantâneos
- NestJS
- Node.JS
- Promessas
- JS
- Reagir
- jQuery
- React Native
- React-Redux
- Redux-Form
- API do Angular Forms
- Formulários Reactivos Angular
- Segurança Angular
- Modelos Angular
- Formulários orientados por modelos
- Desenvolvimento Web
- ES7
- WCAG 2.0
- Datas
- Promessas
- Encaminhamento
- Brasa
- Ember 2.x
- ExpressJS
- QA
- Mocha
- Ferramentas
- Vue.js
- Rxjs
- Selénio
- Test
- HTML 5
- Gulp
- Gulp 4
What to look for in a JavaScript developer
ES6 (ECMAScript 6) is a general-purpose programming language and a major update to JavaScript, so you will be looking for a JavaScript developer. In your search, there are a few things you should look out for:
A good JavaScript developer will need to have good background knowledge of the JavaScript language itself in order to be able to write high-quality applications. It is also important to be up to date with changes and updates in the language, like ES6.
New JavaScript frameworks are created all the time and it will be a bonus if your developer candidate can demonstrate a good knowledge of the most popular frameworks. It is perhaps more important to have a developer who can demonstrate knowledge of older JavaScript frameworks, however, as this demonstrates a deeper understanding of the language.
For a higher-level position, commercial experience will be required, but for a mid-level or junior JavaScript developer, you can hope for a good portfolio containing some well-written code.
Your developer will need to possess a different knowledge base depending on the role they are applying for. A front-end developer will require a different skill set to a full stack developer. In these cases, core knowledge of the language will be the same, but each developer should be able to demonstrate specific knowledge curtailing their field.
Want to get more from our ES6 interview questions?
Maybe you want to customize our ES6 interview questions and tailor them specifically to suit your business? Well, you can. The DevSkiller online task wizard allows you to create your own ES6 interview questions, which are fully customizable. You can choose the language you wish to assess or allocate a time limit for each test. You can set the difficulty level and even set specific time limits on each question. Did we mention that you can even monitor your applicants’ progress? You can observe each test candidate in real-time, and track their progress during the test to see how they are doing.
Want proof that our ES6 interview questions work?
Investing in something new can be a big step, no matter how good it seems. Don’t take our word on how effective DevSkiller testing is, hear what our clients have to say:
Sabu Pappu - Líder de Aquisição de Talentos na Veriday
"Reduzimos a rejeição técnica, o que é ótimo. Vimos uma melhoria de 25% neste ponto após a implementação do DevSkiller. A plataforma ajuda-nos realmente a avaliar as competências de programação dos candidatos e a fornecer uma abordagem lógica às competências de resolução de problemas dos profissionais de TI. O DevSkiller poupou-nos muito tempo enquanto tínhamos uma rampa de crescimento e ajudou-nos a convidar candidatos de boa qualidade que tiveram um bom desempenho no teste, o que acabou por melhorar os critérios de seleção".
Magdalena Rogóż - Diretor adjunto de marketing na Kodilla
"Usar o DevSkiller para classificar os testes é 2 vezes mais rentável, dando aos nossos alunos um teste muito melhor e preparando-os para futuros testes de recrutamento".
Michael Gerwig - Diretor de engenharia na Ada Health
"DevSkiller ajudou-nos a poupar tempo precioso no local para os candidatos que já são susceptíveis de ser um ajuste. Estamos a poupar 3 horas por candidato - esse foi o tempo que passámos com os candidatos numa tarefa técnica antes".
Perguntas mais frequentes
O que é o RealLifeTesting™?
At its core, RealLifeTesting™stems from the belief that the best way to evaluate a developer’s skills is by presenting them with a work test that mirrors the actual development work they’ll do. RealLifeTesting™ simulates the kinds of real-world scenarios your applicants would be likely to encounter and then assesses them based on their responses to the challenges they face.
The successful candidate should demonstrate a clear understanding and knowledge of ES6, display the ability to utilize resources like Stack Overflow, and possess critical thinking to determine the quickest and most efficient solution to problems they encounter.
How are ES6 interview questions evaluated?
Evaluation with DevSkiller happens automatically, saving on countless hours of in-house assessment and evaluation. Once the candidate has completed a test, the DevSkiller platform gets to work automatically on the solutions. The results are compiled into a report that is made clear and easy to understand so that non-technical recruiters can easily follow. Candidates are assessed on whether the solution they came up with for each problem would run (an essential factor in all software development), the number of errors in the code, the quality of the code, and how it works in edge cases. DevSkiller can also ensure test accuracy by implementing a range of anti-plagiarism tools.
Quanto tempo leva para configurar o DevSkiller?
Devskiller takes no time at all to set up. Once your account is up and running you can start sending out test invites straight away. Our library is stacked with predefined online tests, including ES6 interview questions, meaning you can start screening candidates with no extra work required.
Preciso de ser um programador para usar o DevSkiller?
No. Part of the concept behind DevSkiller testing is that you don’t have to be a developer, to hire a developer. We have made Devskiller as simple and as automated as it can possibly be. Our ready-to-use tests are prepared by IT experts to allow non-technical users to verify the technical skills of even the most advanced candidate. If you have a technical person on-site, you can prepare your own test, or simply choose one from our extensive back-catalog.