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Flight Manager Test for Middle Java Developer | JUnit

Overall seniority level
Test duration
39 minutes

Test overview

Test is combined from various tasks. Programming task, Choice questions and Code gaps. All evaluated automatically.

Task types

Code gaps

QA | JUnit 5 | Run tests multiple times code gap assessing knowledge of Java, JUnit 5, QA

Level: Easy

Tested skills: Java, JUnit 5, QA

Programming task

Java | JUnit | Flight Manager - Implement the missing features into the application responsible for managing flights data.

Level: Medium

Tested skills: Java, Java 11, JUnit, Maven

Code gaps

QA | JUnit 5 | Prevent tests from execution code gap assessing knowledge of Java, JUnit 5, QA

Level: Easy

Tested skills: Java, JUnit 5, QA

Code gaps

QA | JUnit 5 | Test methods order code gap assessing knowledge of Java, JUnit 5, QA

Level: Easy

Tested skills: Java, JUnit 5, QA

Choice questions

3 choice questions assessing knowledge of Concurrency, Java

Level: Medium

Tested skills: Concurrency, Java

Automatic evaluation

We automatically score multi-choice tests and programming tasks and evaluate candidate code for logical correctness, time efficiency and code quality.