Ted Neward dans le tout premier épisode du Podcast du Canard Jaune
From rainy Seattle, USA, Ted Neward joins us for the first episode of The Yellow Duck podcast.
We decided to create the podcast for those interested in software technology, its evolution, contribution, and importance. We will feature great guests to bring the best from every corner of the world and give you great content. In the first episode of the Yellow Duck Podcast, we invite Ted Neward.
As an industry professional of twenty years’ experience, he speaks at conferences all over the world and writes regularly for a variety of publications across the Java, .NET, and other ecosystems. He’s familiar with more programming languages than most people knew existed, and hasn’t found one yet that he couldn’t turn into a ‘mission-critical’ application when asked.
He is the author or co-author of several books, including Professional F# 2.0, Effective Enterprise Java, C# In a Nutshell, SSCLI Essentials, Server-Based Java Programming, and a contributor to several technology journals. All told, he has written close to a hundred articles in both print and online form.
Ted is also an IBM Champion of Cloud, has been a Microsoft F# MVP (having also been an Architect and C# MVP in prior years), an F# Insider, C# Insider, and VB Insider, INETA speaker, former DevelopMentor instructor, PluralSight course author, frequent worldwide conference speaker, and a member of various Java JSRs.
He currently resides in the Pacific Northwest with his wife, two sons, dog, four cats, eight laptops, seven tablets, nine phones, and a rather large utility bill.
Follow his blog at blogs.tedneward.com
Find the answers to questions that are on the minds of every programmer.
How does a developer develop himself?
“Hop a plane and haul somewhere.”
Why is there a gap of understanding between developers and business?
“Companies need to get out of the mindset that developers are commodities. These skills are not so easily acquired.”
Also, hear more from Ted about:
- A cross between managers and developers
- Is landing the man on the moon akin to programming?
- The future of programming
- Evolution of programming languages
Hear the Yellow Duck Podcast here: