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Remote hiring on a global scale

Find talent no matter where it lies with our comprehensive technical assessment and interview solution.

Recrutement à distance

Ce que vous obtenez

Remote hiring has never been easier

Build fully remote engineering teams at scale

Recrutement à distance

Scalable remote hiring process

Technical assessments focused on skills

Evaluate your candidate’s skills with objective technical assessments based on real programming tasks.

Conduct remote technical interviews

Interview candidates anywhere in the world to assess their experience and role fit.

Code pairing with live video

Collaborate with candidates to understand how they write code and solve problems in real time.

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Recrutement à distance

Unmatched candidate experience

Bias-free hiring

Make bias-free hiring decisions that are based on your candidate’s skills with our objective technical assessments.

World-class coding experience

Candidates can choose to edit the project source code in a Git repository, download & upload their code or use our powerful in-browser IDE powered by JetBrains.

Provide instant objective feedback

Send automated results to candidates within minutes after completing their technical assessment.

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Entretien technique

Technical assessments that mirror real-life

La méthodologie RealLifeTesting™

All DevSkiller technical assessments are powered by our belief that the recruitment process should mirror the real-life work of a developer.

Test sur échantillon de travail

Our technical assessments are work-sample tests exactly like a developer will encounter on their first day of the job.

220+ technologies available

We provide support in over 220 technologies covering front-end, back-end, full stack, mobile, DevOps, and loads more.

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Recrutement à distance

Sûre et fiable

Stringent privacy regulations

We are compliant with all of the major privacy regulations including European GDPR and ISO 27001.

World-class data security

We use industry leading data security providers such as Google Cloud Services, Cisco Duo security, and Datadog.

Safe and secure with 99.95% uptime

Safe and secure with 99.95% uptime

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Ce que disent nos clients

  • Depuis que nous avons opté pour DevSkiller, nous avons constaté que moins de candidats abandonnaient et que le processus était moins retardé. Nous avons actuellement environ 10-15% de candidats qui abandonnent à ce stade pour diverses raisons. Plus important encore, les responsables du recrutement utilisent désormais de manière cohérente la même plateforme de test et les mêmes missions techniques pour les différentes fonctions et équipes. Certains d'entre eux collaborent désormais à la création de nouveaux tests.
  • Avant TalentScore, à chaque défi technique, nous perdions $200 de productivité. Dans une organisation où les heures facturables sont la clé de notre succès, DevSkiller nous a aidés à faire en sorte que les personnes facturables travaillent sur des projets facturables et ne fassent pas d'évaluations. Les RH et les employés qui ne sont pas facturables s'en chargent.
  • L'automatisation de TalentScore nous permet de nous concentrer davantage sur les compétences non techniques et sur les détails les plus fins et l'architecture du code du candidat. Nous laissons TalentScore faire le gros du travail pour que nos ingénieurs ne passent que 5 à 10 minutes à examiner le code.


DevSkiller is an end-to-end platform to assess and manage tech skills throughout the entire employee lifecycle. We provide two solutions; DevSkiller TalentScore and DevSkiller TalentBoost. 

DevSkiller TalentScore is our technical assessment solution used to screen and interview developers and accurately predict their role fit through work-sample tasks. DevSkiller TalentBoost is a gestion des compétences solution that is built to define, measure, manage, and grow employee’s digital & IT skills.
There are many benefits for remote hiring, none more so than accessing a large and diverse pool of developers. Remote hiring is a huge advantage in a tight developer talent market because you can find people from across the globe to fill vacant positions. Many of our customers are taking advantage of borderless hiring by securing tech talent in specific time zones that are similar to their own. In an already scarce developer labor market you need every advantage you can get to secure the best talent and fuel your company growth.
A good remote hiring process starts with sourcing talented candidates either from a job ad or searching online. Once you’ve found an interesting candidate, it’s time to evaluate their skills effectively. To do so, you should always check Stack Overflow and GitHub to check their previous projects and then evaluate their skills with a DevSkiller technical assessment. For fully remote hiring processes, anti-plagiarism features of TalentScore are especially valuable.  If you are satisfied with their assessment results you should evaluate their soft skills in an interview and then finally dig deeper into their hard skills with a technical interview. Using DevSkiller, you can also run a paired programming session with video to code alongside the candidate. Once you have completed these steps and are confident your candidate will be a good fit for the role, it’s time to extend an offer.
There are over 220 technologies available within our coding test catalog. We have a range of different tasks available (over 5000 in fact) that include multiple choice questions, code gaps, SQL tasks, and our industry-leading programming tasks. Whether you’re hiring for front-end, back-end, full-stack, DevOps, mobile or so much more, we have got you covered.
60-90 minutes is generally an adequate amount of time to take a DevSkiller technical assessment. There is also an in-built recommendation time allocation tool to help you calculate the amount of time needed for candidates to complete a DevSkiller technical assessment.
DevSkiller technical assessments provide critical coding skill insights for developer candidates. There are several things that make up a great technical assessment platform. It starts with the candidate experience. DevSkiller technical assessments give an unmatched experience for your candidates that is centered around participating in a recruitment process that mirrors the real work of a developer. We also provide outstanding features like customized tests, automated and shareable reports, and integrations with other critical recruitment and HR software. We believe that DevSkiller aces all of those areas. But don’t take our word for it, reach out to us and take a look for yourself.
The RealLifeTesting™ methodology powers all DevSkiller technical assessments. The core of our methodology is that coding skills should be evaluated with work sample tests focused on coding. These work sample assignments mirror real-world work and provide highly accurate results. The RealLifeTesting™ methodology consists of three main pillars:; holistic testing, real-world testing conditions, and assessing the entire technology system.
Les avantages de la mise en œuvre de nos évaluations techniques varieront en fonction de votre processus d'embauche actuel et de la manière dont vous utilisez notre outil. Les choses qui changeront certainement pour le mieux, mais à des degrés divers, seront : l'objectivité dans le processus d'évaluation, le temps passé sur chaque évaluation, le temps passé par votre personnel technique sur les entretiens et les évaluations, le temps passé sur la création de nouvelles tâches, l'expérience globale des candidats, et le suivi de l'étape de chacun de vos candidats tout au long du processus.