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Recrutement informatique

Pourquoi les RH et les TI devraient se parler... mais ne le font pas ? [notre article invité sur ERE Media]

Recrutement informatique

We are thrilled to let you know that our article “Why HR and IT should talk to each other… but they don’t" has just been published on SOURCECON | Sourcing which is run by ERE Media,  the go-to information and conference source for human resources, talent acquisition, and recruiting professionals.

The article is based on our experience with technical recruitment and stories that we hear from companies that we talk to. From our perspective it seems that there is a lot of tension between HR and IT recruitment, they often suffer from misunderstandings and miscommunication. It is a real pity as IT recruitment is a joint effort and the sooner all employees get on board the better results they will achieve and tech talents they will recruit.

In article “Why HR and IT should talk to each other but they don’t” you’ll find out:

  • How IT job market looks like?
  • HR perspective
  • IT perspective
  • So where does the fault lie?
  • An approach to fix it

Have a good read! Just click ici.

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