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Concurrency and Reflection Test für Mittlerer Java-Entwickler

Gesamtes Dienstalter
Dauer des Tests
60 minutes


Der Test setzt sich aus verschiedenen Aufgaben zusammen. Programmieraufgaben und Choice-Fragen. Alle werden automatisch ausgewertet.



Java | Reflections Method Listing - Implement the MethodListHelper.listMethods method.Mention that this project uses Java Reflection API to describe methods declared in classes.

Niveau: Mittel

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten: Java, Java 17, Java Reflection API

Fragen zur Auswahl

2 choice questions assessing knowledge of Concurrency, Java

Niveau: Hart

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten: Concurrency, Java

Fragen zur Auswahl

4 choice questions assessing knowledge of Concurrency, Java, Stream API

Niveau: Mittel

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten: Concurrency, Java, Stream API

Automatische Auswertung

Wir bewerten automatisch Multi-Choice-Tests und Programmieraufgaben und bewerten den Code auf logische Korrektheit, Zeiteffizienz und Codequalität.

Online test for the Java Middle Developer position

There are many ways of identifying the expertise level of the Java developer. The most popular one is to check their repository on GitHub or go through their Stack Overflow and LinkedIn profiles. But should you rely on what you find there? 

There’s a much better way of assessing Java skills and it’s through work sample tests. Why? They have high predictive validities which means you know whether a candidate is likely to succeed or not. Using our Test for Middle Java Developer you screen technical skills without involving your dev team too early in the process. Just send the invitation and wait for the results to appear in your dashboard.  

Designed for screening Java developer skills

This test was created to assess the skills of candidates for Middle Java Developer positions. It is typically used to screen Java developers with approximately 3 to 5 years of experience. Because our tests are powered by RealLifeTesting™ methodology, they provide candidates with the 1st day of work experience. 

Our Middle Java programming test can be used to screen candidates for the following positions:

  • Mittlerer Java-Entwickler
  • Mittlerer Java-Programmierer
  • Mittlerer Java-Software-Ingenieur
  • Mittlerer Java-Software-Programmierer
  • Middle Java Software Entwickler 
  • Middle Backend Java Entwickler

Interview questions and online tests for Middle Java developer positions

To find the best match for your open position, you have to choose a test that covers all of the necessary aspects of the position in question. At work, developers don’t just use Java but combine it with various frameworks and libraries. A seasoned developer must be aware of this fact and know how to use all of the necessary tools while writing code. 

Devskiller benefits

There are many systems that offer you a test for the Middle Java Developer which seem to focus on various aspects of the job. Our tests assess a combination of skills in a practical way, which means they imitate real work to be done if hired. That’s because we believe in the high predictive validities of work sample tests.  

What our clients say about Devskiller:

  • great customer service
  • eas- to-use for candidates, tech leads, and HR pros
  • fast and efficient results