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[REPORT] DevSkiller Future Skills Report 2025: Essential Insights for IT and Tech Professionals

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Mindera Group pic

How TalentScore helps Mindera hire 175+ developers a year

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  • Entwickler-Screening
Hiring new developers is essential for any software company. But finding someone with the right skill set and knowledge is difficult, especially for tech-related jobs.
Dale Cullen |

Unterschiede zwischen einem Junior-, Middle- und Senior-Entwickler

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You’re probably thinking that in software development, the terms “junior”, “mid-Level”, and “senior” are just labels – and you’d be right. But, whether you like such labels or not, they are useful because they make it possible to discuss a set of expectations for a particular role.
Karolina Piwiec |

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Time to hire

5 simple techniques to improve time to hire in tech

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  • IT-Rekrutierung
Time to hire is a key HR metric that begins counting from the moment a candidate has entered your recruitment pipeline, regardless of whether they applied or were sourced.
Justin Lestal |
Employer branding

How to win the competition for tech talent with your employer branding

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  • IT-Rekrutierung
One in two candidates say that they wouldn’t work for a company with a bad reputation – even for a pay increase. The way in which your company brands itself is directly linked with your company’s recruitment process.
Tom Winter |
Technical recruiting trends

7 technical recruiting trends for 2021 and beyond

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  • Einstellungsstatistiken
A full year since the pandemic gripped the world and its impact on the global hiring scene cannot be understated. Whether it’s from the rise of AI to companies learning to embrace the remote working landscape, the industry speculates that the changes we’ve seen over the past 24 months could be here to stay.
Kate Kandefer |

How to hire remote developers – a step by step remote hiring guide

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  • Tipps für die Rekrutierung
The working world has completely shifted since the initial outbreak of COVID-19. In fact, approximately 74% of professionals expect remote work to become standard. It’s now more clear than ever that remote hiring is more than just a trend; it’s the future of work.
Justin Lestal |

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Structured interview

Structured interview – Why they’re the best for your recruitment efforts

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  • IT-Rekrutierung
  • Technisches Interview
IT talent disappears off the market quickly, and there are plenty of brands fighting for the best tech specialists. This means one thing: you have to ensure your recruitment process is quick and effective, so you can hire the A-players before your competition does.
Karolina Piwiec |