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NoSQL interview questions and coding tests are expertly prepared by DevSkiller’s team of NoSQL specialists to assist recruiters in hiring NoSQL developers. Our selection of NoSQL interview questions tests the coding, time-management, and critical thinking skills of junior, middle, and senior-level NoSQL developers.

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MongoDB online coding tests & interview questions
SQL developer interview questions and tests

Competenze testate
66 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone, NoSQL, MongoDB

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone, NoSQL, MongoDB

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Python | MongoDB | Stock market quotes | Recent Prices - Loading and querying stock market data with MongoDB collections.

Competenze testate
66 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone, NoSQL, MongoDB

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone, NoSQL, MongoDB

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Difficile

Python | MongoDB | Stock market quotes | Collection - Loading and querying stock market data with MongoDB collections.

Competenze testate
41 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di MongoDB, NoSQL

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Facile

Python | MongoDB | Stock market quotes - Load and query stock market data with MongoDB collections.

Competenze testate
51 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di SQL, MongoDB, NoSQL

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di MongoDB

Task - Level: Medium

SQL | Customer Data - Find all the customers whose first and last names are not unique in this database, as well as the number of times each first and last name pair appears in the database.

Competenze testate
56 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di SQL, MongoDB, NoSQL

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di MongoDB

Task - Level: Hard

SQL | Fill sparse table - Write a query that will return the list of all users with the creation date and return the date from the previous not-null row for the entries affected with the bug.

Competenze testate
27 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di SQL, MongoDB, NoSQL

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di MongoDB, SQL

Compito - Livello: Facile

SQL | Stamps catalogue | CASE statement - Make a select statement, by which you will divide your stamps collection into 3 groups.

Competenze testate
121 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di ExpressJS

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Angular 2+ Notepad App

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Node.JS - Mongo - Course report

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di MongoDB

DevSkiller NoSQL interview questions are powered by the RealLifeTestingTM methodology, which is the real driving force behind our testing. This methodology is completely unique and provides valuable insight into a candidate’s NoSQL skills. Each developer is tested in an in-depth manner by challenging them with real-world tasks. Finding your next NoSQL developer has never been easier thanks to DevSkiller NoSQL interview questions.

Recommended roles for NoSQL interview questions

  • Junior SQL developer
  • Middle SQL developer
  • Senior SQL developer
  • Software engineer
  • SQL Server developer
  • Systems administrator
  • Quality assurance analyst
  • SQL Server Database Administrator

How our NoSQL interview questions work

DevSkiller NoSQL interview questions are powered by the RealLifeTestingTM methodology. Unlike other coding tests, RealLifeTestingTM works by presenting candidates with a simulated version of their real working environment and then sets them challenges to overcome within that simulation. This is revolutionary in developer testing. Implementing RealLifeTestingTM into our NoSQL interview questions means DevSkiller can offer recruiters an in-depth analysis of how each candidate is likely to perform within the role, from as early as the initial screening stage.

Our NoSQL interview questions assess a candidate’s coding skills, problem-solving ability, and time-management skills.

Key features of our NoSQL interview questions

  • Test your candidate’s coding skills and not just their academic knowledge
  • Watch the candidate’s taking tests in real-time, anywhere in the world
  • RealLifeTestingTM methodology offers a greater user experience where candidates can use their own IDE, clone to Git, run unit tests, and access Stack Overflow/GitHub/Google for research
  • Various anti-plagiarism tools implemented to ensure test accuracy
  • Risultati automatizzati comprensibili anche ai non addetti ai lavori
  • NoSQL interview questions available for all levels of experience

Skills covered in our NoSQL interview questions

  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • NoSQL
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQL

What to look for in an NoSQL developer

SQL is the most popular 4GL (Fourth Generation Programming Language) and nowadays is often embedded in other, more general-purpose programming languages like Java, in order to access data from central databases. While our NoSQL interview questions can go a long way to helping you work out who is the best candidate, it is helpful to at least know a little bit about NoSQL and what you are looking out for.

Becoming a NoSQL developer requires a special mindset and a special set of skills. While basic tasks can be carried out easily, performing more complex tasks in NoSQL can be harder to get right.

A good knowledge, or at least a grasp of the basics of set theory is very important in NoSQL, as it allows developers to perform bulk operations on entire data sets, directly in the database. This can have a big impact on performance.

NoSQL has evolved a lot during the past decades and various features have been implemented to make a NoSQL developer’s life easier. Knowledge of features like window functions and CTE will set the beginners apart from the seasoned pros in this area and is important in ETL, reporting, BI, and analytics use-cases.

The vast majority of NoSQL performance-related issues can be solved with proper indexing.

Being able to identify situations where an index will be beneficial, or sometimes detrimental, is essential for any good NoSQL developer.

Build your own custom NoSQL interview questions

Maybe you think our NoSQL interview questions sound great, but you want to get more out of them. No problem. The DevSkiller online task platform allows you to build your very own customized NoSQL interview questions. Now you can choose the languages you test, as well as the difficulty and duration of the questions. Best of all, you can send test invitations to candidates all over the world. Finding your next NoSQL developer is easy with DevSkiller and our NoSQL interview questions.

Interested in our NoSQL interview questions but want more?

It can feel like a lot of pressure making financial decisions on behalf of your company, so you need to be sure you’re making the right choice. Don’t take our word for it that DevSkiller

interview questions are the best way to screen developers, read what our customers said:

Patrycja Kiljańska - Specialista in acquisizione di talenti presso Spartez

"Abbiamo sostituito una soluzione interna ad alta manutenzione con DevSkiller. Il nostro processo è identico, ma il prodotto ci offre prestazioni migliori. I risultati sono anche molto più facili da valutare".

Ivana Nikolic - Responsabile delle risorse umane presso ImpacTech

"Il vantaggio maggiore per i candidati è che possono svolgere i test a loro piacimento. Nel caso in cui un candidato stia già lavorando e stia pensando di cambiare carriera o di trasferirsi in un'altra azienda, è anche un risparmio di tempo per lui, in quanto non deve prendersi delle ferie per partecipare a numerosi colloqui nella ricerca di una nuova posizione."

Jonatan Rugarn - CEO, Fondatore, Recruiter presso Lingonberry Talent Acquisition, Engineering Manager presso Avinode Group

"La durata del processo di reclutamento non è cambiata, ma spendiamo meno tempo e meno fatica per ogni candidato. Inoltre, non perdiamo tempo con i candidati sbagliati".

Domande frequenti

How do candidates take a NoSQL test?

The first thing to know is Devskiller’s NoSQL interview questions are that they can be accessed remotely and taken from anywhere in the world. This can save you countless hours of in-house testing. Candidates receive their test links via email and can start them whenever they are ready. Time limits are added to the tests and expiration times can even be added to the links themselves to make sure recruiters aren’t left waiting.

For the tests themselves, candidates have the option of using our state of the art in-browser IDE, or to complete the project on their favorite IDE and then clone the project to GIT. They can also run unit tests to check their solutions work the way they are supposed to. Candidates are assessed on their coding skills, time management, and critical thinking. Once completed tests are automatically evaluated and a report is sent to the recruiter.

Quanto tempo ci vuole per configurare DevSkiller?

DevSkiller is a real time-saver when it comes to recruitment. Not only do our NoSQL interview questions greatly increase the efficiency of the screening process, but they are also remarkably easy to set-up. Our task wizard comes prepared with tests that are ready to send out, meaning all you have to do is create your account to be able to start testing candidates in as little as 5 minutes.

What do candidates think of DevSkiller NoSQL interview questions?

We receive regular feedback about our NoSQL interview questions from developer candidates that they love the structure of our tests. Developers get tired of their skills being tested using algorithmic assessments that don’t accurately reflect the work they actually do. DevSkiller testing is different and developer’s appreciate having the chance to prove their software development skills. If any are apprehensive, to begin with, we usually find it is because they are expecting our testing method to be similar to those frustrating algorithm tests they have grown used to taking. Once they realize our tests are different, the reaction is usually very positive.

Candidates also like the fact that DevSkiller tests use normal coding tools and conventions like unit testing, and cloning to GIT from a personal IDE. Overall, candidates appreciate the opportunity to prove their skills in a fair setting where, if they have the right skills, then they should have no difficulty progressing to the next stage.