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Objective C coding test and interview questions for recruiters

Have your job applicants sit an Objective-C test to screen their skills and abilities before recruiting them further. We offer a wide range of Objective C tests in various situations to help you evaluate the potential of job applicants and hire only the best developers. Save time at the screening process and interview only the most talented developers. See more developer recruitment tests below.

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iOS developer interview questions and tests

Competenze testate
48 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Swift, iOS

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Swift, Unicode, iOS

Compito di revisione del codice - Livello: Medio

iOS | Swift | BookDataAnalyst - Please perform a code review of this code. Pay attention to the quality and compliance with the best practices.

Competenze testate
55 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di iOS, Swift

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Facile

IOS | Swift | Weather App - Build an app which analyzes weather data received from a weather service backend. The candidate must read the JSON file provided, create a data model, parse it and fill out the missing functions to retrieve the required weather conditions from the model.

Competenze testate
72 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Android, iOS

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Android | Reminder app - Implement missing features in the Reminder application using BroadcastReceivers, Services, Intent scheduling using AlarmManager and Notifications API.

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

iOS | Swift | Students details applicaction - Implement an app maintaining student details in a file and allowing users to query the file in order to retrieve specific data.

Competenze testate
46 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di iOS, Swift

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Facile

IOS | Swift | Water Power Plant Application - Implement the missing functions in the application for the analysis of data from a hydroelectric power plant. The candidate must load data from a text file, find the least efficient turbines, recalculate the efficiency of the turbines from minute to hours, and determine the right colour for the turbine based on its performance.

Competenze testate
40 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di iOS

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

iOS | Swift | Students details applicaction - Implement an app maintaining student details in a file and allowing users to query the file in order to retrieve specific data.

Competenze testate
75 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di iOS

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Difficile

iOS | Objective-C | Data transmitter application - Fix Data Transmitter Application by returning processing data and returning it in a correct format.

The best Objective-C coding tests to find an iOS developer

Recommended roles for Objective-C online tests:

  • Sviluppatore iOS
  • Sviluppatore mobile
  • Mobile app developer
  • Junior ios developer
  • Mobile engineer
  • Senior ios developer
  • Junior mobile developer
  • Objective-c developer
  • Senior mobile developer

How our Objective-C tests work

Devskiller’s Objective-C online tests for mobile app developers are powered by the RealLifeTesting™ methodology. In this model, the applicant is required to build a new app or add features onto an already existing piece of software using objective-C.

This means that you’re able to test your developer’s skills in a real-life situation, away from your product and in a monitored environment. You’re able to not only test their coding skills but also their problem-solving abilities, creativity, and logic.

Caratteristiche principali

  • Test real-life coding skills, rather than academic achievements
  • A full-stack system means candidates can use all the resources that are on offer for the given role.
  • Tests can be taken by any candidate, anywhere in the world, at any time.
  • Durable and extensive plagiarism controls verify and ensure the quality of your candidate’s skills
  • Your candidate’s tests are automatically evaluated, sending your recruiters a non-technical report for them to then make further decisions
  • Available to test junior, middle, and senior Objective-C developers

What to look for in an Objective-C developer

Objective-C is a general-purpose programming language used to make mobile apps for iOS.

When hiring an Objective-C developer, it’s important that you asses a candidate’s Objective-C skills, alongside their coding skills in other languages. Objective-C is often used in older apps, as most iOS apps are now coded in Swift. Therefore it’s crucial that you test a mobile app developer’s Objective-C skills alongside their Swift coding skills.

Non vedete quello che volete?

Don’t see the Objective-C online test that you’re after? Our task wizard lets you build your own coding test using your own resources. Create a coding test that’s specific to the skills and problems that you need to hire for. Give your test to a candidate anywhere in the world and let them sit it at any time.