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Leave request application | Basic CRUD Test für Middle Full Stack Developer | Django, Python, JavaScript

Gesamtes Dienstalter
Dauer des Tests
168 minutes


Test is combined from various tasks. Programming tasks and Choice questions. All evaluated automatically.



Python | Django | Leave request application | Basic CRUD - To complete this task you will need to have the versions of Python and Django. This application uses `Python 3` and `Django 4.1.x`. This application contains a `leave` module for managing employee leave requests. The application hasn’t been finished yet and your job is to completely implement the functionality of the `leave` module using `CBV`, `i18n`, and `ModelForms`.

Niveau: Mittel

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten: CRUD, Django, Python 3.x


JavaScript | Social Media Queries | Find upcoming events - Implement a function to find those of events observed by a user, that will happen soon.

Niveau: Mittel

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten: Async-Await, Dates, Jasmine, JavaScript, Node.JS, Promises

Fragen zur Auswahl

4 choice questions assessing knowledge of CSS, HTML

Niveau: Mittel

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten: CSS, HTML

Automatische Auswertung

Wir bewerten automatisch Multi-Choice-Tests und Programmieraufgaben und bewerten den Code auf logische Korrektheit, Zeiteffizienz und Codequalität.