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HTML online tests interview questions and
Front-end developers are responsible for whatever has a visual presence users interact with. Traditionally, they are comfortable both with design and coding, which means they use HTML and CSS.

Assessing HTML cannot be carried out successfully without technical screening software. If you are searching for a front-end developer, you’ve come to the right place! DevSkiller HTML interview questions and tests test HTML proficiency in a quick and efficient way to ensure the quality of the candidate hired.

Start a free trial or simply log in to our platform to check the tasks and questions which we’ve prepared for the Hypertext Markup Language.

Abgedeckte Technologien:
Programmiersprache: HTML, CSS

HTML and CSS frameworks and libraries: Bootstrap, Foundation

Werkzeuge bauen: NPM

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
51 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Typoskript


Bewertung der Kenntnisse über JavaScript, Reagieren Sie

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über HTML, CSS

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Leicht

TypeScript | React Hooks | Zustandsverwaltung von Filmen - Komplette Anwendung zur Verwaltung von Filmen mit React Hooks durch Implementierung der Zustandsverwaltung in bestehende Ansichten.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
49 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über .NET, C#, Message Patterns, WCF, Web applications & Web Services, Windows Communication Foundation, Metadata


Bewertung der Kenntnisse über HTML, HTML5, CSS

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Schwer

.NET | RSA Decryption WCF Service - Finish implementation of the WCF interface which can decrypt and verify data encrypted using RSA.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
62 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über JavaScript, Redux


Bewertung der Kenntnisse über HTML, HTML5, CSS

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

JavaScript | Redux Selectors | HR Department Trainings - Redux-Reduzierer und -Selektoren richtig implementieren.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
85 Minuten maximal.

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Schwer

HTML/CSS | Startseite - Vervollständigen Sie die CSS-Eigenschaftsdefinitionen, damit die Seite den entsprechenden Splashloader-Bildschirm anzeigt, bevor die Startseite angezeigt wird.

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Schwer

JavaScript | Funktionale Memoisierung - Schreiben Sie die zwei Versionen des generischen Memoisierungsmechanismus.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
53 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über QA, .NET, C# und Selen


Bewertung der Kenntnisse über QA, .NET, C# und Selen

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Leicht

QA | .NET, Selenium | Firefox Driver | Selenium tests for Login Page - Implementieren Sie Selenium-Tests für die Login-Seite: Prüfen Sie HTML-Komponenten, CSS-Stile, setzen Sie den Wert der Eingabefelder, und klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche auf der Seite.

Angular 2+
Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
53 Minuten maximal.


Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Eckig2+, JavaScript

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über HTML

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Schwer

JavaScript | Angular 2+ | Router Role Based Access Control - Bereiten Sie eine einfache RBAC für Routen und Komponenten vor.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
70 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über JavaScript, Vue.js

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

JavaScript | Vue.js | Contact Form - Finish the form so it has all the following features: user can log in, so name and email are filled-in after the form is sent a 'Thank You' message should appear.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
65 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Leicht

JavaScript | Vue.js | Calendar Notes - Implement an application with which the user can add a note for a date they choose from a calendar.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
57 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über ES6, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Accessibility

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Schwer

JavaScript | Funktionale Memoisierung - Schreiben Sie die zwei Versionen des generischen Memoisierungsmechanismus.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
60 Minuten maximal.


Bewertung der Kenntnisse über SQL

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über ES6, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, WCAG 2.0, Web Accessibility

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

PHP | Categories Repository - Implement PDO queries that will return valid results about movies to users.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
133 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über AJAX, JavaScript, Web-Entwicklung, ES6, Typoskript, CSS, HTML

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Schwer

JavaScript | Social Media Queries | Find friends by name - Implement a function to find user's friends by their name.

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Schwer

CSS/HTML - Flexbox navigation bar - Complete CSS definition and use Flexbox to layout components.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
41 Minuten maximal.


Bewertung der Kenntnisse über SQL, CSS, HTML

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über JavaScript

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Leicht

PHP | Faker | Grundlegende Datenmanipulation - Implementieren Sie alle Methoden der Klasse app/Faker.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
168 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über CSS, HTML

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

Python | Django | Leave request application | Basic CRUD - Complete an application for managing employee leave requests using Django Framework.

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

JavaScript | Social Media Queries | Find potential likes - Implement a function to find books which are considered as potential likes.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
65 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über CSS, HTML

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Leicht

Python | Django | Currency Exchange Service - Finish implementation of Django application for currency exchange by modyfing CBV views and completing service logic.

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Leicht

JavaScript | Orders analyzer | Find an average ordered quantity for every weekday - Implement a method that will analyze orders dataset and return a map with average ordered quantity of a product for every weekday.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
95 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über CSS, HTML

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

JavaScript | Orders Analyzer | Find an average order value for every weekday - Implement a method which will return a map with a name of day of week as a key and an average total order value.

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

HTML/CSS - Flexbox navigation bar - Complete CSS definition and use Flexbox to layout components

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
22 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über CSS


assessing knwledge of HTML

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Leicht

CSS | Basic DIV styling - Edit CSS style sheet using basic CSS rules and properties. Please note that this task can be completed only in the in-browser IDE

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
70 Minuten maximal.

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

Python | Gallery Application - Finish the implementation of the CRUD functionality using CBV.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über HTML, WCAG 2.0, Web Accessibility, CSS

In addition, check out these JavaScript coding interview questions.
HTML online tests
DevSkiller’s expert team prepares ready-made HTML online tests to assist recruiters in finding the best Front end developers. Each HTML online test is designed to challenge the skills of junior, middle, and senior-level HTML developers.

What sets a DevSkiller HTML online test apart from conventional algorithmic tests, is that we implement the RealLifeTesting™ methodology. This unique means of developer testing presents candidates with a realistic simulation of their everyday work and then challenges are set to test their responses. A DevSkiller HTML online test is an effective tool when it comes to developer screening, meaning recruiting a developer has never been simpler.
Recommended roles suited to an HTML online test

Junior HTML developer
Middle HTML developer
Senior HTML developer
Web designer
Software developer
UX/UI designer
Web analyst
Technical consultant

How does an HTML online test work
Each DevSkiller HTML online test is specially designed to provide recruiters with valuable insight into a candidate’s HTML skills. Using RealLifeTesting™ to replicate the developer’s work environment, we present each candidate with real-world problems to solve. Each HTML online test is assessed based on the candidate’s coding skills, problem-solving ability, time-management skills, and critical thinking. 
Key features of an HTML online test

An HTML online test measures a candidate’s coding skills, not just academic knowledge
RealLifeTesting™ methodology offers a greater user experience where candidates can use their own IDE, clone to Git, run unit tests, and access Stack Overflow/GitHub/Google for research
Anti-plagiarism tools to ensure test accuracy
Automatisierte Ergebnisse, die auch von Nichttechnikern verstanden werden können
An HTML online test can assess all levels of experience

Skills covered by an HTML online test


What to look for in HTML developers
HTML, along with CSS, is one of the most fundamental coding languages out there. In fact, HTML is used so abundantly that the majority of developers have at least a basic understanding of it. The problem with a programming language being so widely used is that it can be easy to find a developer who can use HTML, but harder to narrow the search down to finding the right one. In fact, often an HTML developer is not even a stand-alone position and is just one of the skills of a front end or full-stack developer.

While the basics might be simple, advanced applications in HTML require in-depth skill and understanding. A DevSkiller HTML online test will go a long way towards helping you filter out the less qualified candidates, but it will be helpful if you know what to look for in an HTML developer.

It is important to find out how knowledgeable and up to date your candidate is with regards to various components of front end tech stack. This will include HTML frameworks like Bootstrap (v4) and Foundation (v6).

An essential skill your developer should possess is to be able to view web pages or applications from the user’s perspective (UX). Knowledge of Responsive Web Design (RWD) is another important technique it would be useful to possess. Other than that, it might also be helpful if your candidate can possess an understanding of a11y (accessibility), relating to how websites are built to account for people with disabilities. 
Build your own custom HTML online test
Perhaps you’re interested in implementing a DevSkiller HTML online test into your recruitment process, but you would like to get more out of them. No problem. The DevSkiller online task wizard comes ready-prepared with default tests, but if you like, you can build your very own custom tests. In this way, you can choose the language you assess, the types of technologies covered, and even the difficulty level.  Best of all, tests are carried out remotely meaning you can send test invitations to candidates all over the world. 
Want to be sure an HTML online test will work?
At DevSkiller, we think introducing an HTML online test into your screening process is exactly what your company needs to start hiring great HTML developers, but of course, we are going to say that. Instead of taking our word for it, check out what some of our customers have to say:
Sabu Pappu – Talent Acquisition Lead at Veriday
“We have reduced the tech rejection which is great. We’ve seen a 25% improvement at this point after the implementation of DevSkiller. The platform really helps us to assess the programming skills of candidates and provide a logical approach to the problem-solving skills of IT professionals. DevSkiller saved us a lot of time while we had a ramp up and helped us to invite good quality candidates who have performed well in the test, which eventually improved the selection criteria.”
Patrycja Kiljańska – Talent acquisition specialist at Spartez
“We’ve replaced a high-maintenance in-house solution with DevSkiller. Our process looks the same, however, the product gives us better performance. The results are also way easier to assess.”
Richard Williams - Vizepräsident für Technik bei Plutora 
“Thanks to automating the screening stage, we were able to reduce the interview rate by 50%. At the same time, the quality of candidates who make it to the interview stage is now much greater. DevSkiller adds an extra layer of quality to our technical hiring process”
Häufig gestellte Fragen
What is RealLifeTesting™ ?
The RealLifeTesting™ methodology forms the basis of each DevSkiller HTML online test. This unique testing methodology provides recruiters with a holistic view of each candidate’s HTML skillset.

At its core, RealLifeTesting™ is based on the concept that the best way to evaluate a developer’s skills is by presenting them with challenges similar to the work they do every day. A DevSkiller HTML online test requires each candidate to build full project apps or add features to existing apps, similar to what they’ll be doing once they’re hired. To progress, candidates will need to demonstrate their knowledge of HTML coding, be able to use resources like Stack Overflow to find solutions, and show decision-making skills to find the best solutions to the problems they encounter. 
How is an HTML online test evaluated?
Once a candidate is finished with their  HTML online test, the DevSkiller platform automatically gets to work on assessing the results. An automatically generated report is then produced that is designed to be as easy to follow as possible, so that even non-technical recruiters can understand the results. Candidates are evaluated on whether the solutions they have provided would run, the quality of the code they have provided including checking for errors, and how the solution would perform in edge cases. DevSkiller also implements a number of robust anti-plagiarism tools to ensure candidates cannot gain an unfair advantage and to maintain test accuracy.
How do candidates take an HTML online test?
Each HTML online test can be accessed remotely, from anywhere in the world. This is a great advantage to recruiters, as it saves countless hours and money spent on in-house testing.

With DevSkiller, all the recruiter has to do is send the candidate a test invite and they can begin their assessment whenever they have the time. To make sure recruiters aren’t left waiting around, test invites can be made available for only a specific amount of time.

When actually taking the test, the candidate has the option of using DevSkiller’s own state of the art in-browser IDE, or they can complete the project on their favorite IDE and clone the project to GIT. Candidates are also able to run unit tests to make sure their solutions work the way they intend. Once an HTML online test is completed, the test is automatically evaluated and an easy to follow report is sent to the recruiter. DevSkiller testing is designed to make the whole developer screening process as quick and as automated as possible.