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Python 3.x

Python 3.x Programming Questions

DevSkiller Python 3.x programming questions were prepared by DevSkiller’s team of experts, to assist recruiters in hiring junior, middle, and senior-level Python developers. Our Python programming questions are uniquely designed to accurately screen applicants from the initial recruitment stage.

Powered by the RealLifeTesting™ methodology, DevSkiller testing is unique in that it recreates the real-world scenarios developer candidates encounter during their everyday work. Testing takes place by presenting Python-based challenges based on these real-life scenarios.

Non è quello che stai cercando? Provate questi:

Data analysis with Python online tests

Flask online coding tests & interview questions

Django online tests & interview questions for recruiters

Machine learning tests for HR recruiters

Competenze testate
110 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Python 3.x, Pensiero logico, Sequenza, Competenze trasversali

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Difficile

Python | NumPy | Reti convoluzionali grafiche - Implementare una semplice rete convoluzionale grafica.

Competenze testate
57 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Python 3.x

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Python 3.x

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Python | Class Programming, Customer Relationship Management App - Implement a REST API client with OOP techniques using Python 3.

Competenze testate
72 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Python | Django | Books CRUD Application - This application uses Python 3 and Django 1.11. It contains a Books module for managing book entities.

Competenze testate
71 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Python | Pandas | Spreadsheet to HTML table - Process the input file and generate HTML with "general classification" table as a result.

Competenze testate
67 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Facile

Python | Flask | Split Expenses App - Write a simple app to split expenses among your friends.

Competenze testate
96 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Facile

Python | FastApi | Movie Collection Management App - Make tests pass by implementing the missing features in using Python 3 and FastApi

Competenze testate
97 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Python 3.x

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Python 3.x

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Python | FastAPI | Prediction model - Expand the current FastAPI application to let Data Scientists post their models via API, store them in a Database, view them and get some predictions out of them, based on an input value.

Competenze testate
86 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Python 3.x

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Lambdas, Python 3.x, QA

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Python | API Flask - You are working as a member of a Data Science team that is responsible for creating simple linear functions to predict various economic indicators. You are a new member of the Software Development Team and your goal is to expand the current Flask application to let Data Scientists post their models via API, store them in a Database, view them and get some predictions out of them, based on an input value.

Competenze testate
106 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Python 3.x

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Flask, Microservices, Python 3.x

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Python | Flask, Matplotlib | Math Models Verifier - Implement an application to assist Data Scientists in storing their models and getting the predictions from them.

Competenze testate
93 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Python 3.x

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Python 3.x

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Python | REST Client for Shipping company - A simple and customizable shipment manager with a client for a REST API of a shipping company uses a simple Basic Auth and uses its own custom, serializable data structures. This task will test practical Python 3 skills as well as basic REST API interaction knowledge. This application uses Python 3 e OAuthLib 3.1.0.

Competenze testate
63 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Python 3.x

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Python 3.x

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Python | Drug Analyzer - Siete un membro di un team di programmazione di biotecnologie responsabile della creazione di un sistema per i tecnici di laboratorio, che li assisterà nell'analisi dei farmaci. Il vostro obiettivo è creare un'applicazione che consenta loro di inserire i risultati nel sistema, fornire un'analisi significativa e verificare la correttezza dei dati inviati.

Competenze testate
66 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone, NoSQL, MongoDB

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone, NoSQL, MongoDB

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Python | MongoDB | Stock market quotes | Recent Prices - Loading and querying stock market data with MongoDB collections.

Competenze testate
66 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone, NoSQL, MongoDB

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone, NoSQL, MongoDB

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Difficile

Python | MongoDB | Stock market quotes | Collection - Loading and querying stock market data with MongoDB collections.

Competenze testate
41 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di MongoDB, NoSQL

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Facile

Python | MongoDB | Stock market quotes - Load and query stock market data with MongoDB collections.

Competenze testate
82 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Grandi dati, PySpark, Pitone

Lacune nel codice

valutare la conoscenza di SQL

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Difficile

Python | PySpark | Società di gestione delle flotte - Rilevare gli eventi di eccesso di velocità e verificare la correttezza di un predittore esistente.

Competenze testate
70 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone, Scintilla

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Python | PySpark | Modello di preferenza del cliente - Implementare un'applicazione di ingegneria dei dati per la pre-elaborazione dei dati di marketing.

Competenze testate
104 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Keras, Apprendimento automatico, Pitone

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Python | NLP, Keras | Analisi del sentiment delle recensioni dei clienti - Eseguire l'analisi del sentiment e l'etichettatura delle recensioni dei clienti di film e compagnie aeree, utilizzando un modello di rete neurale multi-output.

Competenze testate
72 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Apprendimento automatico, Apprendimento per rinforzo

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Medio

Python | PyTorch | Reinforcement Learning | Deep Q-Network - Completare l'implementazione dell'algoritmo DQN.

Competenze testate
35 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Facile

Python | NumPy | Over/Under sampling - Given sequence A, create sequence B such that B has elements from A and a given distribution across equally sized bins.

Competenze testate
65 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Domande a scelta

valutare la conoscenza di Pitone

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Facile

Python | PySpark | ML Logs Transformer - Completare l'implementazione della pipeline di trasformazione dei log.

Competenze testate
60 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

DevOps task - Level: Hard

DevOps | Ubuntu | Ansible Dynamic Inventory plugin - The purpose of this task is to check Ansible plugin writing skills (advanced Ansible skill). To complete this task, candidate must know some programming language.

Competenze testate
60 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

DevOps task - Level: Hard

DevOps | CentOs | Ansible Dynamic Inventory plugin - The purpose of this task is to check Ansible plugin writing skills (advanced Ansible skill). To complete this task, candidate must know some programming language.

Scienza dei dati
Competenze testate
45 minuti al massimo.
Panoramica del test

Compito - Livello: Facile

SQL | Catalogo francobolli | I tre prezzi più alti - Seleziona i tre francobolli (prezzo e nome) con il prezzo più alto.

Attività di programmazione - Livello: Facile

Python | Pandas | Parser di tabelle HTML - Implementa una funzione per convertire una tabella HTML in un file in formato CSV.

Recommended roles for Python 3.x programming questions

  • Sviluppatore Python junior
  • Sviluppatore Python medio
  • Senior Python developer
  • Analista dati
  • Software engineer
  • Sviluppatore web
  • Sviluppatore di software
  • Senior software engineer

How DevSkiller Python 3.x programming questions work

The driving force behind  DevSkiller Python 3.x programming questions is the RealLifeTesting™ methodology. RealLifeTesting™offers recruiters the chance to accurately assess a candidate’s Python 3.x skills by replicating the tasks they face each day in their work, from a controlled test environment. Recruiters can assess critical thinking, time-management skills, and skill in coding.

One of the great time-savers of our Python 3.x programming questions is that they are accessed remotely, saving time and money on in-house testing. Tests are also evaluated automatically saving further time. Once a test is submitted, the DevSkiller platform begins evaluating the results and a non-technical report is then produced and sent to the recruiter.

Caratteristiche principali

  • Python 3.x programming questions test Python code, not just a developer’s academic ability
  • Risparmiate tempo e denaro con i test remoti
  • The RealLifeTesting™ methodology offers a greater user experience where candidates can use their own IDE, clone to GIT, run unit tests, and access Stack Overflow/Github/Google for research.
  • Anti-plagiarism tools in place to ensure test results are reliable
  • Observe Python online tests in real-time
  • Risultati automatizzati comprensibili anche ai reclutatori non tecnici
  • Python programming questions for any level of developer expertise

Skills covered in our Python 3.x programming questions

  • Ansible
  • Dev Ops
  • Linux
  • Pitone
  • Scripting
  • Panda
  • Pitone
  • Django
  • CRUD
  • Django
  • Django 2.2.xPython
  • Django REST framework
  • Python 3.x
  • Visione artificiale
  • Apprendimento automatico
  • PyTorch
  • CRUD
  • Analisi dei dati con Python
  • scienza dei dati
  • Modellazione dimensionale
  • CBV
  • ModelForms
  • Python 3.7
  • Flask
  • Date
  • Promesse
  • NumPy
  • Sviluppo web
  • Espressioni regolari
  • Algorithms
  • Dati in streaming
  • Unit-Testing
  • estrazione dei dati
  • OCR
  • Elaborazione in PDF
  • web scraping
  • Django 1.10
  • WCAG 2.0

What to look for in Python developer

Implementing DevSkiller Python 3.x programming questions will quicken up your whole recruitment process. Our testing is proven to help recruiters screen candidates accurately and efficiently, with a lot of the hard work already done for you. However, you will still need to know what to look for in a Python developer.

Python is one of the world’s most popular programming languages and its popularity stems from the fact that it is simple to learn, has a variety of uses and it is powerful in solving problems.

A good Python developer will need to produce quality, reusable code, something which our Python 3.x programming questions can help you assess. Python developers are also usually responsible for writing server-side web application logic, including the development of back-end components. For this they will need to design and implement quality applications and then connect those applications to other third-party web services. For this, you should be looking out for candidates with similar experience in their resume. Python developers also support front-end developers by integrating their work with the Python application.

Anyone who works with Python 3.x should possess knowledge of the language’s basic web frameworks, object-relational mappers, multi-process architecture, and RESTful APIs.

It’s beneficial Python 3.x developers can come up with effective data storage solutions and demonstrate skills in system administration, scripting, and other programming languages like Java. It can also be a bonus if they possess skills in Django, which is an open-source framework written in Python, which many software developers choose to specialize in.

Want more from our Python 3.x programming questions?

Perhaps you’re thinking our Python 3.x programming questions sound good, but it would be great to get more out of them? No problem. If you have someone technical available at your business, then you can customize our Python programming tests to suit your needs. This means you can alter the length of each test, the language tested, and the difficulty level. You can even set individual time allocations for each question if desired.

If you don’t want to customize our tests then that’s great too, our experts have loaded the DevSkiller platform with hundreds of Python 3.x programming questions, to take the hard work out of it for you. Set-up is easy and the default settings are all ready to go. DevSkiller makes finding your next Python developer simple.

IDE Pycharm integrato

To improve candidate experience during our Python online tests, Devskiller has implemented a built-in Pycharm IDE directly into the browser. Our already warmed up, ready to use Pycharm IDE will reduce time during testing. This will increase the user experience for your candidates and help to reduce candidate drop-off.

Candidates will no longer have to clone the code, wait for the dependencies to install or indexes to build during their tests. They can start coding as soon as they open the test invitation. This unique feature is just one of the innovations setting DevSkiller TalentScore apart from the competition when it comes to developer screening.

Want proof that our Python 3.x programming questions work?

DevSkiller Python 3.x programming questions are a great asset to any business and a sure-fire way to accurately screen Python developers. Of course, we are going to say that, so don’t take our word for it, read what our clients have to say:

Sabu Pappu – Talent Acquisition Lead at Veriday

“We have reduced the tech rejection which is great. We’ve seen a 25% improvement at this point after the implementation of DevSkiller. The platform really helps us to assess the programming skills of candidates and provide a logical approach to the problem-solving skills of IT professionals. DevSkiller saved us a lot of time while we had a ramp up and helped us to invite good quality candidates who have performed well in the test, which eventually improved the selection criteria.”

Magdalena Rogóż – Deputy Marketing Manager at Kodilla

“Using DevSkiller to grade tests is 2 times more cost-efficient while giving our students a much better test and preparing them for future recruitment tests.

Ivana Nikolic - Responsabile delle risorse umane presso ImpacTech

"Il vantaggio maggiore per i candidati è che possono svolgere i test a loro piacimento. Nel caso in cui un candidato stia già lavorando e stia pensando di cambiare carriera o di trasferirsi in un'altra azienda, è anche un risparmio di tempo per lui, in quanto non deve prendersi delle ferie per partecipare a numerosi colloqui nella ricerca di una nuova posizione."

Domande frequenti

Quanto tempo ci vuole per configurare DevSkiller?

Python 3.x programming tests can be ready to send out to developer candidates within 5 minutes. Devskiller comes with an extensive library of predefined Python 3.x programming questions so you can start testing your candidates as soon as you have finished setting up your account.

What do candidates think of DevSkiller Python 3.x programming questions?

The feedback we get from developer candidates taking our tests is overwhelmingly positive.  They like the fact that DevSkiller tests use normal coding tools and conventions like unit testing, and cloning to GIT from a personal IDE.

If candidates are wary at first, it is because they have been put off by similar tests in the past, that have focused on algorithmic tests and questions referring to academic topics they haven’t covered since their studies. These kinds of tests don’t reflect the actual skills developers use in their everyday work and can be understandably frustrating for developers. DevSkiller is different however, our tests reflect the real work developers do every day, and as soon as they realize the difference, they relish having the opportunity to demonstrate their actual skills in coding and software development.