Recommended roles for PHP 7 tests online
- Développeur full stack
- Développeur web
- Développeur PHP
- PHP 7 Developer
- Développeur WordPress
- Développeur Drupal
- Développeur Laravel
- Développeur d'applications web
- Développeur LAMP
- Développeur PHP junior
- Développeur PHP intermédiaire
- Développeur PHP senior
How a DevSkiller PHP 7 test online works
What makes a DevSkiller PHP 7 test online unique, is that it is driven by the RealLifeTesting™ methodology. This unique testing model allows businesses to present each candidate with a predetermined test environment and then assess their PHP 7 skills in coding, time-management, and problem-solving.
Caractéristiques principales
- DevSkiller PHP 7 tests offer a clearer indication of the candidate’s skill set than algorithm tests
- Remote testing to speed up the recruitment process and save time and money
- RealLifeTesting™ methodology offers a distinct user experience where candidates can use their own IDE or clone to Git. They can also run unit tests and research using Stack Overflow, GitHub, and Google.
- Anti-plagiarism procedures implemented to guarantee trustworthy results
- Results presented in a clear format that the non-technically minded will easily understand
- PHP 7 tests available for all levels of experience
Skills covered in DevSkiller PHP 7 tests online
- Laravel
- PHP 7
- ES6
- JavaScript
- Développement web
- Html
- Mince
- SlimFramework
- modèles de conception
- Expressions régulières
What to look for in a PHP 7 test online candidate
PHP (Personal Home Page) is a script programming language that has been in use since the 1990s. It is mainly focused on server-side scripting and its uses can include, collecting form data, generating dynamic page content, or sending and receiving cookies. PHP can also be used for websites, web applications, and command-line scripting – to address the many other tasks that run in the background on a web server.
Despite a drop in user numbers in recent years and some belief that it is an aging language, PHP is still prevalent in 8 out of every 10 websites accessed on the internet and so it is important to select the right PHP 7 developer.
Qualifications of a PHP 7 developer
Firstly, academic education isn’t as important in a PHP 7 developer, as showing an understanding of computer algorithms, data structures, object-oriented programming, operating systems, quantitative reasoning and web programming. Commercial and open-source experience are the most relevant experience a candidate can have when it comes to PHP 7 developers.
It is essential that a PHP 7 developer possess knowledge of Ajax, jQuery, and MySQL. Furthermore, if they are Full-Stack developers with the ability to use JavaScript, CSS, and HTML to properly code websites, then this is an added bonus as it enables them to repair any mistakes made by a web designer.
If your PHP 7 developer can demonstrate skills in CakePHP (open-source web framework) and PHPUnit (unit testing framework) then this is also useful.
A good PHP 7 developer should also be familiar with the OOP (Object Oriented Programming) concepts which are commonly found in modern programming languages, as well as experience in creating and consuming web services. It is also helpful if your PHP 7 developer is adept when it comes to unit testing framework, handling HTTP requests, parsing JSON, XML, and the use of package installers e.g. composer, pear, pecl, optimizing code for performance etc.
Want more from PHP 7 tests online?
You can adapt DevSkiller PHP 7 tests online to suit the needs of your business. Each PHP 7 test is fully customizable, allowing you to choose the language you assess, to set the difficulty level of each test and to monitor the tests in real-time. You can also set the time-frame of each test to one that suits your needs. Finding the right PHP 7 developer for your business is made simple with DevSkiller PHP 7 tests online.
Want proof that PHP 7 tests online work?
At DevSkiller we understand that investing your company’s money in our PHP 7 tests can be a big decision for any business, so if you’re still unsure, take a look at what our customers have to say:
Patrycja Kiljańska - Spécialiste de l'acquisition de talents chez Spartez
"Nous avons remplacé une solution interne nécessitant beaucoup de maintenance par DevSkiller. Notre processus est le même, mais le produit nous donne de meilleures performances. Les résultats sont également beaucoup plus faciles à évaluer."
Richard Williams - Vice-président de l'ingénierie chez Plutora
"Grâce à l'automatisation de la phase de sélection, nous avons pu réduire le taux d'entretien de 50%. Dans le même temps, la qualité des candidats qui parviennent à l'étape de l'entretien est désormais bien meilleure. DevSkiller ajoute un niveau de qualité supplémentaire à notre processus d'embauche technique"
Ivana Nikolic - Responsable RH chez ImpacTech
"Le plus grand avantage pour les candidats est qu'ils peuvent passer les tests à leur convenance. Si vous avez un candidat qui travaille déjà et qui envisage de changer de carrière ou de changer d'entreprise, c'est aussi un gain de temps pour lui, car il n'a pas besoin de prendre des congés pour assister à de nombreux entretiens dans le cadre de sa recherche d'un nouveau poste".
Questions fréquemment posées
Qu'est-ce que RealLifeTesting ?TM?
The cornerstone of DevSkiller testing is the RealLifeTestingTM methodology. It is a unique method for screening candidates, which simulates the real-world scenarios that your applicants would likely be faced with during the course of their workday. Differing from regular coding challenges or algorithmic puzzles, the RealLifeTestingTM methodology provides a comprehensive understanding of each PHP 7 candidate’s skill level. Candidates are given the chance to demonstrate their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, allowing the successful applicants to be able to stand out from the pack.
How are PHP 7 tests online evaluated?
PHP 7 online tests are evaluated automatically and immediately as soon as the candidate has completed the test or their time has expired, and automated results help to quicken up the whole testing process. Results are then presented in a clear and easy to understand report with an assessment based on the quality of the code provided, whether the solution the candidate came up with would run and how it works in edge cases. DevSkiller also aims to ensure test accuracy by implementing a range of anti-plagiarism tools.
How long does it take to set up a DevSkiller PHP 7 test?
DevSkiller PHP 7 tests online are incredibly simple to set up, meaning you can send your first PHP 7 test in as little as 5 minutes. DevSkiller stores an extensive library of predefined PHP 7 tests meaning that all you need to do is set up your account and start testing candidates straight away.
What is the test duration of a PHP 7 test online?
The duration of a PHP 7 test depends upon your preferences. DevSkiller provides default options, or alternatively you can set the duration to your preferred length of time. The test ends when the candidate has completed the test or when the time lapses. It is also possible to set time limits for individual questions.