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iOS developer interview questions and tests

Recommended roles for iOS developer interview questions and online tests

The iOS developer is one of the most popular positions nowadays, so you may have many CVs from several candidates. Sadly, that doesn’t automatically mean you’ll succeed in finding the right one. To make your work fruitful, you need to ask the right iOS developer interview questions, which allow you to verify whether the candidate is likely to succeed or not.

DevSkiller iOS developer interview questions and tests are designed for programmers who have experience in iOS across all seniority levels. Because they are powered by RealLifeTestingTM methodology, our tests and questions assess all the necessary iOS developers’ skills with tasks resembling everyday work.

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Swift online test for interviewing and screening developers

Abgedeckte Technologien:

Platform: iOS

Programmiersprache: Swift, Objective-C

Werkzeuge bauen: Xcode

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
74 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Schnell, iOS


Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Schnell, iOS

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Schwer

iOS | Swift | Nerd Airlines App - Build an app that is used to find the cheapest route between two given destinations. Implement a graph traversing mechanism to find the cheapest route by filling out the appropriate methods, implement a generic caching mechanism for the given two easter eggs of the app.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
76 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Schnell, iOS


Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Schnell, iOS, MacOS

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Schwer

iOS | Swift | Nerd Airlines App - Build an app that is used to find the cheapest route between two given destinations. Implement a graph traversing mechanism to find the cheapest route by filling out the appropriate methods, implement a generic caching mechanism for the given two easter eggs of the app.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
77 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Schnell, iOS

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Schwer

iOS | Swift | NSA Cipher Tool - Solve the 3 cryptographic puzzles to take the dream position as a programmer in the NSA.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
48 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Schnell, iOS


Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Schnell, Unicode, iOS

Code review task - Level: Medium

iOS | Swift | BookDataAnalyst - Please perform a code review of this code. Pay attention to the quality and compliance with the best practices.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
126 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über iOS, Schnell

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

iOS | Swift | Book Keeper App - Initialize the Core Data Stack, including saving and generic item fetching and implement additional functionality by filling out the missing methods and fixing the UI functionality.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
165 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Schnell, iOS

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Schwer

iOS | Swift | Book Keeper App - Initialize the Core Data Stack to work concurrently, including saving on a background thread and generic item fetching on the main thread; implement additional functionality by filling out the missing methods and fixing the UI functionality so that a user would be able to add or edit Company items and Invoices; implement the search functionality in both views. Lastly, he will need to limit the textField entry appropriately in order to pass the tests.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
55 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über iOS, Schnell

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Leicht

IOS | Swift | Weather App - Build an app which analyzes weather data received from a weather service backend. The candidate must read the JSON file provided, create a data model, parse it and fill out the missing functions to retrieve the required weather conditions from the model.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
80 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über iOS, Schnell

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

iOS | Swift | CoffeHouse Analyst App - Implement the functionality of analising the given data for the management by filling out the missing functions.

Mobile Developer
Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
100 Minuten maximal.

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Schwer

iOS | Swift | Conference App Senior - Implement a network service that is used to interact with the server.

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Schwer

Android | Async call from native to Java via JNI - Provide the missing JNI part of the native-Java communication combo that fulfills the certain requirements.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
70 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Java, Android, iOS

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Leicht

Android | Style Basics - Implement a Style that can be re-used with a number of TextView widgets.

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Leicht

iOS | Swift | Water Power Plant Application - Implement the missing functions in the application for the analysis of data from a hydroelectric power plant.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
72 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Android, iOS

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

Android | Reminder app - Implement missing features in the Reminder application using BroadcastReceivers, Services, Intent scheduling using AlarmManager and Notifications API.

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

iOS | Swift | Students details applicaction - Implement an app maintaining student details in a file and allowing users to query the file in order to retrieve specific data.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
46 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über iOS, Schnell

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Leicht

IOS | Swift | Water Power Plant Application - Implement the missing functions in the application for the analysis of data from a hydroelectric power plant. The candidate must load data from a text file, find the least efficient turbines, recalculate the efficiency of the turbines from minute to hours, and determine the right colour for the turbine based on its performance.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
40 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über iOS

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

iOS | Swift | Students details applicaction - Implement an app maintaining student details in a file and allowing users to query the file in order to retrieve specific data.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
75 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über iOS

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Schwer

iOS | Objective-C | Data transmitter application - Fix Data Transmitter Application by returning processing data and returning it in a correct format.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
62 Minuten maximal.


eine Programmieraufgabe zu lösen, bei der es um einen XML-zu-CSV-Konverter geht, der in Schnell

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Schnell und iOS im Allgemeinen.

The right iOS interview questions and online tests to screen iOS developers

Recommended roles for iOS interview questions and online tests

  • iOS-Entwickler
  • Mobile developer
  • Objective C developer
  • Junior mobile developer
  • Senior mobile developer
  • Mobile app developer
  • Swift developer
  • Junior iOS developer
  • Senior iOS developer

How our iOS interview questions work

Powered by the RealLifeTestingTM methodology, DevSkiller iOS interview questions and online tests will help you find the most qualified iOS developers. Our online tests go further than assessing your candidate’s academic ability by placing them in real-world scenarios and asking them to build or add new features to an application using the different technologies of iOS. Test iOS developers in both Objective-C & Swift within a single test and determine their coding ability, business logic, and time-management.

Wesentliche Merkmale

  • Test software development skills and not just academic knowledge
  • Convenient remote testing that can be taken anywhere, anytime
  • The RealLifeTestingTM methodology creates a better user experience and allows candidates to develop software, using their own IDE, clone to GIT, access Stack Overflow/Github/Google for research, and run unit tests.
  • Strenge Anti-Plagiats-Tools, die die Genauigkeit der Tests gewährleisten
  • Automated test results that non-technical recruiters can understand
  • Tests available for junior, middle and senior iOS developers

What to look for in an iOS developer

iOS is the operating system for most Apple products outside of their computers. Initially conceived to power the iPhone, Apple has used this operating system to power several other devices, including the iPad, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. When you talk about an iOS Developer, you’re actually talking about a developer who uses one or both languages, which are proprietary to iOS – Objective-C and Swift.

iOS developers who have experience in projects such as Bluetooth, local databases, and working with location services is a positive sign. Another huge plus is if they’ve developed an app that can be verified on the iOS app store. Experience in another programming language such as C++ is also a good sign. Finally, first-hand experience with a specific platform (e.g. Apple Watch) is an excellent indication of a qualified candidate.

Skills covered in our iOS interview questions

  • iOS
  • Objektiv-C
  • Schnell
  • Ulkit
  • Swift 4
  • Unicode
  • Core Data
  • Concurrency
  • C,
  • Java
  • JNI
  • UI

Erstellen Sie Ihre eigenen benutzerdefinierten Tests

Want to test iOS developers with your own custom test? No problem. The DevSkiller task wizard allows you to build custom tests using your own codebase. Find the perfect candidate with our iOS interview questions and online tests, that can be taken anywhere in the world, any time.

Want proof that our iOS developer interview questions work?

It is understandable to be a little apprehensive when deciding whether to invest your company’s money in our screening tool. After all, DevSkiller testing is different from the conventional developer tests you might have encountered before. We’re so confident in our iOS developer interview questions, that we’re happy to let our past clients do the talking for us:

Ivana Nikolic - Personalleiter bei ImpacTech

"Der größte Vorteil für die Bewerber ist, dass sie die Tests nach eigenem Ermessen durchführen können. Wenn ein Bewerber bereits arbeitet und über einen Berufswechsel oder einen Wechsel zu einem anderen Unternehmen nachdenkt, spart er ebenfalls Zeit, da er sich nicht freinehmen muss, um an zahlreichen Vorstellungsgesprächen für eine neue Stelle teilzunehmen."

Julien Gauthiez - Manager für Talentakquise EMEA bei Criteo

“We use DevSkiller in 15 locations around our 3 regions (US/APAC/EMEA). We have 7 frequent users in TA (recruiters) across our regions, and our technical hiring manager users rotate depending on current needs. More than 30 have logged into the platform once to review an assignment or create a test.”

Olga Berger – Lead Recruiter & Sourcing Specialist at CodeValue

“DevSkiller is easy to use and friendly.”

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Was ist RealLifeTestingTM?

If you’re wondering what makes DevSkiller testing so unique, it is that we implement the RealLifeTestingTM methodology into our iOS developer interview questions. RealLifeTestingTMworks on the premise that the best way to assess a developer’s skills is by recreating their work environment and setting them challenges based on that simulation. That’s exactly what RealLifeTestinTM is, a simulated version of a developer’s everyday reality.

Instead of asking developer candidates to recite coding patterns and algorithms that they might not have used in years, we ask them to simply carry out the kind of work they are used to doing and will be doing in the role and then assess them based on their actual development skills. It sounds like it should be an obvious way to test developers, but up until now, this hasn’t been the case.

DevSkiller iOS developer interview questions offer recruiters a comprehensive understanding of an applicant’s skill level. The successful candidates are those who demonstrate a clear understanding of iOS, who best utilize resources like Stack Overflow, and who possess the critical thinking skills required to deal with the challenges faced

Muss ich ein Programmierer sein, um DevSkiller zu benutzen?

We don’t expect you to be an expert in iOS, we have our own experts for that. Our developers have made our iOS developer interview questions as simple and as automated as possible to take the pressure off recruiters. This means you don’t have to be an expert iOS developer to be able to hire one. Our tests accurately verify the technical skills of the candidates screened on your behalf. Not only that, but the assessment is automatic meaning once a test is completed, an automated, non-technical report is produced to let you know how well the candidate has performed.

Wie legen die Bewerber einen Test ab?

In-house testing can be time-consuming. The great thing about DevSkiller iOS developer interview questions is that they can be accessed remotely. Send out a test invite to your developer candidates wherever they may be and they can take the test and send it back to you. This means that the candidates can take the tests whenever is convenient for them and automatic evaluation makes it convenient for you too. Time-limits for how long a test link is active can even be set to make sure you’re not left waiting around for the results.

When it comes to taking our iOS developer interview questions, candidates have the option to use our own state of the art in-browser IDE, or if they would rather, they can complete the project on their favorite IDE and then clone the project to GIT afterward. Much like with their real development work, candidates can run unit tests to ensure their solutions are working the way they’re supposed to. Once they have completed the test or the time has elapsed, a progress report on how they did is sent to the recruiter

What’s the test duration?

DevSkiller’s iOS developer interview questions are flexible when it comes to duration. This can be set depending on your preferences. Our task wizard comes with predefined tests that have default settings including duration. However, you have the option to set your own test duration if you would prefer. It is even possible to set time limits for individual questions within a test.