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Scala interview questions and tests

In order to assess Scala coding skills, you need an objective process based on tests that mirror the first day of work as closely as possible. DevSkiller Scala interview questions can assess your candidates accurately and remotely.

Some HR managers are still screening their candidates using whiteboard tests. These tests are outdated and shouldn’t be treated as valid indicators of performance. Automatically assessed developer testing is the future.

There are many features of our Scala developer tests you may find useful. For example, you can ask your candidate to take a picture of themselves to be sure that that they are not cheating. Also, you can have an online interview on the platform using the code pair feature, which allows you to get a feeling of what it’s like to work with your candidates.

Devskiller’s Scala coding tests are developed by experts in the Scala language. The tests are designed specifically to check the competence of your candidates.

Related coding tests:
Akka online coding tests & interview questions

Abgedeckte Technologien:

Programmiersprache: Scala

Build tool: sbt

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
102 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Scala, Funktionale Programmierung

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Schwer

Scala | Akka Streams | IoT Data Streaming - Define a time-based aggregator for a stream of data from IoT sensors.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
66 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Scala

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Leicht

Scala | Spark | ML Logs Transformer - Complete the implementation of the logs' transformation pipeline.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
96 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Scala

Programmieraufgabe - Level: Leicht

Scala | ScalaCalc - math library - Extend the functionality of the geometry module by implementing polygon operations.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
88 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Scala, Akka, Scala-Akteure

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

Scala | Headers parser | Prepare the simple Scala parser.

Geprüfte Fähigkeiten
76 Minuten maximal.

Fragen zur Auswahl

Bewertung der Kenntnisse über Scala, Akka, Scala-Akteure

Programmieraufgabe - Niveau: Mittel

Scala | Akka | TCP Stream Messages - Implement client handler for TCP stream messages, process them and send back result to the sender and databaseSaverActor.

Scala interview questions and tests

DevSkiller prepares Scala online tests to assist in recruiting the right Scala developer for your business. Our tests are specially formulated to assess a developer’s Scala code and skill using the Scala program. We test for all levels of experience.

DevSkiller implements the RealLifeTesting™ methodology to filter out the best candidates for the role. RealLifeTesting™ is an advanced concept designed to replicate the real-life scenarios a Scala developer might encounter in their working day. Candidates are assessed on their reactions to the given problem. This results in a thorough screening process. DevSkiller testing makes finding your next Scala developer easy.

Recommended roles for Scala interview questions and tests

  • Junior Scala developer
  • Middle Scala developer
  • Senior Scala developer
  • Java-Entwickler
  • Python-Entwickler
  • Software developer
  • Spark developer
  • Scala engineer
  • Application developer
  • Software engineer

How DevSkiller Scala interview questions and tests work

Our Scala coding questions are powered by the RealLifeTesting ™ methodology. A uniquely designed testing system set up to replicate the real working environment of a developer working with the Scala language.

Developer candidates are presented with challenges based on the kinds of work they usually encounter every day. This allows recruiters to accurately assess a candidate’s time-management skills, problem-solving ability, and Scala coding skills. And all during the initial screening stage.

DevSkiller testing is efficient, time-saving, and cost-effective. It can save your company countless hours of in-house testing.

Wesentliche Merkmale

  • Test Scala coding ability and not just academic ability
  • Save time and money with remote testing
  • The RealLifeTesting methodology offers a unique testing platform where candidates can opt to use their own IDE, clone to Git, run unit tests, and access Stack Overflow, Github and Google for research.
  • Effective anti-plagiarism tools automatically scan content to assure test accuracy
  • Tests can be monitored in real-time
  • Automatically generated non-technical results
  • Tests range from senior-level developer down to junior Scala developer positions.

Skills covered in our Scala interview questions and tests

  • Datentechnik
  • Datenwissenschaft
  • ETL
  • Scala
  • Funke
  • Funktionale Programmierung
  • Akka
  • Scala-Akteure

What to look for in a Scala developer

It can be incredibly difficult to find a good Scala engineer. The language has a more complicated syntax than Java or C#, resulting in a particularly steep learning curve that can put many developers off. Our Scala interview questions and tests go a long way to helping you in that regard. However, it will be very helpful if you know what to look out for.

Scala is a general-purpose programming language providing support for functional programming. It is a pure object oriented language that is similar to Java. It is a statically typed language.

The language is mainly used in the backend development of concurrent Scala applications. The key advantages of Scala over other languages are that it is much less error-prone and can perform more kinds of tasks than languages with more basic type systems. While other languages only work with one or two programming styles, Scala works with all three- functional, object-oriented, and imperative programming. This means that a developer working only with Scala can perform more types of tasks without having to switch to a different programming environment.

Scala uses the same runtime environment as Java, meaning a developer can use Scala libraries for Java applications and Java libraries for Scala applications. This gives Scala experts a huge advantage over other developers because they can access the incredibly large and diverse Java ecosystem.

To find a good Scala engineer you are really looking for the elite. Due to its complexity, Scala developers often possess official certificates to prove their aptitude in the language.

Otherwise, you can expect they’ll know about pattern matching, as Scala has a built-in general pattern-matching mechanism. They should also possess knowledge of case classes, which are unique to Scala.

Due to Scala‘s compatibility with the Java libraries, your candidate should be familiar with the Java open source libraries and be able to tell you which ones they prefer to use. They should also be able to show commercial experience they have gained within the past 2 years and be able to describe the technologies in which they have a functional and working knowledge.

Want to customize Scala interview questions and tests?

DevSkiller Scala tests are completely adaptable and can be customized to suit your company’s requirements. Our tests come programmed with default settings, but if you want to go one further, you can choose the programming language being assessed and the amount of time each test will take to complete. All while monitoring tests in real-time.

Want proof that our Scala interview questions and tests work?

Knowing the best way to invest your business’s money can be a heavy burden, particularly if you’re not personally familiar with the ins and outs of technical development. Don’t take our word for it, have a look at what our clients have to say:-

Richard Williams - Vizepräsident für Technik bei Plutora

“Thanks to automating the screening stage, we were able to reduce the interview rate by 50%. At the same time, the quality of candidates who make it to the interview stage is now much greater. DevSkiller adds an extra layer of quality to our technical hiring process”

Olga Berger – Lead Recruiter & Sourcing Specialist at CodeValue

“DevSkiller is easy to use and friendly.”

Victoria Cyczewska - Spezialist für Talentakquise bei Stepstone Services

"Wir haben jetzt ein Tool, mit dem wir nicht nur gemeinsam Tests zur Bewertung der technischen Fähigkeiten erstellen können, die wir für unser Wachstum benötigen, sondern auch intern und extern (mit den Bewerbern) kommunizieren können. Außerdem ist unser technischer Rekrutierungsprozess jetzt besser strukturiert. So nutzen wir beispielsweise die Ergebnisse unserer technischen Tests als Gesprächsanlass bei technischen Interviews."

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Was ist RealLifeTesting?

The RealLifeTesting methodology is the foundation of our Scala interview questions and tests. The program is designed to simulate the kinds of real, everyday scenarios that a Scala developer would likely encounter in their daily work. This unique form of developer testing allows recruiters to gain a comprehensive understanding of an applicant’s skill set. The weaker candidates will be identified and eliminated. Only those most adept are able to demonstrate the understanding and knowledge required to be able to progress through to the next stage.

Wie lange dauert es, DevSkiller einzurichten?

Setting up DevSkiller Scala interview questions and tests takes no time at all. Once you have created your account, tests can be ready to send out to candidates in as little as 5 minutes. DevSkiller’s database stores an extensive library of Scala interview questions, meaning all you need to do is send out the test invites.

What do you do about plagiarism?

We want to be sure that our results can be trusted. The advantage of the DevSkiller model is that our Scala interview questions and tests are assessed automatically. The DevSkiller testing platform implements strict anti-plagiarism tools to ensure test authenticity. Various checks can be carried out, including screen tests to see if the candidate is looking at a different screen while carrying out their test. DevSkiller can also automatically cross-reference the code each candidate has entered with answers given by previous candidates to see if there is a match.